that means that the T77 will be Rank 3 and the M4A2 that now HAS line up … can get back on the rank that belong… the rank 3…
cause the M4A2 moved from rank 3 to rank 2 with the excuse that has no line up at 4.0 … like italian tanks are like japanese and german … so we will have the come back to rank 3 … i believe cause if you move the T77 on 4.0 no rank 3 and hold the M4A2 on rank 2 and dont move it on Rank 3 is stealing here.
Congratulations, you did it:
All the decompression from the last year just evaporated.
Sabres and MiGs still terrorize the 7.x to 8.x bracket;
The early supersonics are still at 9.3, like hello?
The MiG-21s all went down again, right after the 21bis went down last BR change, right after everything was moved up? Talk about decompression; more like compression all over again!
The F-16A is now at 12.3? Crazy idea. Are you mad?
Ground Realistic Battles, L-62 ANTI II 3.0>3.0 it needs to stay where it is, it´s not a good spaa, it´s open top, and it can already meet things like sherman, T-34, KV.-1, Kv-2, churchill…etc which it already struggles to pen. It has very few differences between the other lvgt spaa fro sweden, so why can´t it stay at 3.0?
Can addon onto this that the Hunter FGA9 has the identical A2G Performance to the Hunter F6 but is at 9.3 in GRB already
AMRAAM, MICA, R-77, Derbi, AIM-54Cs, AIM-9Ms, R-73s, Python-3s, Magic IIs, and R-27ETs entered the chat.
Bro is delusional
Yeah, its needed. or Wildcat with 20x IR Guided Martlets
I do extremely well in the mephisto which is the same exact thing in the french tree with less pen at 0.3 less br, check videos if you are unsure how to use it.
The current bracket for Sim is 12.3-13.0, your solution of making 13.3 fight in the same bracket does not make sense if you are saying that lower BR planes will suffer if just the Flankers get added. Because it will just make them suffer far more.
And the biggest issue with all other 13.3 planes is that they’ll bring in Fox-3’s and ruin the bracket further, such as a Mig 29SMT which will cause way more damage instead of a regular Su-27S that will not chane the gameplay out of the norm and lessen the USSR struggle in the bracket.
F-4F ICE, AV-8B+, and Tomcats are more than enough Fox-3 spam for the bracket.
out all of them fakour is the best
Naval RB, Dupleix : 5.7 > 5.3.
It is the same class as the Colbert (that is BR 5.3), and while its slightly more armored,it has less gun and is also slower. It’s already one of the weakeast heavy cruiser in the game and should be 5.3 along the Colbert. It does not deserve to be at 5.7. Or maybe consider giving Dupleix (and other French ship that used them) their missing APCBC ammo.
Jh-7 and Kurnass 2000 from 12.3 > 12.0
There is ZERO reason they should both be above any 12.0 and be the same BR as an F-16 while being way worse in every way besides the missiles they get.
Very funny, because Fakour-90 is basically an R-27EA with much bigger warhead.
Ground Realistic
Vampire FB 5
8.0 → 7.7/7.3
I am making this as a similar suggestion, such that it will also cover for GRB, since the BR are divided between the modes.
My own reasoning behind this suggestion, is as follows:
While it can be powerful, it will only do so, if the enemy jets chooses to engage it in a turn fight. The thing is, at this BR, most people knows that turnfighting is not advantageous, so it happens in a blue moon. It doesn’t have the thrust to wight ratio to be able to fight like jets usually do. It is litterally a plane that was designed to fight in WW2.
Not biased, I just know how good it is, I have it myself and a few other friends, we always employ the 40km tactic and get like 2-3 kills every game or so with the Fakours.
An ARH carrier is simply superior to an SARH carrier in a combat environment. There is a reason why the tomcats are up-tiered in RB, Gaijin simply forgot to adjust the battle ratings in SB. F-14A has no real competition at 12.3 right now, F-14B’s only real competition is mig-29 but we all know about its flight model.
You don’t play simulator battles so you have no idea about how potent they are in current state.
Vehicle - Lahatut
Mode - GRB
BR - 8.7 → 8.7
Why is this being put up, it is worse then the Hind even the Mi-24A which gets 128 CCIP rockets and better surviavbilty, it gets slightly better missiles in terms of pen (dosnt matter too much 630 vs 800 for heil missiles) then the UH-1C which also gets 6 missiles.
gaijin and lasting decompression are like trying to jam 2 magnets together
it’s more difficult to do than it should be, and the instant you stop applying pressure they immediately separate again
Out of all of them Fakours are the worst.
Vehicle: Me 262 A-1a
Gamemode: Air RB
Change: 7.0 → 6.7
The A-1a/Jabo is at the same BR as the regular A-1a, but it has an airspawn. It also has one less fuel tank, meaning that with how minimum fuel load is determined in WT (30% of maximum) it gets to have a considerably lower minimum fuel load as well. Not only is the A-1a made totally obsolete by the A-1a/Jabo, it is also powercrept into oblivion by some aircraft recently moved to 8.0 such as the F-86A-5 and MiG-15. The A-1a is now the only non-rocket boosted 262 in game that has to spawn on the runway, and it really cannot compete. 7.0 is okay for the Jabo, though.
M1A1/M1A2 Abrams (all variants) > one BR step dow (12.0>11.7, 11.7 > 11.3), Ground RB.
Reason: Paper thin armor and turret ring, missing DU armor, missing M829A3 round, and the engine is modelled far too loudly. One of the worst, if not the worst, performing top tier end game MBTs. A 5 second reload is simply not enough to keep them at their current BR. Or just fix them.