Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

Why R2Y2 need to be gone?
Act like those are only unrealistic planes in the game

Ground Realistic battles, AMX-50 (TO90/930), 8.0 → 7.7
The reason for this is that compared to the AMX-50 (TOA100) it features worse or equal stats to that tank in every aspect. It carries APHE with considerably less penetration and for that reason it is a higher BR?

It is also considerably worse than the Obj 906 which has a stabiliser, APHE with better penetration and a HEAT-FS shell paired with the 4 second reload.

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They’re the most unrealistic planes because they never actually existed.

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Simulator Battles: J35D 10.7 → 10.0 This aircraft does not have countermeasures, RWR, or radar missiles. Other notable 10.7 aircraft like the Mig-21SMT and F-4E have all three. Flight performance is it’s only defense, and it’s severely fuel limited. It can carry drop tanks, but that requires surrendering two missiles.

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Air Realistic F-89B 7.0>7.7 or 7.0>8.0 the thrust from the afterburners allows for free kills on plains with only about 1/3-1/4 th the thrust.

Ground Realistic battles, Char 25t, 8.0 → 7.7
This is a light tank with the same battlerating as the Obj 906 which is the closest thing I can compare it to. The Obj 906 features the same reload speed but with a better APHE shell, HEAT-FS shell and a full on stabiliser.


Hah I’m surprised some Soviet ship in the game also not even real as well yet why don’t they also remove too?

Hope it gets lowered 10.0 at least, it has AIm9Js tho

Ships follow different rules, and I’m fairly sure the Soviets aren’t unique that aspect.

Name a plane or tank more unrealistic than the R2Y2s, especially the V2 and V3.

Yeah, naval the requirement is just that they began construction but not necessarily finished.

air RB 12.3→12.0
just how IR missile with no IRCCM become so strong even have a higher BR then F4S


ARB- F-104S-ASA(Italy). 12.0>11.3 OR 12.0>11.7

The F-104S-ASA, while the ultimate- and last- Starfighter, is not equivalent in capabilities to other aircraft at its current BR, if not inferior by a wide margin, and COMPLETELY OUTCLASSED by any aircraft above it. While its speed and armament are formidable, they are not the equivalent of an F-4S, -4J, JA37D, or really any other 12.0 aircraft except maybe the Mirage F1, and that’s pushing it. The aircraft should be at a BR that reflects its capabilities, avionics and armaments, and it is not equivalent to any aircraft it faces at 12.0, let alone anything it could see in an uptier. Especially in its present state, lacking the onboard ECM/lock-breaker systems present IRL, it is hampered by the limited RWR that makes combat against anything with SARH missiles of passable quality a death sentence. Therefore, the BR should be reduced. If 11.3 is too far of a jump, then at least consider 11.7, where it finds some company with the Tornado IDS variants and the MiG-23ML family.

Furthermore, post flight model adjustment, the late model F-104s are much more limited in their performance. While the issue of the F-104 being able to pull excessive and incorrect angles of attack and excessive G-Forces has been fixed, it is clear that this was done by increasing drag on the airframe to incorrect levels. Therefore, the Starfighter is also hampered in its ability to retain energy, which it was historically quite good at doing. Being able to sustain a high-speed, high energy turn was a significant tool that the Starfighter could make use of, but right now, because of the flight model adjustments, it is very difficult to do. Turns of any kind produce a loss of speed and energy that seem excessive for the angle of attack and G-Forces being experienced.

The flight model should be revisited to ensure that its performance across all variants is a correct representation of its capabilities.

Thank you for your consideration.


12.0→11.7 kifr_c7
11.7→11.3 kifr_c2
just how IR missile with no IRCCM become so strong make s no sense high BR


ARB BR:Thailand F-16A OCU:13.7->13.3.
A jet worse than Su-34 but with higher BR is unacceptable.
Thailand F-16A OCU shall receive a thermal target pod(it has used Sniper XR ATP targeting pod in realistic) and HMD in order to keep its AR BR as 13.7.

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f-4ej_kai should have AAM-3 and 12.3→12.7

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100% agree
needs to at the very least be 9.7

sry i cannot get it,wdym

they wont care about SB

ground RB
M44 (ALL)
make KV’s great again


ever heard of decompression? F15 is still on of the best jets at top tier. if you cant see that than youre obviously a US main who cant live with their jets actually being balanced and just want to farm kills like the bot u are

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