Kfir C2 11.7 → 11.3 would allow for a logical progression down from the C7 to the canard. The C2 is currently completely overtiered for it only having 2 missiles.
It already is fighting A-10C with 4 Aim-9Ms and HMD
while su-25sm3 has 2 R-73 and no HMD
Yep another classic Gaijin move where they add a very powerful Premium/event vehicle, and when sails die down they raise it so high they basically kill it. Rip IRAF f14, with its terrible rwr, 30 cm pops and bad radar it will be absolutely destroyed by 14.0s
Sea Hawk FGA.6
Gamemode:Air Realistic Battles
8.0 → 7.7
Reason: The British Sea Hawk has no AIM-9B’s yet its at the same Br as the Sea Hawk Mk.50/100
Lowering by .3 would make the plane a bit more usable because of its worse engine
Draken XS 10.7-10.3
THIS IS FANTASTIC! Thank You so much. My preyers have been Heard! There Were no reasons to keep plane with 12 flares and single gun on the right side with 120 bullets and 6 missiles from 9.7 on 10.7 BR and let him play againts 11.7 planes. Well done!
Please decompress Ground BR already
Right now it should be at least Br 13.0 max
Using 11.7 lineup, with 11.7 Planes ARB/GRB but can meet 14.0 planes cosplaying in GRB as 12.7 planes is the most unfair BR matchup in game
Ground Realistic battle, VIDAR, 8.0>8.7. Reason: it’s a howitzer with laser range finder, fast reloading, nice thermal, and decent mobility.
Your statement is not valid since the BR rotations are not permanent. They change with introduction of new BR ranges. The temporary BR rotations are not an excuse to avoid placing an aircraft at its rightful BR.
type 73 APFSDS not good
You’ll come to find out that the Fatter is sitting in the files for this aircraft already, it’s just not in a position to need a buff.
Kugelblitz , GRB , 7.0>6.7
Reason: It dont have any lineup and it isnt worth uptiering your 6.7 line-up for a close turret SPAA.
Its performance is worse than the Skink ,since 30mm rounds feels slower than the 20mm of the Skink.
This shouldn’t move due to loadout but due to current modeling issues/placeholder parts it needs to
Vehicle: Sea Harrier FA2
Gamemode: Air Realistic & Air Sim
BR Change: 13.0 —> 12.7
Reason: The Sea Harrier FA2 has the same flight performance as the 9.7 Harriers but with a better engine. It is carried at its BR by the Blue Vixen Radar and AMRAAM. It should be fine at its current BR despite that fact, but has so many missing features and issues, that this simply isnt the case.
Prefered solution: Fix the Sea Harrier FA2
- BOL is currently performing at 1/4 IRL performance (bug reports in for both BOL “flares” and BOL “Chaff”) and as such, leaves the Sea Harrier FA2 with extremely weak CMs that do almost nothing. Fixing BOL would give the FA2 a capable defensive suite of CMs
- Placeholder RWR. The RWR on the FA2 currently marks all targets as “IPD” which is incorrect and it should fully ID all targets, giving you greatly increased situational awareness.
- IR Signature is incorrect and isnanely hot. It is almost impossible to defeat most IR missiles in any Harrier due to this limiation but IRCCM missiles at the high BR the FA2 sits, forget it. The issue is the Thrust to flare ratio on all Harriers is extremely high and needs to be fixed
- Placeholder HUD, the HUD on the FA2 is that from the Harrier Gr3 and has 0 relevant symbology. This leaves the FA2 totally blind in Sim and at a notable disadvantage. If the FA2s native HUD cannot be modeled by the next major update. Please replace the HUD with that from the Tornado F3, to give us at a minimum, the A2A symbology required for fair play
Air realistic, B-24D-25-CO, 5.7>5.3 . Now with B-17G going down to 5.0 its more sluggish cousin should go down too because it features similar gunner defences with 3 twin 50.cal turrets facing the rear, similar bombload but with no 4000lb bomb option yet, and is more sluggish during maneuvers it also is bit slower at 5km carrying same 8x1000lb load 440km/h vs 455 km/h of B-17G. Considering those facts it would be even advised to make them both the same br 5.0 or 5.3
Ground Realistic battle, Type 05 howitzer, 7.7>8.3. Reason: it’s a howitzer with laser range finder, fast reloafing and,decent mobility.
Su25SM3 11.7 at ARB but still 12.3 in ASB?Guess it has some special power there then…still how about you guys start fixing maps designes and CAS problem instead of br changes based on dreams eh?
Unreasonable, the type 73 APFSDS is the worst 100mm APFSDS. It has to use the HEATFS to destroy some heavy tanks such as Maus. So, it comes to the satuation as Ikv-91.
No. The APFSDS has barely any pen. It can’t even pen the maus from the front. It even has less pen than the APHE of the T54
Air RB, Shenyang F-5, 9.3>9.0.
①, After the next coming br change, the Chinese super MiG-17 would fight against those Mig-21MFs (which are moving to 10.3) if it is keep at 9.3, but it doesn’t even get any flares, which poses a significant threat to the survivability of Senyang F-5.
②, The flight performance of MiG-17 is no longer outstanding at 9.3, especially when the Lim-5P with afterburner has been moved to 8.7;
Meanwhile, missiles should not be a main standard for gen1 jets to obtain different br, Shenyang F-5 only got 2* PL-2, and the PL-2 is a copy of the AIM-9B, if the AIM-9B is such important to make a gen1 jet get higher br, then the German/French Seahawk Mk.100/50 shall get higher br than the British Seahawk FGA.6 becuz the former 2 have the missile.
Obviously, it is unreasonable and unbalanced to keep Shenyang F-5 at br 9.3 in Air RB.
According to Gaijin’s typical movement,
They will
- completely forget about the All-aspect feature of Red top and just send 9.7
- “All Aspect!?!? with supersonic fuselage!! Too OP!” freaks out and sends 10.7
I guess :|
Mirage 2000D-RMV. Air Realistic 12.7 > 12.3 Magic2 with good plane is indeed powerful but only 2 of them simply not enough, especially when it’s uptiered fighting F-15C, J-10A, JAS39 etc