Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

Sagittario 2
Air SB 8.0 > 9.0
This thing is just absurd. Way too maneuverable, way too fast. It’s basically impossible to beat in a dogfight unless the other pilot is spectacularly bad.


Vehicle - BMD-4M
Mode - GAB/GRB
BR - 9.3 ->9.7

Very fast for its BR, can reach the best spots very quickly and can flank very early, very responsive and able to win games in under a minitue


Obj. 292
Ground RB
10.7 → 11.0
or make it realistic and remove its composites


Air SB 9.0 > 9.7
This thing is just absurd. Way too maneuverable, way too fast. It’s basically impossible to beat in a dogfight unless the other pilot is spectacularly bad.

Agreed, that thing is more powerful than some top tier tanks

the T95 has around 150-170mm effective side armour
T28 has 51mm Flat armour, much worse and can be killed with autocannons side on

Both Jaguar A and Jaguar GR.1A can go back to 10.3 as they’re comparable to Japanese T-2 and F-1 in air-to-air capability apart from having flares.


Please fix the pen and reload on T30. It should have cca 280 with APCBC and 81 with HE, at 100m. Also it had a reload speed of 20s with loading assist. Thanks

Re.2001CN - 3.3>2.7

The planes just hot trash. It has no advantages except 2 20mms with 60rpg. It can’t turn that well, it can’t climb that well, and it overheats instantly.

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Air RB, Bf 109 Z, 4.7 > 4.0, or add air defense fighter spawn, or add MG 151/20 cannon modified parts.

This plane has good climb rate and speed, but this is only advantage it has. The maneuverability of this aircraft is so poor that even bombers like the B-25 are more agile than it. Although it has four MK108s as weapons, it is very difficult to use due to its poor trajectory and velocity, this gives it no advantage against any fighter at same BR unless your enemy didn’t notice your attack.
In summary, 1. this terrible airplane really needs a lower and more suitable BR to improve its experience;
It should have a air defence fighter spawn like Hornt Mk.III in game.
MG151/20 cannon modified parts should be added, so the MK108 can be replaced for better shooting experience.


Also I don’t think moving down MiG-21SMT/MF is a good idea, you’re essentially compressing that BR range once again with competitive vehicles.

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J22-B - 3.7>3.3

Outclassed at 3.7, it’s only being carried by it’s guns because players are too stupid to do anything but a headon.


what? it always had its composites, it’s just a T-80 without ERA and it other FCS components…
it shouldn’t be 11.0, it’s good as it is in 10.7, it has a 10 second reload which is the slowest reload capacity on every possible mbt.

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Air SB 10.7 > 11.0
All-aspect missiles and good RWR make this too effective at air-to-air at its current BR.

VB-10-02 - 4.7>4.3

It gains 6 extra .50s over the standard VB-10, but at an 0.7 BR increase. I suggest changing that to an 0.3/0.0 BR increase instead.


T95 can also turn around much faster than the T28.

People should not be allowed to share their “opinions” without pass an integrity/objectivity test🤣

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yep this guy have never played either vehicles and probably dont understand how bad even after all buffs ahead is and that it need major cone damg change and shrapnel ammo rwork in general bcs right now it works like a bad small he-vt round with almost no tnt filler, even tho it doesnt have tnt irl it contains shrapnel that is the main filler and source of dmg

It should definitely be 13.0 for Air RB, and for ground RB 11.7?

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