Tiger II H (Ground RB), 6.7 → 7.0
I think it would be better to move most 13.0+ planes up in BR, rather than moving a 4th gen with HMD, R-73s, and R-27ERs to 12.7.
The Mig-21Bison is 12.3 with only 2 R-73s and R-27Rs.
This is still preferable to the IRIAF being left at 12.7 so it can still face 11.7-12.0 jets in downtiers that have no business facing a fakour.
Not necessarily.
Turn 90 degrees and go cold and you’ve avoided the Fakour/Phoenix.
Exactly. Two Fakours vs. 4, 6 or 8 AMRAAMS on a single aircraft x12 planes. Do the math.
I’m aware. I want him to realize that when he asks for F20 at 12.0 when the F-4S is already the best 12.0 jet.
Neat! Now about all the aircraft that faces it rn that can’t see it on rwr?
F20 must be 12.0
Surprised that it never had the interceptor spawn, it NEEDS it.
Absolutely not. And the A-10As should go back down.
There is no plane at 11.7 without RWR. On top of this, they all have countermeasures. There’s no reason they won’t suffer against an F-4S or F-16, but they would against an IRIAF. It’s frankly nonsense.
I disagree.
Moving them down will just ruin 8.0-10.0 even more.
ooh ooh! and the F-4C should be 9.0! and the F-14 IRIAF should be 12.0! How about the ariete jet goes to 8.7? Sea vixen to 7.7?
??? Are you REALLY not aware that not every rwr picks up every missile?
That’s too low in my opinion.
Worse than the F-16A (which should be 12.7), but better than many 12.0 planes.
Trash take, better than the best 12.0 already is
Moving them up more makes them already even more unplayable. If they arent getting a forward spawn like they were suppose to, then can go back down. Stop flying directly at them and they aren’t a threat.
Now how about the RWR of the IRIAF that has no launch warnings, massive blindspots, and can’t identify any aircraft?
That’s not true.
Not the one with wings. That could go up even.