Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

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I highly doubt Aim-7Cs are better than anything in the entire game, and the MiG-21PFM only gets R-3S’s.

imo, it would be fine at 9.0 with all-aspect red tops but without it should be no hgiher than 8.7 and should be lower but cant because of compression.

If you energy trap an F-104, then yes, you will kill it. If it BnZs past you, you dont even have to dodge it, it wont catch you.

Bombers of course not, because that is what it was designed to kill, but so will Firestreaks or Aim-9Bs.

Its a fast sub-sonic aircraft, sure, but is a fraction the speed of anything supersonic which it faces in every match. Even a few at 9.0 that are faster. It doesnt turn that well and bleeds speed instantly and doesnt regain it fast enough to escape if you tried. in a close range fight, you are just there for morale support, not to actually kill anything.

The only targets the Red Tops can actually be used against is things that didnt know you were there and werent paying attention or those that have energy trapped themselves. If the target is aware of you and has energy (let alone CMs) you are better off running AGM-12s or Rocket pods than the Red Tops.

Which is why I said,

A Mig-17 shouldn’t be facing a Mig-21S or Av-8A, and that Mig-21S also shouldn’t be facing a Mig-21MF.


They might be slightly harder to defeat, but both airframes are faster, turn better and have guns. and yet are at the same BR or 0.3 higher respectively. the difference in overall performance would be negligible

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Yeah, decompression is needed. But Im not expecting it any time soon, and the Sea Vixen should wait for it at 8.7 not 9.0. Especially with things like the F-4C moving down .

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1000% its just madness where some old vehicles are now

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@Morvran what do you think of the hunter f.6 placement at 9.7

that damn thing should be 9.0

With these fixed on the SRAAM

It would fine-ish, but still struggles with the compression of seeing things in uptiers. So you would still spend most of the match playing like a rat. But if you found a subsonic target with CMs, like the Harriers. You can engage with guns. Something you cant do in the Sea Vixen

Without, it should be 9.3. If that.


how the hell has it been two years and they arent fixed

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may i remind you that the hunter F6 for britain now sits 0.3 bellow the F4C and a BR step above, ABOVE
The mig19, mig21, F104, Yak 38, arietes and now the J35A.
and 0.3 bellow the J35D


Its a British weapon system used on only 2 aircraft that are rarely played because of the bad compression. So the bottom of the pile those reports are found.

Have you ever tried it tbh? I don’t see you ever play France.

even with teh fixes for sraam the F6 is still sad at the Br , the 9.3 one for france or sweden cant mind what has a better engine and avionics, while at 9.3 and the hunter F58 is better in every way at the same BR.

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Yeah… US mains have major skill issues.


Could be worse. The vampire is a ww2 jet fighting the T-2 and skyhawk. Legacy BRs and American skill issues are ruining this game

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Its just ridiculous man


Yeah, it is. But with decent SRAAMs there is actually justification for it being higher because the SRAAMs cant be kinematically defeated in the same way as red tops and you have a better airframe with guns.

Ill keep that in mind as I fight against mig15s and sabers in an me262

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