Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

Definitely not facing me. My poor little Aim-9Ps were useless. If I was lucky I’d get one gun kill every 10 or 15 matches. I don’t think one aircraft getting one or two Fakour kills per match is “overperforming”. Once players figured out how to dodge them the number of Fakour kills per match dropped off significantly. There’s no hope to ever finish spading this aircraft at all against AMRAAMS when all you’ve got is crappy Sparrows and rear-aspect IR missiles.

Your experience, as fogged and obscure as it could be (human memory is bad), is not fully representative of an aircraft’s performance. The IRIAF just farms when even halfway ok ppl play it. It also doesn’t have any business facing 11.7 at all.

Ground Realistic Battles, YAK 9K, 4.0 > 5.0 or above

Its way too overpowered and it destroys every plane and tanks with its powerful cannons.


Yes. I think the Gepard 1a2s and the link should also go up to 9.7

Also they can combat helis easily.

Chinese top tier mbts supposed to be in a lower tier like 11.7.they are hard to use in 12.0 top tier battles.they can back to 12.0 in the future upgrades,but now they should be in lower tiers before they are buffed.


1a2 is 9.7

Mode: Ground Realistic Battles
Vehicle: Lvrbv 701
9.7 > 9.3
Reasoning: The Lvrbv 701 is severely outclassed by most other SPAAs at its BR, with its only advantage being range. However, it struggles to make use of said range, as it lacks any means of easily detecting aircraft. It is best used against helicopters, but at 9.7, it starts facing helicopters that can hover close to its maximum range. This wouldn’t be an issue if it carried a search radar or IRST, but having to visually identify targets makes it significantly harder to use. Additionally, it is entirely outranged by helicopters in any sort of uptier, which, at 9.7, is not uncommon.

When faced with planes, it once again suffers due to its inability to quickly spot them. The Lvrbv 701’s poor turret traverse and limited elevation angles make it ineffective against most aircraft it will face, as they either climb too high or stay too low and close to be targeted efficiently.

When compared to SPAAs at its BR it is mediocre at best, when compared to anything higher BR it is entirely obsolete. With several other SAMs already found at lower BRs, I do not believe lowering the Lvrbv 701’s BR will suddenly make it broken, simply slightly more useable. You will still have to rely on eyeballs mk1 to spot and engage targets.

Additionally, at 9.3 it would fit much nicer into a lineup, as currently the Strf 9040B is the only other 9.7 ground vehicle Sweden has access to, ignoring premiums.


No. Ignorant (I want to say far worse words) take.

Oh so it got moved up finally

Unless they fix the problems with 99A, WZ1001, VT-4A1, they should be at a lower BR.

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This has been the case for a year minimum

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Allready long ago

It is still true, especially if there are any trees or hills you have to climb over at the end of the runway.

Fly an Mi-24D or A vs me in any stinger vehicle. Trust me. I’ll win

AMX-10P has a lot more armor protecting it from aircraft guns, its a big upgrade.

Realistic tank battles. F111C. 11.7 ->11.0. the plane is worse than a tornado in every way and has only four guided bombs.

“Cool, BR changes, lets see how sim meta will change.”

Oh, right, they forgot sim exists yet again.

  • Air sim battles, Su27/33. 13.3 > 13.0. Su 27/33 is not capable of fighting at this BR with the rest of jets using Fox3 missiles or just having a better flight model or radar which makes SU27/33 a dead plane (at current BR brackets you are only fighting 13.3+). At 13.3 you get su 34 or MIG 29 SMT capable of carrying FOX3 missiles and with better radar. This is my opinion, USSR main, SIM air battles player.

Yea I am very disappointed but not surprised that 2S38 did not appear on the BR change list, it’s one of the most requested BR bump vehicle for the longest time but still no response from the snail

I will literally hover at my max atgm range and kill you instantly lmao