Summary of this thread from my pov:
I see a consensus that the iconic Me 262 is very hard to use in Air RB.
From my perspective this is based on the following:
Thanks to the downtiers of MiG 15 and F-86 the BR bracket below 8.0 is full of Korean war era jets which outperform the versions up to 7.3 by a substantial margin. Subsequently those versions see a high number of uptiers vs those jets.
Even in partial downtiers with enemy props the 262s are not really effective vs those late and post war props (which never saw combat) thanks to the low velocity guns (MK 108) or accuracy nerfed 50 mm.
If you analyse 262 matches within the BR range 6.7-7.7 most of the engagements are either head-ons or “mine, mine” trains - meaning a 262 gets chased by multiple opponents.
Out side the 7.3 version with MK 103s head-ons are ill-advised as enemy HMGs or cannons outrange and outspeed MK 108s - their shells reach you before you have the chance to fire. Chasing 262s is often successful as the average enemy jet is faster.
The game play goal of winning a match an Air RB require to follow one of two approaches:
- Trying to bring down the number of enemies down as fast as possible or:
- Focus on the enemies with the highest threat level
The problem with 262s below 7.3 is that their guns prevent very fast & easy kills and enemy air spawn planes F-84s and even A2D-1s put so much pressure on 262 dominated teams (especially early game) that approach number 1 does not really work. Even if all enemies go low: The fights are dominated by head-ons - with the mentioned disadvantages for 262 pilots.
Focusing on the most dangerous opponents in 262s is not easy (to avoid the word impossible) as they outperform them in all aspects. Fighting a F-89 D with these bloody FFAR with proxy fuse is impossible in a 1 vs 1 if he sees you, killing of BIs works only (for me) if the make the mistake of landing on forward airfields.
If you try to see it from a holistic pov:
The purpose of a fighter is to kill enemy aircraft. The set-up of Air RB with markers and way too low contrail altitudes kills the surprise effect of a lightning attack. The BRs of the 262s are determined on the theoretical value of burst mass - and do not consider if you are able to bring guns on target or not.
Based on what i have seen the Me 262s are able to get kills vs totally oblivious opponents or they score 3rd party kills; otherwise their inferiority vs opponents at 6.7 / 7.0 prevents them from getting kills vs any experienced opponents. In other words: They are just good at killing noobs.
Proposed solutions (as a test run):
- Reduce the BRs of all Me 262s below 7.3 to 6.3 in Air RB.
- Replace the strike aircraft spawn of some versions with an interceptor spawn (=same alt but way closer to to own airfield = more time to build up speed and climb)
- Test it for 4 weeks and analyze the results
Expected feedback:
The main backlash will come from US/UK/USSR pilots which see currently 262s (without MK 103s) as free kills. All they have to do is to perform long range head-ons, dodge the MK 108s and run them down.
The enemy strike fighters won’t be affected, they are still able to perform their base bombing runs, enemy prop bombers are rather rare and would be farmed anyway by the Ta 152 H-1s.
But in order to be fair i would also sugtest to implement the following 2 aircraft:
- YP-80 A at BR 6.7
- Meteor F. 1 at 6.7
Both have way easier to use guns whilst being way slower (Meteor) or just a little bit slower regarding top speed (YP-80A) but with way slower critical Mach numbers.
So as we have some kind of equal footing at jets - what’s up with props?
Imho the main 2 prop opponents (Spit F. 22 & 24 and P-51 H-5) are either way to low in BR as their average pilot sucks (P-51s) or a little bit too low in order to protect them from MiG 15s / F-86s at 8.0.
Both can be extremely annoying in a 262 but they have basically the same role as a 5.3 A6M5 ko - waiting for mistakes of way faster aircraft and try to benefit from low and slow opponents. Aka as rat game play.
So the so called “superprop” fan boys would have to face actual challenges instead of having the benefit that their own undertiered jets deal with the 262s.
What impact would have 262s in full downtiers?
This is can be seen if you have flown the Me 262 A-1/U4. Even as i have not seen a single full downtier whilst flying them, the disadvantages vs props remain the same: Very hard to bring guns on target and to hit anything than a large target like a bomber.
In other words: Their main victims would be totally oblivious pilots - so no change to today.
Why gaijin won’t change anything:
You need no degree in quantum physics to come to similar conclusions and ideas to make a rather sad aircraft viable in Air RB. So the question is why we have this current mess in the 1st place?
Imho gaijin just follows economic goals. 5 years ago Germany dominated prop Air RB and had even the dominating sub-sonic jet, the Canadair Sabre. Their choice to go for supersonics made the US & USSR market simply way more attractive as Germany had way less supersonic jet (premium) options and was until recently (Typhoon) not competitive in Air RB.
So in order to earn money with top tier jets in way more attractive markets it makes sense to allow easy progress at jet entry ranks with mostly undertiered aircraft - especially if a large portion of players use Air RB just as grinding tool for their activities in Ground RB.
Therefore i have little to zero hope that gaijin won’t even think about any changes of the positioning the Me 262s.
Out of the box thinking solution for 262s:
If we have a common understanding that the main weakness of the 6.7 - 7.0 versions are the MK 108s - why not find a solution for it?
Imho every fight of an Me 262s with another jet (except the not implemented 2 exceptions mentioned earlier) is pure fantasy. They fight single prototypes which flew years later (like Su-9/11) or simply other aircraft which saw service long after VE day.
Even considering that wt is no historic simulator i see an option for gaijin to solve the issue with the MK 108s by introducing a vehicle module which allows to exchange the 2 or 4 MK 108s with 2 MG 213 with the way more effective 20 mm shells (way higher MV than MG 151/20).
I mean the R4Ms were effective vs bombers - why not assuming that the Germans would have come to the same conclusions that a weapon with a high MV and a high RoF would be better suited vs fighters?
I saw a lot of posts by the fellow player @Ghostmaxi - he looks like an expert for aviation history, maybe he can add something about the likelihood of such options /field kits. I am quite sure that i read decades ago about planned (aka as Luft’46) aircraft carrying either the MG or MK 213.
Thx for reading and have a good one!