Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

He doesn’t have thermal imaging

Not really a BR change but, give the R3 its stab back.

It got removed to artificially nerf it at the low BR it was at, now its at something reasonable so just add it back


Yeah but i really would like to hear their excuse for it to be kept 12.3 in ASB while A10C is 11.7…

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Ground Realistic battle, PZH2000, 8.0>8.7. Reason: it’s a howitzer with laser range finder, fast reloading and decent mobility.


Ground RB, SIDAM25(Mistral), 9.7 ➡ 9.3 , No radar, Less AP. All SPAA has added ammo box, nevertheless it is too difficult to maintain to battle long. So, it should be as same BR as SANTAL(France, uses Mistral missiles).


Air Realistic
Vampire FB.5 8.0 → 7.7/7.3
It it more than likely the Worst 8.0 fighter, its the same BR as the other Vampires with a noticeably weaker engine, and there is no way it can be on par with an A-5 sabre or a MiG-15, its on par with the Meteor Mk.3, maybe the Mk.4 G.41F if you push it, it has poor acceleration, terrible speed, and a sub-par climb rate, it’s needed to go down in BR for a while now


Not deserving of a 2 BR bump though is it


F-4 Phantom II (J,S,FGR.2,FG.1,EJ Kai)

move phantoms away from missile carriers with ARL homing head and more modern machines such as Su-27, Su-33, F-15 and others


RB, M44. 4.0>4.7/5.0.
This thing has ruined Early WWII BR.


bro f14 iriaf currently has THE BEST fox-3 and the SECOND BEST fox-1 missiles in the entire


Air RB - Canberra B(I) Mk.6
BR change: 8.3 → 7.7

This thing has absolutely 0 business in 8.3 given the sheer performance capability of the enemy interceptors and fighters that run this thing down, with A2A Missiles that this thing has nothing to protect itself with. It’s flight performance is more in line with earlier jets and even in downtiers I find myself feeling like even attempting to defend myself with it haven flown in Meteors is wishful thinking.

It has great turn rate and decent energy retention but its acceleration is near non existent, and for the reasons above i’d sincerely hope it gets some form of move down in BR.


Second this.

Air realistic, B-26C, 4.7>4.3 . Reasoning: its identical to B-26B which is 4.3 battle rating it should be the same, both are on allied matchmaking side where applicable. Alternatively move B-26B to 4.7 so they match brs that way.


Vehicle in question: M60A3TTS(China)
Gamemode: GAB/GRB/GSB
BR: 9.0 to 8.7

Lacked M774 and ERA outfit compared to the American counterpart. Should be one notch lower.


You get half the amount of missiles and trade it for a gun that can still get 80mm of pen, and you have the box to refill missiles and guns, 9.7 is totally a fair br, there is no defensive capability on the santal only defensive.


AMX-50 (TO90/930) → HEAT-FS (M431 shell)
historically the Bat 25T and the AMX 50/90 can load all the ammunition of the Patton M47, this would transform them into a Swiss Army knife, a fast tank that can handle a lot of tanks in its BR without excelling and without stabilizer.
But without raising it from BR


EBR 1954 → PCOT-51P
Despite increases in BR, it was not given its best ammunition to remain competitive it needs its best shells available


Ground realistic battles, OTOMATIC. 11.3 > 10.3

At its current BR, the OTOMATIC lacks sufficient range to deal with the aircraft that it faces, as its mediocre fire rate and slow shell velocity limit its effective range to a mere 3 - 4 km, despite multiple SPAAs at lower BRs like 2S6 Tunguska and ASRAD-R having double this range.

As a result, the aircraft that OTOMATIC faces can release munitions well outside of its effective range, and any friendly SPAAs are able to down aircraft long before they get close enough for the OTOMATIC to engage.


Agree. M107 can even destroy some main ammor around the BR, such as T-34s.

M4A1 (FL10) → PCOT-51P, we must give it its best shells + an increase in BR to maximum 5.3