Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

11.3 > 10.7
Too low count of APFSDS
It should be a Light tank with full apfsds possible or be lower in BR


Air AB, French Mystere IVA. 9.0 > 8.7 : it has no IR missiles, no afterburner and worst aerodynamics compare to the Super Mystere B2 which is also 9.0. The 30mm canons are good but 8.0 F-86s have better flight performance and its energy retention is terrible. The comparison is even worse with a 8.3 Javelin or Scimitar which have better firepower AND flight caracteristics !

Same thing for the Israeli one.


Not because of CMs but because of old rwr and slow radar, for SIM it’s crucial

Air AB, Mystere IIC. 8.7 → 8.3 : same issues than its big brother but with even worst flight performances, especially acceleration.


For Realistic Battles

Hkp 9A (FC)
From 9.7 to 9.3
The Hkp 9A (FC) has a BR of 9.7, exactly the same as the AH-1F. However, the Hkp 9A (FC) has no IRCM, no autocannon, and only 4 TOW-2s, half of the 8 TOW-2s the AH-1F has. Compared to the French Gazelle (which is more maneuverable and has AAM), there is no reason for this to be at 9.7.


J35A 9.7 -x-> 9.3

Korean War jets should stay at an mostly uninterrupted Battlerating without having battles be deluded by High performance Missiles or supersonic jets. Only by keeping all mach2 capable or high g missiles equipped jets at and above 9.7 can this be achieved

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In Realistic battles, all R2Y2s should be moved from 8.0 to 7.3. Reason: They are absolute garbage, as they get outclassed by every single fighter at 8.0 in nearly every aspect possible. Their acceleration is non-existent, and their armament has been nerfed. I don’t see how MiG-15s at 8.3 are comparable to the R2Y2s, and the same goes for the Sabres.


Mode: Ground RB

Vehicle: Lahatut

Change: 8.7 > 8.7

Reason: It’s the only air option at 8.7 with ground attack.


Air AB, AV-8A. 9.3 → 9.7 : almost untouchable if flighted well with its countermeasures, huge climb rate and (too much) good missiles for its BR.

It is also the only 5.3 br ship in the Japanese blue water tech tree.

Air AB, Yak-38 (the standard one and the M variant). 9.3 → 9.7 : insanely good missiles for its BR (R60s!).

Air Realistic Battles, Mirage Milan, 9.7 → 9.3.
This plane is so much worse than so many others at the same BR it’s painful and it feels forgotten. It cannot turn, the missiles are unreliable (borderline useless) and it has no flares. The only thing it really has going for it is speed, which some F104’s already have at a lower BR but with a better gun and better nose authority. If the bomb loadout is what is stopping it from being able to go down, then either lower the bomb count or do something to give it some kind of advantage. Compare the Milan to the Mig-21S or T-2 at the same BR and it’s a laughable matchup. In an uptier (which happens a fair amount) the plane is completely useless, especially against the likes of F-1’s and J7D’s.


For Realistic Battles

Bo 105 PAH-1, Bo 105 CB-2, Hkp 9A
From 9.3 to 9.0
Since they are nearly similar vehicles, they should be covered at once. In addition to the above, the vehicles that these 9.3 helicopters can be compared to are the Bo 105 PAH-1A1 (it doesn’t make sense that Bo 105 PAH-1 and Bo 105 PAH-1A1 are the same BR, because the former has HOT 1 and the latter has HOT 2.) and Japan’s AH-1E. Also, since Italy’s A109EOA-2 is at 8.7 with 4 ITOWs, they should be at 9.0, which is appropriate.


Air AB, Ki-84 hei. 7.7 > 7.0. : 7.7 is way too high for a prop plane with poor top speed.

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Vehicle: Tornado IDS (1995)
Mode: Air battles
BR: 11.7 > 11.3
Reasoning: The Tornado IDS (1995) is the exact same aircraft as the regular Tornado IDS, other than the addition of guided bombs. The guided bombs only affect it’s effectiveness in Ground Battles, but has zero impact on Air Battles. Lowering it’s BR will also make it a lot less punishing in uptiers, and it won’t meet 12.7 aircraft.



Reload rates of manually loaded 105mm tanks above BR 10.0

6.7s aced to 5.0s aced

(I know this is not related to the br changes but this is the right time to do this… 120mm tanks have better post pen already…)


A21A-3, A21RB, A29B
Change the vehicle classification to Strike Fighter. This is because we already have the same variants in the fighter line, so it’s duplicated.


They are already doing this, maybe read all the changes first.

Air AB All the Ki-49s. 3.3 > 3.0 & 3.7 > 3.3 : poorly armored bombers with small bomb loads and average speed compare to other nations at the same Brs.

Chinese M60A3 TTS, ground realistic

  1. No ERA
  2. worse top round compared to american counterpart

In conclusion: just a worse M60 in the Chinese tech tree