Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

GRB, T-62, 8.7 → 8.3.

It’s the same as or worse than the Object 140 in almost every aspect. There is no reason to use it over Object 435 as-is, but now it’s a higher BR than another tank that’s basically just better (as the T-62 lacks any rangefinding capabilities and, being a pre-1972 model, lacks a cupola-mounted DShK).

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Which IFV in-game has 6 crews?

Genuinely insane, does not deserve to go down in the slightest

So, not only is gaijin blatantly ignoring the very detailed bug report that we’ve so kindly slapped them across the face with (THAT THEY ACCEPTED NO LESS) which says exactly why the OCU should NOT have AMRAAMs, they’re now making it EVEN LESS accurate by giving it an HMD which it also never had? Nicely done snail.


Whatever BMP that is


It’s a BTR-ZD from battle rating 6.0 if I’m not wrong, the guys sitting on the side may be part of the motorized squadron, only requiring the commander, gunner, driver and loader to fully operate the vehicle, if they made the same thing on BMP-3 it will have 5 more crews, same more 7 on the BMP-2/2M variants, including the seat between the driver and the commander and gunner.

I think the reason it is 9.7 is because it gets the proxy fuse stingers and at its Br it is workable. However all stinger slingers suffer locking helicopters because the missile is butchered

Fair enough if it’s a much lower BR SPAA, though I’ve had BMPs tank hits that would one shot DW or Bradley.

I’m going to also ask the RN Ghibli go from an RB BR of 4.0 down. I recommend 4.0 >>> 3.0.

Gaijin. if you truly use stats to determine BR there is no way the Ghibli rates a BR higher than 3.3 and, when compared to similar vessels, and probably rates a 3.0 BR.

Let us look at the comparable vessels.

Karl Marx (Germany) BR 4.0
Displacement: 1186 t
Crew: 168
Max Speed: 55 kph
Main Armament: 3 X 100mm
RoF: 15 rounds/min
Secondary: 4 X 37mm automatic cannon
Torpedos: 3 X 533mm center mount, 317 kg TnT explosive mass, max range 10 km.

HMS Spey (Great Britain) BR 3.3
Displacement: 2050 t
Crew: 107
Max Speed: 38 kph
Main Armament: 2 X 4in
RoF: First Stage 20 rounds/min. Rest 15 rounds/min.
Secondary: 2 X 40mm autocannon

Groza (Russia) 3.0
Displacement: 633 t
Crew: 114
Max Speed: 39 kph
Main Armament: 2 X 102mm
RoF: 12 rounds/min
Secondary: 3 X 37mm
Torpedoes: 3 X 450mm center mount, 200 kg TnT explosive mass, Max Range 7 km.

And for the Rn Ghibli we have:
Displacement: 1800 t
Crew: 177
Max Speed: 48 kph
Main Armament: 2 X 100 mm
RoF: 9.6 rounds/min
Secondary: 10 X 20mm autocannon
Torpedoes: 4 X 450mm, 200 kg TnT explosive mass, Max Range 8 km.

Okay. The numbers are fairly self-explanatory. The only advantage the ship has is crew size. It’s primary armament is by far the worst, with the slowest RoF and only two of them. It’s secondary armament is also vastly inferior without the 37-40mm autocannons to shred incoming small craft or deal with aircraft at range. Sure it has more torpedoes but they are sidemounted in pairs and with the short range these torpedoes are all fairly useless as an equalizer against destroyers for all of these vessels.

Whilst the Spey is at 3.3 and, in many ways, the most direct comparison, the terrible primary and secondary armament of the Ghibli makes it significantly worse. It will be much more survivable than the Groza, but that means it’s going to take longer to die. It’s certainly isn’t going to do as much damage.

Naval BR’s have been plagued with horrible imbalance since Naval was filled with bots. Bot ships got spectacularly low BR’s (Ships like American Premium Destroyers) and ships that were not played by bots were artificially high in BR (Ships like the RN Aviere). This has lead to inflated BR’s for minor nations like Italy. The RN Ghibli, while new, suffers it’s preliminary BR as it is an Italian Vessel. (Can I just add thet the 4.0 RN Aviere is a poor 4.0 ship and still far better than the RN Ghibli). There is no reason, at all to play the RN Ghibli unless it is a 3.0 BR. The Reserve RN Turbine at 3.3 is a much better ship then the RN Ghibli. I know Ghibli is coastal, but it gets destroyer spawn. Ergo, I’d put the RN Turbine in my lineup every time over the Ghibli making the ship pointless and useless at any BR 3.3 or above. A waste of money on Gaijin’s part.


T62 at the same br of m60a1? Dont think that’s good idea

I made a post asking for it to go down based on the BR of the G.91 R/4, and I really hope it does. Facing a J35D and most other 10.0 planes would really suck.

The SIDAM 25 from RB BR of 8.3 to 7.3.
It’s worse than all 8.0 and above SPAA. No Radar, SLOW, carries very few AP rounds for ground vehicles. It’s most direct counterpart in capability is the M163 which is 7.3.

Quit punishing Italy players for being more skilled than USA, Germany, and Russia players. (All publicly available stats support this.)


The R2Y2s should be moved down, all 3 version from 8.0 → 7.3
Reason: It’s outclassed by pretty much everything else in game, the cannons have been nerfed since its in 8.0 and it’s unusable where it currently sitting.


Straight up lie. On the rest I can agree

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I also support the BR (Ground RB) for the SIDAM 25 Mistral to go from 9.7 >>> 9.3.

The SIDAM 25 Mistral has the same issues as the SIDAM 25. No radar, very little AP ammo, slow. Compared to every other 9.7 SPAA it is significantly worse. The Gepard 1A2 and the SIDAM 25 Mistral being the same BR only proves what everyone knows, the average Germany player is an unskilled player. The most similar vehicle to the SIDAM 25 Mistral is the Machbet, which is 9.3.


Mode: Air RB
Vehicle: F-16A OCU (Japan)
Change: 13.7 > 13.0 + Removal of AIM-120 missiles + Radar changed to AN/APG-66(V)1 + do not add HMD
Reason: Historical inaccuracies:

  • The aircraft never carried AMRAAMs IRL, nor was it ever capable of using them.
  • The “AN/APG-66S” radar does not exist. It is the product of a typo on this blog.

See the detailed bug report linked in my previous comment for more information.


Air RB suggestions

Mig-29SMT 13.3 → 13.0, weak missile loadout, bad Flight Model

Mirage 2000 CS5 Add Magic 2s to inner pylons to compensate for BR increase

F8u2 Revert br decrease

JAS 39c (South Africa) 13.7 → 13.3, Derbys vastly inferior to AMRAAMs


GRB otomatic 11.3>10.7 not enough firing range to be an effective SPAA with its current BR and too little ammunition to do anti-tank correctly.


Note: Please don’t make lists — comments that contain more than one suggestion will not be considered. If you’d like to suggest more, please use the one-comment-one vehicle rule using the template below. You can leave more than one comment in this thread, there’s no limit to this.

Here’s an example template (per comment):

  • Mode, vehicle name. 8.0 > 8.3. Reasoning.

Friendly reminder.


thank you for the reminder katyusha, and the hard work (hit enter by accident)