Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

I’m linking a full list to the changes I want, and it should be noted that I am talking about Air RB, sorry for any confusion that that has caused.

F-104G (Italy)
Air SB 10.7 > 10.3
With only two missiles, it’s not a strong enough fighter to deserve 10.7. The German one with four missiles is fine at 10.7 and should stay there.


its because they never existed… like not even as a plan… originally the r2y2 were experimental prop aircraft and looked nothing like what they do in game


F-104G (all) - 11.0>10.7

It’s outclassed by the F-4F and other 11.0s at the same BR. Since the FM nerfs they have no advantages except rip speed.



MiG-21bis (all) 11.0>11.3

They are very good for 11.0, and they deserve 11.3. They need to be 0.7 above the Mig-21SMT/MF, and these changes allow for that.


its not hard to kill an f-105 since it has no flares


J-7D - 10.7>11.0

It’s just blatantly OP, and better than the 21SMT/MF at the same BR. It has 4 very good rear aspect missiles, and good flight performance to go along with it. It is worse than the J-7E and Mig-21bis however.


Vehicle - F104S/TAF
Mode - ARB
BR - 11.3 → 11.0

Hasnt gone down since F104 FM was nerfed, to use the 2 ok Radar missiles must give up the vulcan , just not that great overall, feel free to nerf bombing rewards it just not competive in PvP


Vehicle: Kfir Canard
Game mode: Air RB
BR Change: 11.0 ----> 10.7
Reason: 75% of the games are full uptiers, because of the latest patch grind craze.
You have only 2x AIM-9G, puny RWR and 36 countermeasures, ridiculous.
JA37D, Tornado F3, F4S and of course hoards of Mig 23ML/A/D have become the norm and everyone knows you have few flares that fire from an awkward angle. You are not fighting, you are surviving.
To top it all off the J7D and J35XS were sneakily dropped to 10.7 not too long ago.
So please, move it to 10.7.


Vehicle - SIDAM 25 (Mistral)
Mode - Ground battles
BR - 9.7 > 9.3
Reasoning: This vehicle is worse than most other MANPAD SPAA. It doesn’t have a search radar, it lacks smoke grenades, it has a very tall shilouette making it easy to hit, has low mobility, low ammo count and no thermal imaging. Almost every other MANPAD SPAA is at 9.3 with better capabilities than this vehicle, for example the chinese PGZ04A, the french SANTAL or the israeli Machbet. Not only that, lowering the SIDAM 25 (Mistral)'s BR to 9.3 will make it fit into Italy’s very populated 9.3 lineup, whereas the only SPAA Italy could use prior is the SIDAM 25 or the Shilka.


I don’t care, they won’t listen anyways.

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Foldering helicopters and lowering their BR/SL requirements in rank VI to match other rank VI vehicles when?

12.3 for tanks when?

Flight performance of Bison isn’t bad, it’s more than enough especially when combined with R-73 + HMD combo. It should not be lower BR than F-16A’s and Mig-29’s when it has that insane of a weapons and features kit.

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Don’t see how the T29 is similar to a Panther ll or 105 KT.

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How about increasing the Ground BR of Gripen JAS39a from Sweden and the F16a from France to 12.3?
An F15a is sitting in a higher Ground BR while having worse Air to ground ordnance while they have Aim9m and AGM`s? Meanwhile an F14b have to fight those without Aim9m or Agms. please consider this. Its not much but it will definitely help balancing those.


F-4F KWS (ICE) - 13.0>13.3

By far the best 13.0 plane, and facing 12.0 planes in it is criminal. It’s also better in uptiers than many other 13.0 aircraft.


Naval RB Lorraine 6.7 > 6.3
Naval RB Bretagne 6.7 > 6.3
Naval HMS Rodney 7.0 > 6.7
Rodney is unable to make any kill. cause of bugs
Why ? Cause with your changes last change, the ships and naval game became unplayable.


Makes no sense with current compression happening. (I agree with your statement in general but gaijin clearly is reverting all decompression changes in this patch so we’re back to 2020 levels of compression, in that case f4f is fine at 13.0)

Begleitcancer needs to be moved to 9.7, it’s crazy good compared with others Ifv’s of the Br and better than stuff like the warrior and the M3A3


For all my French mains. The Char 25T, this tank as good as it seemed was carried by those who enjoyed the one tank at 7.7 (Currently 8.0 for some bizarre reason) with APHE. It faces fully stabilised opponents that carry high power “APFSDS” such as the T-62M1, leopards and the WMA301 to name a few while only having 200mm of penetration, without a stabilised gun or any features you find facing 9.0 battle rating vehicles. Some of these vehicles also have technology far surpassing the char such as generation 3 thermals. I understand it’s quite quick and dexterous. But facing such opponents that use laser rangefinders and composite is a joke. It was a fierce fighter at 7.7. But it was never overpowered. I just want my favourite tank back.