Planes with G suit modifications should get G suits stock

Surely I don’t need to explain this one right? I don’t needa explain how not having a G suit in jet age puts you at a massive disvantage you can’t account for, right?

edit: fixed typo

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i assume you mean disadvantage, in which case you could use this reasoning for pretty much all modifications and remove this mechanic from the game

It’s especially bad for G-suits though.

Especially with non-maxed crew skill.

I’ve a F-84B spaded with an almost maxed crew. I can be flying at 900 km/H and pull up into an immelman, pitchback or wingower. The whole time I retain control, the ability to shoot. Given it’s an F-84B, it’s ill-advised but the fact that I can do it without passing it is significant.


I’m currently working on the F2H-2 in a separate crew slot that I have used less than the F-84B’s crew slot. Still it’s my second most-used crewslot so I thought it’d be okay-ish.


I’d fly at ~650 km/h with a 1.5 km altitude advantage. I’d invert and use a split-s to get on my target’s six. This is enough to start blacking my screen out. I fire my guns and as I lead my target - no extreme maneuvers, simply pitching up gently to keep guns on target and climb away - my guns stop firing and my pilot passes out. Luckily, the target died but it would have very easily been a death-sentence if I miss my first pass. With g-suit, I wouldn’t have had any issues as doing test-flight in “reference” mode allows me to do the thing I did and NOT pass out. None of the maneuvers exceeded 8G and it was enough to knock out my pilot both kills I got doing simple boom and run.

No other modification’s absence can take away your ability to control your vehicle during fairly standard, reasonable actions done at speeds they’re recommended to be done at.

Like, sure, if my tank is lacking “Parts” then I am screwed. However, I can adjust my gameplay to being in the support row and avoiding being seen and in a duel they won’t make a difference since 30 seconds is enough time for the enemy to shoot me again whether I can or cannot repair my barrel, breech tracks or engine. This is not to say that parts shouldn’t be stock - but even that does not feel as impactful as G-suit.

Same idea for performance upgrades for your plane. My F2H-2 lacks even compressor, but I can play like a vulture and third party until I got the maneuverability and acceleration to actually duel someone. However, even vulture-third partying is nearly impossible as any maneuver other than “fly in a straight line” starts to black you out with mouse aim and keyboard - your only recourse is to spam-tap “W” to try and extend your turn circle and that can waste energy and leave you exposed.

In fact, checking the replay… I saw two F-80s proceed to eat dirt diving on a plane while pulling up. Presumably they got g-locked in a stock plane.

oh mb yes I mean disadvantage, and I also fully agree that modifications are a really stupid game mechanic that should be removed. I seriously can’t think of a single justification for them in Warthunder aside from lengthening the grind (which favors Gajin and disfavors the players)

Gaijin wants you to spend Golden Eagles to purchase modifications.

If you want to get around G load you need to spend the time grinding a tree normally and leveling a crew’s G Tolerance and Stamina.

These should be the first two things you level for your plane.

I have stamina and G-tolerance both nearly maxed out, but there’s only so much you can do for high tier jets that rely on dogfighting.

Yes the modification is necessary for maximum dogfighting potential.

Similarly to how we put up with not having capable missiles unlocked it’s the price of a free to play game. Gaijin is not going to hurt their bottom line unnecessarily. Their modification system is much more fair than competitors such as World of Tanks or World of Warships. Namely once the modification is research it’s permanently installed. You don’t have “power ups” that constantly need to be replenished to maintain readiness.

There’s so many awful features they we just accept as normal that no other game world. I can’t think of a single FPS games where the players don’t pick what map they play

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