Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

Game mode: Air RB
Vehicle: Heinkel He 162 A-2
BR change: 6.0 > 5.7


  • Currently the plane is just good to kill totally clueless enemies.

  • The plane has exactly one strength: Speed and dive speed.

  • But you can’t use these strengths in full uptiers as the average 7.0 jet outperforms you - and even i partial or full downtiers the plane can easily be evaded by any halfmost decent prop pilot as the range of the MG 151/20 requires to get extremely close to get a shot.

  • Head-ons are futile as enemy shells have no range limitations whilst your own shells explode long before they reach an enemy.

In other words:

In order to make this plane work you need paid actors in the enemy team. In roughly 130 matches at this BR range in the 162 and the 6.3 and 6.7 Me 262 i saw just one match with a 162 scoring 3 kills, i baited for 2 of them. Otherwise the planes either trade in FCH or just get the 135 points “I got shot down” mission score.

I kindly ask you to process the bug report regarding mine shells: Link

In order to give you an example:

In order to demonstrate the negative effect of this bug - a replay from a recent match:

If you skip to around 10:30 you see me diving on a Spitfire - the Spit flew with around 800 kmph TAS, and i came in with 980 kmph (He 162). I opened fire at a range of around 700 meters - my first shells passed the Spit too low and exploded 50 - 70 meters in front of him - confirming the wrong settings of the fuse and demonstrate why it is incredibly hard to score hits in long range head-ons or high speed chases.


Ground RB, MD500-TOW “Lahatut” (Israel), 9.0 → 8.7

(Please note, the MD500-TOW “Lahatut” is currently 8.7 ingame, but it is being suggested to move up to 9.0. As such this suggestion is me counter arguing for its new proposed BR placement.)

Please do not go through with this BR change, as it makes absolutely no sense at all. The Lahatut has only 4 ATGMs, no guns, and only 14 rockets. Compared to the Israeli AH-1Q “Tzefa B” which sits at 9.0, it hails in comparison.

The 9.0 Tzefa has 8 TOW ATGMs (The Lahatut has 4, albeit with only 170mm more penetration), up to 76x rockets (The Lahatut only has 14x), a 7.62mm dual rotary gun or 2x 40mm grenade launchers (the Lahatut has none), it has an RWR (the Lahatut does not and makes dealing with SPAA harder), and even climbs faster than the Lahatut while also having a higher top speed (It also has NVD, which the Lahatut does not, but that’s a minor upgrade unless it’s used in night battles).

This Helicopter cannot go to 9.0 without suffering immensely, as it has no countermeasures, no RWR, or gun. Compared to the Tzefa B, it’s inferior in EVERY WAY. Please revise this, just because it’s preforming well in players hands doesn’t mean it should go up, as it would ruin the vehicle entirely.

Please don’t massacre my boi


Air Simulator Battles, Sagittario 2, 8.0 > 8.7

The Sagittario’s performance is so far beyond anything else at 8.0 that it is functionally untouchable and unbeatable if flown half-competently. It is faster, with superior acceleration, while also having some of the best guns, outstanding visibility, and being smaller and more maneuverable than everything it fights. It is hands-down the best at basically everything. At 8.7, its performance much more closely matches other aircraft at the BR, such as F-86 Sabres and MiG-15s, while still having some advantages and some disadvantages but not being overwhelmingly strong against opposing aircraft.


Need additional decompression from 9.0 onward, especially 8.0-9.7 is quite the eyebrow raiser. With a raised BR of 14.7 we could alleviate super sonic, IR missile having aircraft from the subsonic, no flares WW2- 1950 aircraft lineup.

well, i think the issue you’re failing to understand here is that is hes not wrong. I play with him and he has done it before, no i don’t think the F-14 should be fighting Euro fighters, but at the same time i dont think the aircraft it faces should have to face it, if you want to go for the stance of things being placed realistically, yes the planes fine where it is, However we all have to face the fact that that is simply not how the game is balanced, the plane needs to be a higher BR for the sake of the rest of vehicles at those BRs and not for the sake of the enjoyment of you specifically.

A plane underperforming will always be more fair than it overperforming

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F-16A OCU (Japan) Helmet-mounted Display (HMD) has been added.

Sure but, where is the HMD for F-16AM? It has same BR with OCU and C model but, currently, HMD is missing.

Also, OCU with AMRAAMs are literally unhistorical loadout so, should gets removed and puts lower BR.

Forgot the format last night
TYPE 16 FPS/P 9.3 → 9.7

Reason sick of modern gokarts seeing my is7 so either that goes up or is7 back to 8.0 and I know the masses would cope if that happend.

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100% agree it needs to be at least 12.3 like the F-16A or lower

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Might have to be 12.0 now

Make sure to read the main thread

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Yeah, its been like it since the last BR change

so you only play the premium one. Magic 2 only great at because of its faster speed its TTK being much better than R-73, the Gatewidth IRCCM however, still the same as R-73 DESPITE Magic 2 having IRCCM (iirc) almost like Python 4.

Idk why you’re this mad just because your favourite aircraft really destroy its BR Bracket.


Okay, Sir.
So, where is your PC account?


Yeah, if you look. I spammed comments because i just C&Ped from the last one


isnt having multiple accounts against TOS?

PZH2000 7.7 → 8.3
LRF using Artillery tanks have ruined sniping maps like Sands of Sinai at it’s BR. Old sniping wars between M48 vs T-54s and AMX-30s vs Leopards, basically doesnt exist with these vehicles here to bop people at range with a keystroke.


VIDAR 8.0 → 8.7
See above.

PLZ05 7.7 → 8.3
See above


Not his fault, iirc the console-PC connection just sucks


PGZ09 8.3 → 8.7
Having now used it plenty it is crazy this is the same BR as things like Marksman and Gepard, it’s smaller, faster and has AHEAD Ammunition which is pretty solid, and excellent thermals.


Falcon 8.3 → 8.0
With vehicles like Fox and BTR-80A not much point it being 8.3 now