It’s only 4 directional which makes it near impossible to notch radar missiles and can’t even see some bands like other Mig-23ML’s.
We need a separation between Fox 3 jets and normal Fox 1 jets, there is no way we have to fight eurofighters in F15As.
M4A3 (105) (Realistic Battles)
3.0 → 3.7
Ok, this thing absolute slams every moving target it sees on a slight downtier, its heat can pen pretty much anything on its BR and under and the HE can pretty much overpressure anything knowing where to aim or not.
It’s armor also ignores most of the tanks that it goes against, now if you slightly angle it, it’s just a dead-end for them.
You can easily use it on higher BRs too, just look at the historical br spookston’s video about m4a3 105.
The j7D has plenty of flares and the r73 is pretty basic to flare
Vautours need their air spawn back. Totally unplayable. That or lower br.
Me-262A - 7.0>6.7(and give interceptor spawn)
If ya’ll want to move the R2Y2s down, than this needs to be done. Currently Me-262s offer no advantages over other 7.0 planes, and downtiering them won’t harm the lower BR planes that meet them. If you can deal with an He-162, you can deal with a 262.
Vehicle - F104G China
Mode - ARB
BR - 10.7 → 10.0
Everything else without flairs is going 10.0, I would rather Air gets decompressed but for equivlant sake,
Air SB 11.3 > 11.7
Basically the same problem as the 111s of being too hard to intercept thanks to high speed and MAW.
The irony of those videos has been greatly lost on you
they were carried.
Vehicle - F104J
Mode - ARB
BR - 10.3 → 10.0
Everything else without flairs is going 10.0, I would rather Air gets decompressed but for equivlant sake, remove 2 missiles.
Me-163 B-0/Ki-200 - 8.7>8.0 (and give airspawn to all Me-163/Ki-200 variants, or move to 7.7)
Since the fuel quantity nerf, they no longer have the endurance to keep up with 8.X jets. 8.7 was already too high, and I think 8.0 with an airspawn, or moving all of them to 7.7 would be the best idea.
it had r73s. it was compatible. Iran got mig-29s and r73s.
for Ground RB, not Air RB
And add more flers for the su22m3,
14 flers its to little it hase no use
Bring it down more but dont live it like this .
F-86(all) move up to their old BR of 8.3/8.7/9.0
Undo the changes that made 7.X worse.
Vehicle: Mig-21 Bison
Gamemode: Air RB
BR Change: 12.3 —> 12.7
Reason: It’s extremely undertiered at 12.3 BR with HMD+R-73, PD Radar w/TWS + R27R’s, good RWR too and on top that it get’s downtiers all the time, I face this every other match with my Mig-23ML at 11.7. Not even 12.7 planes like Mig-29 and F-16A ADF’s have this kind of kit, they’re limited to only 2 radar missiles and no IRCCM missiles, no TWS and HMD either… Bison could even be 13.0 since it’s better than these aircrafts.
IS-2, ground realistic.
Reason: it’s the same as with the 1944 version
1.Long reload, which means you can get easily swarmed.
2. Volumetric which sometimes happens.
3. Weak turret and hull armor.
4. No gun depression, so finding a sniping spot is hard.
As a sequel to that; MiG-15(all) - Move from 8.0/8.3 to 8.3/8.7, MiG-17(all) - 8.7>9.0
EDIT: Split into multiple comments