Same pen, Same reload, Tiger 105 has 2x HE filler, 105 has slightly better power to weight, Better hull armor, Range finder and the mantlet for the gun covers a larger area making the penable spot on the face smaller than the normal one, The only advantage the T29 has over it is .50’s and a slightly more trolly mantlet if shooting the edges of it.
BMP-2 can’t fire on the move and it’s missile drops when launched by quite a bit.
BMP-3 needs 26s to reload it’s ATGM and that’s kind of a lot.
All of them fire APDS at 82mm of pen.
There’re no BMPs with 6 crew.
I doubt a hit like that would kill a Bradley or something like that. You barely missed the track.
The M60A1 AOS has the benefit of an optical rangefinder, something the T-62 lacks. They have comparable mobility and armour. Yes, 3BM3 and 3BM4 both beat M728 in flat pen, but 3BM4 has poorer ricochet angles and the “upgraded” 3BM3 has less 60° pen. The T-62 has a slower reload also.
I don’t see any fundamental imbalance with them being at the same BR. If the Object 140 and Vickers Mk. 3 can both sit at 8.3, I don’t see how the T-62 would somehow be too powerful there.
ARB/GRB BI 6.7 > 7.3
ridiculously fast, while maintaining decent mobility and powerful guns. Its low fuel load is not really a problem because consumption drops very quickly when throttle is lowered.
Only the Block 10/15 F-16As, equipped solely with heat-seeking AIM-9Ls, are going down. And they’re presumably being moved down because six AIM-9Ls and no radar missiles isn’t doing especially great against the ARH missiles common in 13.7 matches.