Air SB 11.0 > 11.3
Having so many all-aspect missiles will make these too strong at their current BR if all my other recommended changes are also made.
Air Realistic Battles, Harrier Gr 1 9.7->9.3
Currently has one actually notable advantage (funny SRAAMs), which only work in a small number of cases (also flare-hungry). Apart from that, it is a flying brick.
Mig-9 (early) - 7.3 > 7.0
Just worse than the Mig-9 (late) at the same BR, which isn’t fair to it.
Kugelblitz 7.0 → 6.7.
It’s really not that good, there are no lineups at 7.0, it’s .3 away from a Shilka and M163 for some reason, Germany has no other good options and at 7.3 there is already an alternative so there are a total of 0 use cases.
OTOMATIC 11.3 → 10.3
It’s completely outclassed and outdated, gets outranged by everything and things within range are still impossible to hit, the APFSDS works for self defense but can’t be considered as a serious offensive weapon, it’s a 2S38 but a full BR higher whilst just worse.
Tiger ll 10.5 and Panther ll 7.0 → 6.7
There just a variation on the Tiger ll and Panthers, 10.5 gains firepower over the regular Tiger ll but has double the reload time to counter it so it’s not an upgrade in any way, Panther ll gains mobility at the expense of armor and turret handling, not an upgrade, just a variation.
The compression at this range puts them in a completely different class of vehicles, also removes lineup options… just another case of inflated stats due to low player numbers, the same issue that has plagued this game for the last decade.
Ariete, Sagittario 9.3 → 9.0
Subsonic plane without flares or missiles, slowest vehicle in the match by a long shot that is unable to do anything but punish mistakes by others as it lacks the speed to catch anything and completely locks up in a dive, at 9.0 it will perform the exact same with the same strengths and weaknesses but won’t be facing all aspect missiles.
Sagittario should be lower than the Ariete but BR compression probably makes this impossible.
Me 163 B-0 / Ki- 200 8.7 > 8.0
The 163 B is 8.0 and the only difference is guns, going from a 30mm to a 20mm isn’t worth a 0.7 BR increase when the game is this heavily compressed, with the nerf from 6m of fuel to 3m of fuel it’s borderline unplayable as well.
R2Y2 all 8.0 > 7.3
This thing has been gutted over the years, and whilst I’m absolutely baffled that it gets removed after all these years as if that even should be in the top 1000 list of things to address, it’s pointless at 8.0 as it was only ever good with an airspawn, and that was at 6.7 back in the day.
Japan also completely lacks CAS at these BR ranges.
is fatter all-aspect?
F-104A/C - 9.3>9.7
They are too fast for 9.3, and do not deserve to be fighting Mig-15s and earlier sabres. If the Mig-23BN can be 9.7, so can these.
you need to make a seperate post for each vehicle, and some have already been menitoned, CTRL + F to find them and just heart them
Mig-19PT/J-6A - 9.3>9.7
Same as the F-104s. They have excellent flight performance and missiles to go along with it.
Air SB 10.0 > 10.3
High speed makes it too difficult to intercept at its current BR. It needs to go up a bit where it’ll face more opponents that can detect it in time to head it off.
Sidam 25 Mistral, 9.7 > 9.3, GRB.
Should not be higher than ZSU-23-4M4 or same BR than Gepard 1A2, its just worse.
Vehicle - SIDAM 25
Mode: Ground battles
BR: 8.3 > 8.0
Reasoning: It is worse than all other SPAA around it’s BR. It has low amount of ammo, lacks radar, lacks smoke grenades (most other 8.3 SPAA has access to this) and it cannot be used with the italian 8.0 lineup.
Tiger 105 and panther 2 are perfectly fine at 7.0
If you want them to be moved down then the t29 is going to 6.7 as well. All 3 absolutely sealclub.
Ground Realistic
4.3 → 4.7 + Increase dispersion of 45mm cannon and overheating
Remove APHE
It is an aircraft that is easily able to take out multiple tanks with one shot from its 45mm cannon with APHE. Unlike most other aircraft that have cannons that can be used for tank hunting, this one is on a very manoeuvrable and fast platform, meaning that it is able to dodge, and engage in dogfights if it needs to.
What this mostly need, is a nerf to its armament accuracy and how many shoots it can fire in a burst, if it is to keep its APHE shell, otherwise the APHE shell should be removed again for balance reasons.
he is going crazy bro
Not only that, M3 has only 6 pops of flares, making it unable to join the furball.
It’s also beaten to bases by literally anything in ARB.
IAR-93B - 9.0>8.7
See: G.91R/4 being arguably better than it at a lower BR. It’s main advantage is energy retention, but it loses all of that below mach 0.8.
about damn time the su39 gets a lower br :)))
If I remember correctly it is
G.91R/4 - 8.7>9.0
It has 4 aim-9Bs at the same BR as the G.91s that don’t while not having any significant downsides.
but its not comparable to missiles in 13.0 (9m’s, 73s and others like magic and aam3)