Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

💀 take the rambling to another thread if you aren’t going to discuss the BR changes


They are trying to make the IPM1 valid again, perfectly fine take imho and the abrams reload never should of gone down since it invalidates other struggling top tiers like the Challenger and Leclerc

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them lower the IPM1 to 10.7 , and i don’t see why you are comparing the m1a1 to other nations.

that was my second point but not to 10.7 instead the IPM1 in an ideal world would be 11.0


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Why am I in the process of researching with the intent to play the Challenger 2s then, why do i have the type 10?

I play tanks based on how much i like them IRL, not their performance In game (hence why i haven’t touched the T-90m or 2A7HU)

Reason: Currently it shares its br with the now better M1A1 since the M1A1 got a reload buff to 5 seconds while retaining better firepower and having an equal reload. The IPM1 currently would fit better to the 11.0 bracket


jaguar in 10.7 not have bomb, AAM ,engine power, bad flight model stock is painful to play in 10.7 . but other aircraft like su25 a-10 got aim9 and r-60 not fair. and sometime up to11.7 jaguar with nothing vs mig23 .

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If that’s your opinion then fine, i’ll leave you to it, however can we go back to civilly discussing the BR changes or lack thereof instead of personal attacks, I have made none towards you and do not intend on it.

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AMX A-1A 11.3 >10.7

Why is a completely mediocre attacker 0.4 BR lower than SU-25SM3?
It lacks ground ordinance compared to SU-25SM3 which is now being placed at 11.7 and although it has the same ammount of IR missiles, comparing the MAA-1 without IRCCM to R-73 is pure madness, has roughly similar top speed and turn rate.
Only thing better is that the AMX A-1A has really good RWR, but that doesnt make it any more combat competent.


anyways these BR changes are stupid the F-16s should never be moved down just like the migs should never be moved down mig 21 to 10.3? the SU 22s dont need to be moved down. These are some of the fastest bombers in the game. There is no reason for them to be moved down

.3 lower than AYIT/Lightning btw

Nothing said about the begleit of course…

gaijin stopped caring about sim when they started adding the same spam t series to nato tech trees, but they will ban you for team killing a tank that is 95% identical to a russian tank.

only one per post, if you got complains with the begleit do one yourself jesus,

besides that the begleit is worse then the 2s38

good explanation.

i think there we have the problem with the BR spreading, if they are on their BR or high tier they performe quite good, but if they are low tier some planes are unplayable or very difficult. for example one big problem is the ammount off chaff and flares as long as the missiles are easy to flare a low amount is okay but if you have to fight against Radar guided and missiles with IRCCM you need more chaff and flare. in my opinion we need a smaller br spread in one battle so not ±1 but maybe ±0.7

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Where is your brain when thinking it should go down to 10.3?

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