Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

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A5C(RB) 10.7>10.3
Previously, the MiG 21 SMT was at 10.3, and the A5C was at 10.0.Now, the MiG SMT is planned to be reduced from 10.7 to 10.3, and the A5C is not moving up to 10.7?Is the A5C stronger than the F8U/MiG21SMT/J35XS, and can even compete with the F8E?


The issue with 12.7 is that it’s still mainly armed with AIM-9M, and it would be weird to lose them.

But the Thai OCU is unable to use AMRAAM. Instead the Thai ADF is the dedicated interceptor modified to carry AMRAAM, while 18 modernized eMLU aircraft can act as multirole performing both tasks. The OCU is mainly a ground attack aircraft carrying AGM-65D/G/G-2 and GBU-10/12/16 (half of which are also missing in game). It’s also still missing more than half of its countermeasures (it has 45 in game, but 120 in reality).

At 13.0 with 9Ms it would share a BR with the very similar Belgian F-16A. It would have less total countermeasures (120 vs the Belgian 240), but could still use the full countermeasure load with all 9Ms mounted, rather than sacrificing 2 missiles for 90 countermeasures each.
It also has superior air to ground armament, so it would probably have a higher GRB BR with the targeting pod and IR Mavericks.

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AMX-13 DCA 40 5.0>4.7

It’s outclassed as an SPAA at 5.0, and it’s not very good at anti tank duties either. 4.3 might’ve been to low for it, but 4.7 would be perfect.

France also doesn’t need 3 SPAAs between 5.0 and 6.0.


Mirage 2000D-R1
Air SB 12.3 > 12.0
The 2000D has no place at all right now. It’s too weak for air-to-air and has insufficient weapons for air-to-ground. If moved down to 12.0 it would be a valuable fighter for red teams that currently lack anything to counter the late Phantoms.


Does anyone actually use this thing at 7.0 only thing there is the ZSU-57 it only has a lineup at 7.7

Mirage f1 s 200 and its analogues in the branches from 12.0 > 11.7


J21/A21 - 4.3>4.0

They have no advantages over comparable or even lower BRed planes like the early spitfires. They don’t hold energy that well, they can’t climb, and they can’t dive.


Tbf if its 4.7 then its the same br as the LVKV which has less armor and only about 90 rounds of ammo while also having a slower chassis so why should it be the same BR?

mig23ml does have RWR

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Mirage 2000C-S5
Air SB 12.3 > 12.7
Being 12.3 doesn’t matter right now since there’s no 12.3 bracket, but one there is this plane will be way too strong. It’s the direct counterpart to the MiG-29 and early F-16 and should be matched with them.

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I have a comment but is not related to changes in the BRs…So here it is:
Can you at Gaijin possibly have become so lazy that do not even bother to format correctly a simple excel document???

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A6M6c - 5.0(or wherever it is)>4.7

Worse than the A6M5 ko, and it’s BR needs to reflect that.


Realistic Battle (Air), MIG23ML (Russia). 11.7 > 11.3. Because its radar is not as good as that of other aircraft of the same brand and it often has to engage in combat with F-14, F-20A, Mirage, etc.

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Vehicle - Jaguar GR.1A
Mode - ARB
BR - 10.7 → 10.3

Completly outclass at its BR currently, only gets 2 Aim9Gs and a poor FM for its BR


Fair point.

I wouldn’t be against the LVKV going down either.

Vehicle - Jaguar A
Mode - ARB
BR - 10.7 → 10.3

Completly outclass at its BR currently, only gets 2 Aim9Gs and a poor FM for its BR


Vehicle - Jaguar E
Mode - ARB
BR - 10.7 → 10.3

Completly outclass at its BR currently, only gets 2 Aim9Gs and a poor FM for its BR


IS-2 (1944), ground realistic.

  1. Long reload, which means you can get easily swarmed.
  2. Volumetric which sometimes happens.
  3. Weak turret armor.
  4. No gun depression, so finding a sniping spot is hard.

Literally a tank destroyer with a turret


Air SB 11.7 > 12.0
Its toolkit is too good for 11.7. PD radar and four all-aspect missiles is too strong and fits much better at 12.0 where it goes against aircraft with equivalent capabilities.

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