Ground AB, E.B.R. (1951). 4.3 > 4.0 : useless gun at its BR and no line-up to bring with it.
Air RB
F-20A 12.7 → 12.3
F-20A was created as a cheaper, lower performance alternative to the F-16, and is generally a worse aircraft across the board. Its extremely limited number of countermeasures, low number of (good) missiles, bad RWR and lack of HMD make it wholly outclassed fighting many 12.7s as well as the 13.7s it faces as 12.7 always is always uptiered.
whats trb?
R2Y2 V1 V2 and V3, should be 7.3 in Air RB and Air SB (same for all cause of very similar performance).
They have 840-860kph top speed at sl, 29 m/s climb at sl and 20 min fuel, and sustained turn rate of 16°/s. for comparison F-80 has 880kph top speed at sl, 26m/s climb and 17°/s sustained. Kikka at 6.7 has 19°/s sustained. Performance wise R2Y2 are clearly at 7.0 level, not higher. due to still strong guns (despite velocity nerf) and good instantenous turn they should be 7.3 and putting them higher is obviously against logical analysis of it’s performance and armament.
Removing them will decrease amount of stats you (Gaijin) gather, so the obviously bad performance of this plane won’t be represented in your data, so it likely will never change brs again. This time is good opportunity to fix that.
Ground AB & RB, MEPHISTO. 8.7 > 9.0 with the addition of HOT-3 missiles it historically carried : really similar to the chinese AFT-09 which is literally a copy of it. Moving it also at 9.0 allows it to be a good support for the 9.3 lineup. There are already 4 ground vehicles at 8.7 at the moment and none at 9.0 in the french tree.
This is a horrible suggestion considering that it only gets 2xAIM-9Es, has no viable head on advantage against aircraft with SARH and all aspect IR missiles, is totally reliant on its guns and on enemies inexperienced enough to turnfight it and can be outrun and outclimbed by almost every supersonic it will face. The flares argument is irrelevant considering that unless it faces a full downtier, it will almost always be facing fighters that also carry flares and puts it on a more or less equal footing with them in terms of defensive countermeasures with a few exceptions like the J35XS. I’ve been able to lock F-5Cs and F-5Es without problem in every aspect using R-60MKs in the Finnish MiG-21bis. Getting a successful hit of course is dependent on the other player’s awareness.
If this gets uptiered any further, it’ll suffer from the same problems that the late model Zeros have in the Japanese tree.
The real problem is overall compression from 7.7 to top tier. Singling out any one fighter is not the solution.
Switch places between the F-100D and the Alpha Jet E in the french tech tree, respectively a fighter in the attacker line and an attacker in the fighter line… Moreover it seems logical to me for the super saber to be after an other sabre and before the F-8 which is literally based on the F-100.
Mode : Ground RB
Tank : R3 T20 FAHS
Change : 6.0 → 6.3 (needs to be given its full stabilization for main gun. As that would be balanced at the br with its penetration and mobility on top of only seeing 5.3 in a down tier and 7.3 in a up tier)
The french (dutch) sea fury needs to be moved in the benelux line of the tech tree.
chill bro J35A only has AIM-9B its not a high performance or high g missile
For Realistic Battles
(Japan) UH-1B, AB 205 A-1
From 7.7 to 7.3
They only have small caliber rockets, no missiles, so they can’t do anything spectacular.
Switch places in the japanese tech tree between the Yugumo and the Hatsuharu, because the Hatsuharu is a downgrade of this previous ship in almost every way.
F-14B- add AIM-9M, or reduce BR to 12.7
but its opposite day
It seems Decompression isn’t a word in his inventory…
F-14A Early - Add AIM-9L
F-14s all need loadout changes f-14a aim 9L, f-14b aim 9m, f-14A Iran R-73
Realistic, U-SH 204 GK. 5.3 > 4.3/4.7
The swedish U-SH 204 GK sits at a battle rating of 5.3 and it is only a sidegrade to the british Ystervark which sits at 4.0.
The Ystervark has better max speed and horsepower.
The U-SH only gets armor which can protect itself from rifle calibre munitions from longer distances (100 m+) at a tier where most planes have guns with higher penetration and it has higher capacity belts at 200 instead of 75 for the Ystervark.
10.0 → 9.7
Compared to other vehicles with Fire-and-Forget missiles, the QN-506 is sorely lacking in one major feature: mobility. Unlike contemporaries with FnF missiles (e.g. Freccia), the QN-506 is unable to get into advantageous positions to make good use of its missiles.
Moreover, the inability to fire the QN-502 missiles in so many conditions means the vehicle is only left with its autocannon and some weak, borderline useless 70mm QN201 missiles to defend itself. In essence, it is a T-54/Type 59 armed with just a 30 mm cannon which can sometimes use missiles opportunistically except on the largest open maps.
Additionally, the QN506 may have some added survivability due to the isolated and unmanned turret, but almost every single hit to the weapon compartment leads to the detonation of the entire ammunition stock, leaving the vehicle “mission-killed”.
Mode :Air RB
Aircraft : F16A ADF
Change : 12.7 ->13.3 (with addition of Aim120s as it had IRL. so it isn’t just another F16 clubbing 11.7s)