The ME262 doesnt stand a chance against my mk24 spitfire so I understand your pain
Yeah but then move the F58 to 10.0, it has 9J ? equivelants, or is it 9P, better engine, better ground avionics (as far as i know) and an actual RWR …
Things a slab mate, why the meteor is the same BR as the saber is ludicrous as well.
Why? becasue they compressed 10.0 with the Su25 and A10 years ago, then pushed F104 , mig 19s etc down to 9.3 , which then eventually pushed the mig15 and F86 down.
(notice how the swift one is still 8.3 !!! ) and the F7 8.7 when they butchered the Fireflash on the fly with no announcement
No longer has a better engine. F6 got buffed.
RWR is handy but overall minor for the BR.
Properly modeled SRAAMs vs 9Js…Im not sure which is better. Especially if the SRAAM got some of its all-aspect abilitiy in that it had really good rear-aspect angles and could hit things again in a close range turn fight (I miss those days, slapping Viggens out the sky in Sim in the Harrier Gr1)
Also need to consider 4x SRAAM vs 2x Aim-9Js
Its just the CMs that are the issue for that balance, but its no different to Harrier Gr1 vs Harrier Gr3/AV-8C vs AV-8S/AV-8S in terms of balance. Its just bad compression for that BR
When did that go past cause i checked not long ago and it still had more thrust, I also move faster than teh F6 in ARB.
Right handy against folks with Aim7Cs and the likes, especially in a 10.7 uptier.
Thats the massive difference but, the properly modelled sraams we dont have, they cant even get past 800 meters currently.
2 missiles that I can get two garunteed kills when the sraams its a hit or a miss if itll just detonate on its own will.
Which is a mssive, massive difference (now i use snebs on the F6 for council CMs) but realistically it doesnt always work, the F58 can go toe to toe with all the jets that have caused the compression for the likes of mig21, mig19, f104 etc.
btw when youre in a ME 262 the meteor you want to look out for is the Sea Meteor, its got the later engines in the mk3 airframe, it WILL NOT lose energy even if you try, quite often ends up ripping itself apart with its extreme power. If you see one id recommend trying to force a wing rip from diving.
It will hold out in a dogfight provided the sabres make a mistake, you’re also slower than they are and cant outclimb them. its rough as they are an upgraded ww2 jet with essentially no counterparts for balancing
This is my console account. On my PC account, I haven’t grinded France, but I do have the Mirage F1 premium since it was gifted by a friend. I don’t actively place France though. It’s clear the Magic 2 didn’t need/derserve this buff though.
Oh ive got germany wayy past there now , and britain at top tier.
I know the meteors to avoid but thank u for giving me that little bit extra information.
They literally beat the meteor in every way bar AoA man, and if a person in a saber turn fights a meteor well they deserve to lose that
end of November it got the upgrade
Yeah, but you can somewhat predict them coming and with no CMs anyway, the RWR screaming at me isnt all that much help. Might be handy in SB. But I would only use it in a downteir bracket
Yeah, right here, right now. I would probably prefer the 2x Aim-9Js or do what I do and play the Hunter FGA9 in RB with 2x Aim-9Es at 9.3 (god I wish it was 9.3 in SB)
But I have strong opinion on considering things based upon bug reports being fixed someday and that fixing bug reports is better than yoyo-ing the BR of vehicles. Especially with how infrequently they do BR changes.
Yeah, which is why it probably should be 10.0. But at the same time, its a lot weaker than a lot of 10.0. I really need ot spade it at some point, but its an all round just messy situation
J35A going down to 9.3 is downright comical, It would sit at the same br as J32B and outperform it on literally everything.
9.7 is perfectly fine br for it.
Ive found its best to bleed them dry of energy and they become a flying rock that very easy to kill. Basically how I play a spitfire but less aggressive about it
Did not see this man, wicked that at least.
Wether you can predict it or not, its a clear advantage, even picks up mig21 radar I believe (could be wrong) so you know when an R3Rs fired at you.
Thats the sad truth of it man, SRAAMs been broken for ages now.
Depends! they change british jets even less than they change the BRs so at that point id see it more likely the F6 go down than the sraam get a buff.
NGL with an expert crew and the F58 spaded, its one of the best planes ive used fun for fun.
It just works so bloody well, and i used to use it against F5Cs and such all the time.
Highly recommend spade it
Depends if they take the fight the way you want, if not youre the sitting duck
No, but seen F3H2s pick up plenty of kills with them in RB vs people not paying attention and seen and have dodged them plenty of times though. But it is also an overall stronger aircraft than the Sea Vixen, its faster, it turns better and has a guns
So many people posting about the same vehicles, yall need to CTRL + F and just like the posts insted of spaming about the same vehicles in the thread.
Ive found pretty consistent ways to force dragged out energy bleeder fights if my one circles fail, I usually die to a third partyer mid way through tho
Yeah. I miss them when they were good. end of 2022 iirc. Its when the Harrier Gr1 went from being fun even in an uptier to an aircraft I barely touch and havent played in literally months.
at this point. I do agree
Which is why I did a post for it
Yeah, I will get round to it eventually. After the ground event, been too burnt out to really touch WT
It pisses away its speed. slower acceleration, far worse missiles over all. but has guns.
it is a sad situation for them both tbh