Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

Vehicle: PT16/14 mod.
Gamemode: Ground Realistic
BR Change: 10.3>>10.3
Reason: This tank lacks essential smoke grenades and even night vision devices, severely hampering its combat effectiveness in nighttime engagements. In summary, its software configuration is subpar and falls short of the comprehensive combat capabilities required for 10.7 BR battles. Additionally, I recommend expanding the top-tier ground battle ratings. Due to the presence of the Leopard 2A4M and Leopard 2 PL, German 10.7 BR vehicles frequently face 11.7 BR opponents. However, these two Leopard 2 variants often lack complete supporting lineups, causing players to exit matches after just 1-2 vehicle losses and creating imbalanced situations.


Much of the overmatching could be solved in air rb br 10.0 and up by narrowing the match maker. Fox3s are stifling many aircraft. By reducing the matchmaker to three BR brackets only would solve much of this problem along with helping out many of the other aircraft with less than optimal loadouts in full up tiers. Br changes would not be required for balance purposes nearly as often.


I want 9 aircrafts in rank V change battle rating for Air RB

  • F3D-1 : 7.0 → 6.7

  • Me 262 A-1a : 7.0 → 6.7

  • Me 262 A-1a/Jabo : 7.0 → 6.7

  • Me 262 C-2b : 8.0 → 7.7

  • F9F-2 : 8.0 → 7.7

  • Venom FB.4 : 8.7 → 8.3

  • J21RA : 6.7 → 6.3

  • Me 163 B-0 : 8.7 → 8.3

  • F-84F (USA) : 8.3 → 8.0

Pzh2000 to 8.0. its just another vidar and should not be fighting 6.7

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J-7E does have good flight performance, but it only has rear-aspect missiles at that BR. and it’s not in balance with the mig21 variant which has all-aspect missiles. J-7E players are only told to play using a 30mm gun with 60 ammo?

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Mode: Air Realistic
Tornado GR.1
11.7 > 11.3
The Tornado GR.1 holds the worst engine in the Tornado family. While its guided bomb loadout can’t provide enough advantage to make it better survivable than Tornados in BR 11.3.

Vehicle : Type69-IIa,
tierV→VI, BRchange:8.3→8.7 Equipped with DTW2-100 APFSDS.
Reason: The firepower used by the existing weights is no longer sufficient against the main vehicles of 9.0 to 9.3 .This vehicle badly needs the ammunition to replenish its firepower


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Air RB, F-84F ThunderStreak, 8.3 > 7.7.

Its armament is beyond lackluster, and it can’t dogfight any aircraft it comes across. Its hardly able to turn at all, let along even be considered playable at its BR. It’s in an absolutely horrible state ingame, and everyone who plays it knows this. (This goes for the Israeli F-84F as well, which is a GE premium. Absolute scam really, unless you lower its BR).


To summarize this dudes posts;
Lower the BRs of all British vehicles

Air RB, F-15J (Japan). 13.0>13.3.

BR 12.7 upwards is in dire need of further decompression. Most aircraft starting from BR 12.7 need to be adjusted upward by at least one, if not two, increments- including this one. It goes up alongside the US and Israeli F-15 variants (per rules, see separate posts).

Ground RB: FV4030 “Shir” 9.7 BR to 10.3 BR

It’s functionally identical to the CR1 Mk1, except faster. Whoever thought this thing was equal to the pile of trash that the AMX-40 is should be fired. Even ahistorical L23 (it never existed IRL) isn’t enough of a nerf to justify being 9.7 BR with functionally every single characteristic superior to all 9.7 BR MBTs. Faster, better armored, better armed, Gun handling is better, list goes on. It has no competition and must be uptiered immediately.

Air RB, F-16AJ (Japan). 12.7>13.0.

BR 12.7 upwards is in dire need of further decompression. Most aircraft starting from BR 12.7 need to be adjusted upward by at least one, if not two, increments- including this one.

Air RB, Vautour IIA IDF/AF (Hidden French Premium AND Israel Tech Tree Bomber), 9.0 → 8.7 or 8.3.

As a fighter aircraft, it currently suffers heavily ingame at this BR. The main issue with this aircraft is its lack of nose authority and turning, as it’s extremely sluggish. Although this aircraft has the Shafrir AAM, it’s hardly usable on this platform, especially at this BR. It can only bomb fully a single base in Air RB, has NO bombsight, has a usable but somewhat low ammo count, has no countermeasures (important when you lack the agility to dodge some AAMs you’ll face), and can be outrun by a LOT of the aircraft you’ll face. Notably it’s lost its air spawn in recent years, and this is also a great detriment to the aircraft.

Currently this aircraft also suffers from an unreported bug, that being with its elevator (which if fixed, would solve the flight performance issues with this aircraft almost entirely). As is seen here: the ENTIRE Elevator should be able to move, not just the small part of it as seen here. The devs went out of their way to meld this feature on the external model, yet they won’t implement it as a part of the flight model.

How it is ingame:
How it should be:

Edit: don’t flag my post. I will get a forum moderator.


Air RB, S.O.4050 Vautour IIA (French TT), 9.0 → 8.7 or 8.3.

As a fighter aircraft, it currently suffers heavily ingame at this BR. The main issue with this aircraft is its lack of nose authority and turning, as it’s extremely sluggish. Although the Israeli ones carry the Shafrir AAM, this aircraft doesn’t yet it sits at the same BR?! It can only bomb fully a single base in Air RB, has NO bombsight, has a usable but somewhat low ammo count, has no countermeasures (important when you lack the agility to dodge some AAMs you’ll face), and can be outrun by a LOT of the aircraft you’ll face. Notably it’s lost its air spawn in recent years, and this is also a great detriment to the aircraft.

Currently this aircraft also suffers from an unreported bug, that being with its elevator (which if fixed, would solve the flight performance issues with this aircraft almost entirely). As is seen here: the ENTIRE Elevator should be able to move, not just the small part of it as seen here. The devs went out of their way to meld this feature on the external model, yet they won’t implement it as a part of the flight model.

How it is ingame:
How it should be:

Edit: please do not flag my post, don’t make me get a forum moderator.


Air RB, S.O.4050 Vautour IIB (French TT), 9.0 → 8.3.

As a fighter aircraft, it currently suffers heavily ingame at this BR. The main issue with this aircraft is its lack of nose authority and turning, as it’s extremely sluggish. Compared to the Israeli Vautours and French ones, this has no guns, and no AAMs making it only usable for bombing. It can only bomb fully a single base in Air RB, has NO GUNS, has no countermeasures (important when you lack the agility to dodge some AAMs you’ll face), and can be outrun by a LOT of the aircraft you’ll face. The trade off of acquiring a bombsight in exchange for losing the cannons may be helpful for this aircraft in a CAS setting, but it’s a massive detriment in Air RB (other than being able to bomb bases from higher altitudes). Notably it’s lost its air spawn in recent years, and this is also a great detriment to the aircraft.

Currently this aircraft also suffers from an unreported bug, that being with its elevator (which if fixed, would solve the flight performance issues with this aircraft almost entirely). As is seen here: the ENTIRE Elevator should be able to move, not just the small part of it as seen here. The devs went out of their way to meld this feature on the external model, yet they won’t implement it as a part of the flight model.

How it is ingame:
How it should be:

Edit: please do not wrongly flag my post, I will get a forum mod if I must.


I have stated BR changes for vehicles that I play, which happens to mostly be Britian, But I’ve also got the AMX A-1A in there. If you disagree with one of my suggested changes, you are welcome to state why you disagree with me. But as it stands, I could list a couple dozen other vehicles which could do with a BR reduction or massive buffs within the British Tech tree, but I have not. I have instead picked those that are notably weak at the moment.

But all Rank 7 and 8 British aircraft are underperforming and Britain does easily have one of the weakest top tier ground line-ups in game.

Air RB, Vautour IIN (Israeli TT), 9.0 → 8.7 or 8.3.

As a fighter aircraft, it currently suffers heavily ingame at this BR. The main issue with this aircraft is its lack of nose authority and turning, as it’s extremely sluggish. Although this aircraft has the Shafrir AAM, it’s hardly usable on this platform, especially at this BR. It can only bomb fully a single base in Air RB, has NO bombsight, has a usable but somewhat low ammo count, has no countermeasures (important when you lack the agility to dodge some AAMs you’ll face), and can be outrun by a LOT of the aircraft you’ll face. Notably it’s lost its air spawn in recent years, and this is also a great detriment to the aircraft.

Currently this aircraft also suffers from an unreported bug, that being with its elevator (which if fixed, would solve the flight performance issues with this aircraft almost entirely). As is seen here: the ENTIRE Elevator should be able to move, not just the small part of it as seen here. The devs went out of their way to meld this feature on the external model, yet they won’t implement it as a part of the flight model.

How it is ingame:
How it should be:

On top of this. I formally suggest the Israeli Vautour IIN’s armament and Tech Tree placement be re-evaluated, as it is in fact capable of using the Shafrir AAM. In the past a bug report for its addition was denied, but seeing at the Vautour IIA can do anything the Vautour IIN can, I ask that you consider making this variant unique ingame as it is IRL.
IMO this bug report was wrongfully closed, and this missile should be added to the aircraft to give a unique feature to this Vautour to differentiate it between the IIA its foldered with.


Air RB, MiG-29 [9.12] (Germany). 12.7>13.0.

BR 12.7 upwards is in dire need of further decompression. Most aircraft starting from BR 12.7 need to be adjusted upward by at least one, if not two, increments- including this one. It goes up alongside the Russian and Italian variants (per rules, see separate posts).