Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

Ground RB, T-72B 10.3 > 10.0

  1. Currently both T-72B and T-72B (89) share the same BR making one of them redundant at a BR filled with better premium options.
  2. Currently 10.0 line up has no MBT. 2S25M and Su-25 are the only vehicles with said BR and can’t leverage it to their advantage by either being uptiered to 10.3 or uptiering 9.3-9.7 vehicles.
  3. T-72B with its Kontakt-1 is an iconic vehicle for post-Soviet warfare landscape. But it’s being overshadowed in the game by stronger options: T-72B (89), T-80UD, T-72AV.
  4. Kontakt-1 would see more play vs weapon systems it can actually defeat.

I don’t care about the Eurofighter still having bugs. I mean that an F-4F KWS LV, for example, is simply much worse than a Eurofighter, and facing them in full uptier is simply unbalanced.

I can show video evidence, with a ircm active, flares launching, and being at 2.3 miles, I was hit by a Fim-92

Ground Realistic Battles

Decompress from BR 6.0 > 8.0
Its not fair how Cold war tanks are going up against WW2 tanks.

For example: IS 3 goes up against M551 Sheridan


The Event plane A-7K in ARB from 11.3 → 10.7
It should not be at same br as the f5e ocu with 4 all espect missiles and a ten times better flightmodel. It IS roughly equal to the Amx in the italian trew with 2 aim9ls and a Vulcan. I


That’s understandable, but you got to think of different situations like brawling, watching a road and sniping.

For RB

VT-4A1 12.0 → 11.3
Currently, this tank as implemented is comparable if not worse than its predecessor, Al-Khalid/MBT-2000, with the exception that it has an APS. APS should not warrant an entire BR increase.

ZTZ99A, WZ1001(E) LCT - 12.0 → 11.7
These tanks, while having good mobility, have huge weakspots that are much larger than their Russian counterparts and also have worse firepower. 577mm of penetration coupled with a 7.1 second reload is worse than the BVM and the T-90M.

Ariete, Ariete PSO, Ariete AMV 11.7/12.0 → 11.0
There is no way this thing, especially the AMV, should be at the same BR as Strv 122s or the 2A7. This is hilarious.

Leclerc S1, Leclerc S2, Leclerc SXXI, Leclerc AZUR 12.0 → 11.7
Worse than the Abrams, now that the Abrams also has a 5 second reload. The Leclerc has even bigger weakspots compared to the Abrams and fires a worse sabot.

All Challenger 2s with the exception of the BN, TD, and 2E 11.7 → 11.3

BN, 2E 12.0 → 11.7
Worse than their counterparts at the same BR.

All Merkava Mk.4s 12.0 → 11.7
Subpar armor and mobility, should not be at the same BR as 2A7 or Strv 122.


you are aware there is multiple other stinger slingers on 9.3 ?

besides that stingers have a realy limitied range and lock helis badly, they are normaly not even realy effective against helis if you dont try do use dumb rockets.
If you use ATGMS they literaly cant reach you more often then not

J-11A ARB 13.7->13.3

It is objectively worse in every way to the Su-27SM except for MAWS, it is the worst 13.7 and has been desperately drowning with all the new powercreep.


friendly reminder, only one proposition per post

Objectively, yes it does. It looses all of its advantages and is just a Piece of Garbage. Their is no reason to bring it over an M4A2(75). 3.3 might be acceptable, but given where the Panzers sit, it honestly is fine at 3.0. Again, maybe 3.3.


HELL NAH, u cant do this, the plane sucks for 13.0 give it better missiles and more countermeasures or else…

Sure! Too bad the issue is you found the fluke instead of the average lock… literally go play any stinger vehicle and try to lock onto a heli, go ahead, try it!

Then why is a Su-25T, which also has R-73 and even 2 extra missiles, at a lower BR? Also, I know attackers shouldn’t be good at air to air combat, but the Su-25SM3 is absolutely useless compared to other attackers. And it’s about being balanced, not realism.

IS-3 is definitely a cold war tank but otherwise I agree.

maybe say which plane u are talking about

Because gaijin is not capable of making intelligent decisions regarding BRs. I also disagree with this being that low in air RB.

You didn’t even mention the plane, but assuming its the IRIAF you are just coping and upset your stomper is going up

i mean the m18 got a pretty big engine upgrade (un-nerf) so the acceleration is much better and can flank more efficiently, honestly i thin its good where it is.

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