Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

Then suggest they get perfect condition reload since that should be how they work in game given plenty of other examples

Air Realistic battle, P-51H, 6.3>6.7. Reason: It’s faster and more maneuverable than most 6.0 and 6.3 fighters. It’s faster than Spitfire mk22 and mk24. It has decent firepower. It basically ruins the game play of 5.7-6.3 prop fighters. Had P-51H been in German TT, it would probably end up at 7.0 BR.


Air Realistic, F-16A ADF 12.7 > 12.3

If the F-16A is being moved down to 12.3, this variant should accompany it. A pair of sparrows doesn’t really improve this plane’s armament enough to justify being at a higher BR than the A.


Air & Ground Realistic

Canberra B Mk 2

8.3 → 8.0

Jet bomber that is resonably slow for its BR, and is unarmed and nearly cannot even run away from the enemies it is facing.

While in ground it does get access to 2x 4000lb bombs, you need to be at a high altitude to not get shot down. Meaning that it is quite hard to hit targets with them, since by the time you drop the bombs, the enemy vehicles have most likely moved. At the same time, to aim the bombs you most likely need to tunnel vision in the bomber sight, to be able to plant the bomb in any useful location, meaning you fly very straight, so you are an easy target to shoot down.


XP-50 — RB — Get rid of the air spawn, keep the BR at 4.0 without increases.

It’s a compact twin-engined fighter with the performance of a Bf 109 F-4 and armament similar to Spitfire Mk.Vb, yet it for some reason has the advantage to get 2km higher on average.

The only thing stopping this from turning into an old airspawn P-47 is lack of ammo and XP-50 being a premium.
Alas, even with a semi-functioning brain this plane can abuse its energy advantage without much of a problem. And the worst-case scenario is when there’s 2 and more adequate players on XP-50s in a team.


F104S/TAF (Italy) 11.3—>11.0
F104ASA (Italy) 12.0–> 11.3
F104G (Italy/germany)11.0—>10.7
F104G(china) 10.7—>10.0
F104J(japan) 10.3—>10.0

Let’s start with the f104s, it is one of the fastest platforms in the game but also one of the most difficult at the moment to use (if you don’t want to bomb) and being at 11.3 it is often at 11.7 where it is full of mig23MLs with advanced radar missiles and above all a much more capable airframe, f104 ASA (Italy) literally doesn’t have an RWR, it just sounds and doesn’t sense the direction of the missile, at 12.0 where it is full of aim7F it doesn’t seem very balanced to me, then the f104G (Italy/Germany) are the f104C with the addition of flare, the aircraft however performs badly in whatever aspect you look at it, the f104G (china) has no flare there is nothing to add the same regulation must be done for the f104J (japan)


Air SB 11.7 > 12.3
The Su-39 is too difficult to kill at its current BR thanks to good sensors, lots of countermeasures, and IR jamming. It needs to go to a higher BR where it faces more capable radars.

Vehicle - T-72 (all 9.3 ones)
Mode - GAB/GRB
BR - 9.3 ->9.7

Trully a hold W to win tank, if someone uses bushes good luck killing it with 95% of rounds it faces frontly, its better the T64A by miles. Currently the same BR as much worse tanks as the M48 super, Strv 105 , CM11


Tank: Desert Warrior
Game mode: Ground Realistic
BR change: 10.0 → 9.7
Reason: Worst IFV at the current BR. Weak autocannon with low fire rate, low ammo count, bad optics and survivability.

  1. It’s gun handling can’t keep up with it’s mobility. The BR there are a lot of tanks like the XM800 which are faster and have better gun handling. They are currently shredding everything with no armor like the Turm III.

  2. Tanks at 8.7 have APFSDS + a laser range finder +stabilizer. The Turm has just the stabilizer. Without a laser range finder or the ammunition, you are already useless against tanks you need to hit the weak spot. At a higher br where everyone has a laser range finder you are dead when you need time to adjust your aim, because they counterfire is instant and fatal.

Vehicle: Namer (all variations)
Light Tank → Tank Destroyer

The Namer isn’t light and cannot be played as such. I suggest changing its designation to give it the much necessary ammo box and give people a better idea about the vehicle strengths and weaknesses.


naval Realistic Battles & Arcade Battles, Saetta P-494 and Frecca P-493, 4.7>4.3. these 2 boats are nolonger able to fight 4.7 ships after so many nerf these years, they doesnt have AP rounds, their performance doesn’t match this br anymore, 4.3 were it belongs

Air & Ground Realistic


2.7 → 3.3

This is very powerful for its BR, it nearly outturns the early spitfires, and it have a good climb rate at that. Its 4x .50 cal, easily shreads anything it fights, be it air targets or ground targets.

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Sea Harrier FRS.1
Air SB 11.3 > 11.0
The BR increase was a huge mistake and completely unjustified. The Sea Harrier is too limited in capability to perform effectively as a fighter at its current BR, even with AIM-9Ls. I generally favor pushing all-aspect missiles higher but this is a special case. It could remain comfortably at 11.3 if it was given its historical capabilities, but in its current form it’s 11.0 material.


Vehicle - Class 3(p)
Mode - GAB/GRB
BR - 9.0 → 9.3

Currently the lowest tank with DM33, could potentialy removed it and only have DM23 and keep it 9.0, great frontal armour basicly imune to IFV/SPAA from the front

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Time to start my own BR change recommendations, and undo what Gaijin has proposed. This may be spammy, but you asked for this.

Mig-21MF/SMT keep at 10.7, they are performing fine, and placed at the correct BR. It’s the Mig-21bis that needs to move up instead.


Ground Realistic battle, T-64A,9.3>9.0. Reason: It doesn’t have laser rangefinder. It’s armor isn’t effective against any 105mm APFSDS. It’s mobility is trash. It has only 4 KPH reverse speed. It’s firepower isn’t really better than T-62M-1. This thing is literally the worst 9.3 tank right now.


Please, for the love of god do not down tier mig21mf to 10.3 and j35ex. We want decompression not compression.

J35XS-keep at the same BR.
6 9Js at the same BR as the flareless F-104s is quite funny, and it doesn’t need to go down to 10.3.


Ground Realistic


7.0 → 7.3

With its custom loadout and decent flight performance, it is extremly powerful in ground battles. It is able to equip 30mm ADEN gun pod that works as a very effective armament against both air and ground, at the same time, it have access to AGM that have a range of 8km, meaning it can easily kill tanks & SPAA without them even being able to do anything against it.