So going to say it again.
The 2S38
to 11.3 There is no logical reason this is still sitting at 10.3 This is able to out perform the otomatic, and the otomatic sits at 11.3
So going to say it again.
The 2S38
11.3 is overkill, its good but not that good
otomatic has a radar for one the 2s38 doesnt
Solid shot with bad spall vs 200+ penning dart with option for APHE
It also has better proxy shells and an IRST with amazing turret traverse with similar mobility, a thermal scout drone and better lineup.
The begleit is in no way comparable to the 2S38 and is infinitely easier to deal with
in the past 4 years, they moved russian made planes / tanks down a 0.3 BR and no one else planes in the same way. I wonder if im the only one that notices this.
@UniqueScorpions can take over if you want a debate, i simply do not see any reason that the A-10C needs to go down, i don’t need any experience with it to say that
11.0 → 11.3 / 11.3 → 11.7
They are just not fair against any 10.0 plane, realy good Radar which allows to destroy 2 planes at once, sure they are harmless against tanks unless they scout an enemy to death…
Can’t be 50’d, has crewless turret and has scouting. Pretty sure bigger belts too
The A-10c is a flying brick. it takes 3- 8 minutes to get near anything in air rb to get point, and can only target players that are crazy enough to fight it in a head-on or fly low. Its BR shouldnt be 11.7 esp when russian supersonics are being moved down. The only thing the A-10c has going for it are crazy amount of CMs, aim 9ms and GBU 39s . You’re flying a plane that will most likely never make it past your own bases let alone near any thing else for it to get score. the GBU 39s could also be used to hit static emplacements, but other than that its another free kill like the other flying bricks the A-7s
I’m talking about KPz-70 exclusively, as it’s the best out of the three.
You’re going to use the same weakspots to T-72A, T-72B, T-80B, etc. so this is a moot point.
KPz-70 is the best 9.3 MBT, so moving it down would move everything else down.
You meant 34 CM’s
R2Y2, All variants, RB: 8.0 → 7.3. Plane has long since been nerfed, to have to face 9.0 planes in this is insanity. I do not want these forgotten about and left where they are for eternity.
Su-22M3 isn’t even supersonic with it’s bomb load, so it was far from fastest at 11.3. Not to mention that 6 pops of flares is simply not enough.
I don’t need any experience with it to say that. You don’t have arms, legs, or a head.
Since the BR changes of December 2023? What do you even mean?
Instead of moving IPM1 down, M1A1 should lose it’s reload speed.
M1A1 having 5s reload while Merkavas having 6s is beyond me.
Playing MiG-29 with R-60s against Eurofighters and Rafales is insane
it seems
American provide extra protein and steroids on MRE for loader
Israel doesn’t.
Do not delude yourself into thinking their mobility is at all comparable. The T18E2 is the size of a barn and has a meager 10.4 hp/t compared to the very impressive 17.9 hp/ton of the Puma. The T18E2 is too fat to properly play the role of a light tank and ends up feeling more like a medium. The Puma on the other hand is easily the fastest vehicle at that BR.
The T18E2 is a good matchup for some of the mainstays of 3.3. The T-34 (1940) has much better offroad mobility in a smaller package with significantly better armor than the T18E2, but has a gun that is overall harder to use and loses the scouting bonus. The M4A1 has better armor, a more punchy gun, and a .50 cal, but is overall less mobile and doesn’t get scouting. The T18E2 would definitely be strong at 3.3, but I do not think it would be out of place either. At 3.7, I feel the T18E2 would fall apart once it needs to start competing directly with the M24 Chaffee.
Anyone trying to compare the T18E2 and Sd.Kfz. 234/2 apples to apples is someone who has not played both of them. One of these vehicles sacrifices armor and firepower for unrivaled mobility while the other is a medium on wheels LARPing as a light.
Due to their launching mechanism, they’ll have a lot of issues dealing with targets in close ranges.
Type 81 is definitely better against aircraft than them, unless you wanna shoot at something 12/15km away which you aren’t hitting anyways.