Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

Air RB
Wyvern S4
4.3 > 4.7
Reason: Too overpowered for both bombing and dogfighting, fits well in both roles.


The mobility and much faster RPM make it much more dangerous

J6K1. 6.7 > 6.3 (or 6.0). Outperformed in all metrics by the 6.3 P-51H, which boasts superior speed, climb rate, and maneuverability. The J6K1’s 6x20mm cannons fail to compensate for its poor flight performance, sluggish acceleration, and lackluster energy retention, making it uncompetitive at its current BR.


2.0 → 2.3
Although a rather large, lumbering vehicle, the Ka-Chi also boasts superior armor to the Chi-Ha and Chi-He, its contemporary medium tanks. It also has a decent boost in survivability due to the large internal volumes, and (if equipped) the pontoons’ ability to prematurely detonate some APHE shells.


Mobility? Its slower than the AMX and has less armor so unlike the AMX it can be frontally 7.62 killed and they have the same rpm

Go look at their engine HP and weight

Ayit, ARB
9.3 → 9.7+
Very capable with good climb rate, countermeasures and RWR at a BR where its contemporaries have none and some of the highest G missiles at its tier, with most of the missiles being guaranteed kills.
It easily can handle supersonics with 18G missiles, and at its current battle rating most players average 4-6 kills per match.


oh god! We need decompression, not another compression! I’m tired to play 9.3 planes almost constantly against 10.3 planes and you wanna add even more planes to this pool.
Move planes UP not DOWN

Nou :(

Ground RB
Reason: No unmanned turret, low spike ammo, vulnerable to .50 cal, ineffective APS



Air RB
BR: 12.7 > 12.3
It doesn’t have that good performance for it airframe & missile, to give it 13.0, and when other jets around are going down, it is better to lower it.

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Just comparing with L-62, for AMX the APHE is the largest advantages, which can easily kill panzer IV or T34 by only one shot

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Air Realistic Battles Ayit 9.3 > 9.7/10.0
At a mere 9.3 the ayit carries 4 almost always unavoidable missiles with good range along with flares which is extremely unfair. It is quite nimble for an attacker and doesn’t rip its’ wings after the changes last year. Regardless of it’s turning/speed it is simply too good at third partying with its missiles. Every player I’ve seen using this vehicle has a very high kill/death ratio for good reason.


They literally just moved it down from 13.3 because it was god awful…

Mirage IIIE
10.7 → 10.3

Worse or equal to the MiG-21SMT, Bricky airframe and only 3 missiles, logically should go down alongside the MiG-21’s.


Blame compression. Ion is right in the long term, the issue is short term gaijin thinking they can lower everything to 13.0 and it’ll be fine.

realistic, kfir canard. 11.0 → 10.7. reduces frequency of games with MiG-23ML’s with radar and missiles on the J-band which the kfir simply cannot detect (no radar pings, frequent deaths without any way of knowing or countering the missile). there still will be games with full uptiers but the mix of uptiers and downtiers will make playing more engaging. thanks in advance.


Yeah if you actually get a downtier, again it has no lineup so the people using it are either uptiering the LVKV to 5.0 or are upteiring their 4.0 tanks to 4.3 and now 4.7, it completely removes any form of usable spaa from the 4.0 lineup by making it 4.7 where nobody will use it.

T-62, ground realistic
The only good thing about this is the 3bm3 round that only penetrates 15mm more than the 3bm25. Sure 3bm4 has good penetration against sloped armor, but at the same time it likes to “ricochet” if the armor is sloped more than 77°. It also doesn’t have range finder and smoke grenades, so it’s on par with the T-55A. The lack of heavy machine gun is also disadvantageous.


I don’t agree with this. The Tzefa B is indeed better than the helicopters you listed, but i think those helicopters should rather go down in BR rather than having the Tzefa B go up. The reason is becasue it lacks any kind of CCIP, and it’s missiles have a maximum range of 3.75km. This range is however a bit misleading because it is VERY hard to hit a moving vehicle at that range due to how much the missile starts to wobble uncontrollably at around max range.

Not to mention, the Mi-24A and D both have better missiles (4km, less wobble), full CCIP for everything AND countermeasures, and both of those are at 8.7.