Mitsubishi T-2 (normal and early)
Air SB 9.7 > 10.0
I hate to do this to myself given how much I love this plane, but adding AIM-9Ps made it too strong for 9.7. The combo of good missiles and good radar is too much at a BR where most planes have neither.
So we’re just gonna ignore the 104s and every other jet at 9.3 that just shouldn’t be fighting subsonics? Yall haven’t learned anything in years it seems. We need decompression which WILL ONLY BE ACHIEVED BY INCREASING THE BR CEILING FURTHER
All 2 cm KwK 30 L/50 and 2 cm KwK 38 L/65 should get the same ideal reload speed of the identical Flak counterparts: 2 cm Flak 30 L/65 and 2 cm Flak 38 L/65,
Like the 20 mm Pvlvkan M/40 in Pbil m/40 and the AA vehicle have. Overall the 6 sec reload in the Pz II turret is relative, tho especially in the bigger Sockellafette (Sd.Kfz.222) and Hängelafette (Sd.Kfz.140/1 and 234/1) should get the same AA reload speed.
In short:
2 cm KwK 30 L/50
2 cm KwK 38 L/65
Reloadspeed: 6 → 3 sec.
(On the found vehicles:
German and Chinese Sd.Kfz.222, Sd.Kfz.234/1, Sd.Kfz.140/1, Pz II Ausf.C and F)
He-100 D-1 1.7>2.0/2.3
Ludicrously fast for 1.7, and it out performs many higher BRed planes.
its free though??
Air SB 11.0 > 11.3
This thing is way too good at its current BR and could probably go to 11.7 but that might be too big of a change in one go. Move it to 11.3 first and see how it does.
M8 > remove it from 1.0, move it to 1.3/1.7, because it is fast, and has an excellent armament.
If a .50 can be a main weapon at 1.0, the M8 doesn’t deserve 1.0.
If it gets its historical Mg 131 and Mg 151/15 options please.
Ground Realistic
7.3 → 7.7
It have extremely effective anti aircraft guns, mounted on a mobile platform with a lot of turret traverse, meaning that it tear apart any planes that it faces. The plane it faces doesn’t even have a chance against it, since most of them are WW2 or just post war planes, with low manoeuvrability.
Isn’t it already getting this change this update?
Potez 630/631 > 2.3>2.0.
They have a very poor climbrate and are severely limited in dive speed due to the lack of engine governor. They aren’t that good, in my opinion.
Air SB 11.7 > 11.3
The J-8 is outright worse than the MiG-23, it has no business being 11.7 with that awful radar and RWR. It’s so bad that nobody even tries to fly it, which is probably why you don’t have stats on it. It could possibly go down to 11.0 but probably best to only move it one step and see how it does.
P-51C - 3.7>4.0/4.3
It’s flight performance is too good for 3.7, and it’s only held back due to 4 (good) .50s.
At the least, we can smack these bozos with murican F-14A.
I can’t read apparently lol
Merkava Mk. 2D (Realistic Battles)
9.7 → 9.3
No difference on the Mk. 2B which is at 9.3 other than the additional composite armor which wont help you against APFSDS most of the time since it’s still the same armor layout.
if not viable on being at 9.3 then give it the M426 APFSDS which was used during the exact time the Merkava Mk. 2D was active.
The announced change is only for Ground Realistic so far.
P-39N-0 - 2.7>3.0
It’s just OP at 2.7, and needs to go higher.
Ah… So I wasn’t going totally mad then 🤣, then yes to the BR drop for ARB
Vehicle - BMD-4
Mode - GAB/GRB
BR - 9.3 ->9.7
Very fast for its BR, can reach the best spots very quickly and can flank very early, very responsive and able to win games in under a minitue