Phantom FGR.2, FG.1 are not equal to the US F4-J and F4-S

Currently, the British Phantoms do not have the same performance as the American 11.3 Phantoms. The F4-S and F4-J have the vastly superior Aim-7F which, compared to the Skyflash, pull right off the rail, and have much better range in both head-on and rear aspect shots due to it’s sustained burn. The F4-S also has leading edge slats for better instantaneous manueverability in a dogfight. Both US Phantoms also have HMS or HMD.

The British Phantoms do get some advantages over the US ones, sure, such as having a better gun, better engines, and 30 more countermeasures. However, I do not think these advantages are adequate compensation for the difference in missile technology. Furthermore, in the case of the engines I do not feel that they output a significant enough speed difference while disengaging, and any TWR advantage does not appear until late into a dogfight.

I do not think the British Phantoms deserve to be moved down, however, as that would put it at the same BR as Phantoms with worse missiles / no PD Radar and have them face 10.0s, so I propose either of the following changes:

  1. Give the FGR.2 Aim-9Ls (Which the FGR.2 had historically) and relegate the FG.1 to a lower BR with decompression. I believe this would represent adequate compensation as the American Phantoms would have better radar missiles and turn better, and the British Phantoms would be faster with a more effective IR missile.

  2. Move the American Phantoms up in BR. This would of course, entail moving many vehicles above it up as well, but with the upcoming decompression changes, I believe it presents a good opportunity to enact this.

Please feel free to share any thoughts on this or notify if I’m missing anything that needs to be considered.


A good way to make the UK Phantoms good would be buffing the SRAAM and giving it all aspect capabilities, fit it on both the Phantom FG.1 and FGR.2 and allow them to carry 4 in total.

A fully fixed and buffed SRAAM missile should be pretty decent and it would allow them to be unique.

The SRAAM missile was planned to be in use with a plethora of British aircraft and this includes their semi indigenous Phantoms.

Giving very short range missiles which is super easy to flares?

It would be worse than AIM-9Gs lmao

Giving AIM-9L for British Phantoms and Navy Phantoms are ways better tbh.

The AIM-9L is easy to flare itself and the SRAAM is currently underperforming in all sectors in-game at the moment, if they fixed it then it would be a decent missile. Shorter range than both the AIM-9L and AIM-9G but dumb stupid manoeuvrability.

The wobbling if fixed would extend the range from like 1km to 2km and if made all aspect it could be used to catch people by surprise.

The introduction of the SRAAM would also allow the aircraft to stay at 11.3 if Gaijin honestly believes that the AIM-9L would cause a BR increase.

This was advocated many times in the past year but was shut down.
It was stated that for balancing issues it would stay the same.

Additionally, some conflict would arise with its placement in the tree. would it move to the next rank as its br would be increased? would it be above or below the tornado?
Since the tornado is “supposedly” better than it in everyway, the tornado would either be moved up or nerfed to be below it.
Whatever they do will cause some conflict in a way so its easier to leave it as it is.

Overall i dont think it should go up in br, it will be out ranged in missiles, out performed by everything and it doesnt need to see more irccm missiles, not to mention its atrocious stock grind would be even worse

Dont forget its BRITISH, so the possibility of it getting some attention is almost 0 but i wont be mad if it goes up with 9L’s

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