Despite the inevitable complaints, this set of changes are pretty reasonable, of course with some exceptions. Of course, decompression and moving strong vehicles UP is always desirable compared to moving weak vehicles DOWN, but what we have received is acceptable for the most part.
However, when you move a plane down in BR, make sure that every aspect of that vehicle is appropriate for the lower BR, not just the whole package. This means that the manoeuvrability, speed, energy generation, weaponry, etc… have to be appropriate for that BR and NOT the combination alltogether. Vehicles with poor flight performance and advanced missiles might look like they need to be moved down in BR since the plane as a whole package is not very good, but the missiles themselves are far too strong, and so every interaction involving that plane at its lower BR is unfair. In the process of balancing the plane, you have had to introduce a completely unbalanced missile.
The main problem for me is the family of Su-25 attackers with the R-73 missile being moved down. This is arguably the strongest short range IR missile in the game, and it now exists on the Su-25BM at 11.0, while we have vehicles at 10.7, 0.3 BR STEPS LOWER that completely lack countermeasures. Yes, in order to make these attackers balanced in air RB, such a low BR is required, however you are introducing a missile that is blatantly unfair to that matchmaker. It is far more desirable to just leave these attackers in a fairly weak state, they were never meant to be competent in the realm of air combat - the missiles were simply a defence mechanism for them while they performed their CAS role.
Most of the other BR changes are good, however.
The F-14A IRIAF, even after being moved to 12.7, is still absolutely pervasive, and it is ridiculous that vehicles with four sector RWRs with no launch warning (i.e. SPO-10) should have to face what is undeniably the strongest ARH missile at long ranges in the game. This plane at 12.7 is indefensible, moving it to 13.0 is absolutely the correct decision. HOWEVER, I do think that at 13.0, it could receive some stronger IR missiles, as could the F-14B
The Su-22 family, F-16D Barak II, Tornado F.3 Late and MiG-27s are all vehicles that are a little weak and have competitors at lower BRs that outperform them. Moving them down is completely logical. However, I dont think the Tornado can ever be fully balanced for the same reason that the Su-25 cannot be - in order to balance the plane, the missile would have to be UNbalanced. 13.0 is completely okay tho.
The two Fw-190 A-5s moving to 4.3 is completely reasonable. They were not particularly great at 4.7 and definitely will not be game breaking at 4.3.
The F-4C, J35D and Su-17M2 all desperately needed to go down in BR since these vehicles were at 10.3+ without countermeasures. Consider appliyng the same logic to all vehicles without countermeasures in this BR range.
The J35A is quite rare and is difficult to fly, so it wont be pervasive at 9.3, but it does have quite a lot of potential when flown correctly. The speed is inappropriate for 9.3 but unfortunately this BR region is simply too compressed to balance such a plane.
The Mirage 2000C-S5 was strong at its BR, and with the significant countermeasure buff it has over the C-S4, it makes sense to put it at 12.7, although I dont think this was desperately needed.
The MiG-21SMT and MiG-21MFs were some of the strongest 10.7s, and moving them down doesnt make a lot of sense. They are reasonably well equipped and have strong flight performance. Yes, they are worse than the J-7D, but this is because the J-7D is undertiered, not because they are overtiered.
And finally, the F-16A. This is arguably one of the best flight models in the game, however it only has IR missiles, and ones without IRCCM at that. Because of this, it isnt particularly pervasive and thus I dont think it will become a problem at 12.3, but think about the 11.3 vehicles who have to come up against this. Yes, it is unpleasant with only AIM-9Ls, but the flight performance simply becomes too strong if you try to move it down to combat this.
This isnt a list. This is feedback.