Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

Their “effectiveness” really diminishes against modern ARHs and avionics. There’s no reason the IRIAF should be limited to only be effective at BVR fights against bad players. There’s also no reason for you to be overrating how good the F-14s are unless you’re biased against them.

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Yeah, thats a good shout too.

let him cook


M1A1 AIM: should receive its historical munition choice: KE-W A2.

At the same BR (11.7), we already have M1A1HC and M1A2, both equipped by the significantly better M829A2 shell.

There’s no balance, gameplay or let alone historical reason why M1A1 AIM shouldn’t receive its historically correct KE-W A2 shell, which is still worse than the M829A2 already found at this very BR.


Vehicle: T95E1
Game mode: ground realistic
BR change: 8.3 to 8.0

If we compare T95E1 to its 8.3 US contemporary, the M60A1 AOS, T95E1 offers:

  • ever so slightly better armor protection
  • shell comparable to M735 in performance
  • lower profile

At the cost of:

  • worse mobility
  • no stabiliser
  • no rangefinder
  • ever so slightly worse post penetration survivability due to being more cramped

M60A1 AOS offers much more comprehensive package fit for WT meta with stabiliser and rangefinder, and while it does have worse sabot it also has wider selection of aviable ammunition. M60A1 RISE (P) which is found mere one BR step higher absolutely blows it out of water with its kit.

T95E1 has no stabiliser at BR where most of the threats it faces have one, so it has to be played passively, preferably as sniper to make use of its powerfull shell, yet it also lacks any rangefinder so its capability to fight at range is rather limited.

And while problem of uptiers is not unique to T95E1, uptiers against foes such as T-72s are rather painfull as odds are fully stacked in favor of T-72.

At 8.0, T95E1 could at very least form lineup with M60 Patton and offer viable choice, instead of its current state.


It doesn’t need a better round to perform decently at 9.7, as it’s best in class in so many other areas.


Ground Realistic

Hunter F6

9.7 → 9.3

I am making this as a similar suggestion, such that it will also cover for GRB, since the BR are divided between the modes.

While the F6 compared to the F1, does have ground armaments, all of them are only dumb weapons with no ballistic computer.


Skink (UK + US)
5.3 → 4.7

these things are miserable SPAAs, extremely low velocity, low damage and are immobile, and die to a bomb as easy as any other tank, their additional armour is a niche aspect which is irrelevant in normal play, due to its complete impotence at shooting down aircraft, it should never have moved up from 4.7 when it was added, their is little reason to bring it over the Bosvark, and is certainly not on-par with the SUB-I-II, Ostwind II, Bosvark or the ZSD63/PG87, where they have each have much better armaments to shoot down aircraft with a higher fire rate (except Ostwind II), or much increased damage, and have similar protections against a quick strafe, and all die to a bomb the same,



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J7D is already OP in 10.7 wdym


Air Realistic, IRIAF F-14A. 12.7 → 13.0.

I completely disagree with the moving-up of the IRIAF F-14 to 13.0.

The only thing carrying the IRIAF F-14A is the Fakour 90, take that away and you have an arguably worse F-14A overall. In comparison, the F-14B is already in a bad place at 13.0 thanks to the lack of IRCCM missiles and sub-par Fox 3 missiles, so I don’t see how having the IRIAF at 13.0 with WAY LESS countermeasures, worse missile armament (Fox 1 i.e. can only carry 2 decent fox 1 missiles at once and the rest are AIM-7E-2s or fox 3s) and Fox 2), worse flight performance, and engine power.

This can’t be warranted purely because the fox 3 missiles it has access to is good. Not knowing how to spoof one of the most easily defeatable missiles in the game is literally a skill issue and shouldn’t result in crushing a plane in the MM to the point of unplayability, simply because of a single weapon system the IRIAF F-14 has access to being good. By that logic, all early MiG-29s (currently at 12.7) should go up to 13.0 simply because of the R-27ER (The best fox 1 in the game).


AB, Pzh 2000: 7.7 to at least 8.3. Fast first stage reload makes it better than VIDAR. It’s mobility, LRF and firepower make it quite decisive in battles at the lowly 7.7 where it often fights WW 2 era tanks with all their drawbacks and armor that does not matter at all to it.

While fun, artillery tanks are quite predatory especially in AB due to easy aim. In general I think this class as a whole needs a BR raise (at least in AB)


Realicstic battles-Sea Vixen-back to 8.7br


Ground Realistic battle, M44, 4.0>4.7. Reason: it’s a howitzer with light tank size and mobility, as well as a group of 7 crew which provides great survivability. It has the firepower to one shot kill a KV-1 or KV-7 without aiming, not to mention Pz4.


Really nice way of creating yet another undertiered M1.

If I see another comment on the Farkours being the 1st or 2nd best Fox 3 im gonna lose it LMFAO

Literally turn 90 degrees and it will never hit you


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its not fine

AH-64E and/or Brimstones when (even in SAL only mode)


I’d trade the R-27R1 for the R-73 in a heartbeat. All the F-14s lack in CQC. R-73s would be the perfect solution to this problem.

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