I have no issues with the PG02 being a fast and fragile boat. After all, a boat can’t be good at everything.
I do not desire the PG-02 to become a Yamato. I wish it could do SOMETHING in a uptier and agianst its peers.
Like its bigger “cousin”, the Akebono, its armament is gutted to the point of uselessness. I have made some threads on them, and you can check them if you’re interested here.
The PG02 is only 63 tons, along with the powerful armament (only in recoil), literally throws itself when firing. It is more vulnerable than other boats to WAVES
Its handling is extremely poor and lots of maps feature rugged terrain that the PG02 get stuck on easily, something that the PG 02 have to rely on alot, especially with how easily steering is disabled by damage
Its damage is extremely gutted and only consistent burst can damage anything under 0.5km. Normal coastal boats have 2km of effective range
The DM is extremely weak and the profile is extremely high
The below video is a sample of the average engagement with the PG-02, not a single damage done to the boat while he can shatter me from 1.22km away. I don’t know why is the screen so shaky, I think it’s because the stabilized camera view isn’t refleceted in replays.
Staying still would mean that I get blasted to pieces by destroyers/enemy boats or ships with low velocity guns, so it is not an option either.
It’s because the actual real-world ROF (which you can simulate by leaving the mod ON) does not create that kind of Newtonian recoil counterimpulse.
At the real-world slow-rate for the Gatling, PG02 is a very accurate boat even moving at speed. As in real life.
But because of the fake RoF acceleration also causing the gun to buck all over the place, it’s a bit of a clown boat, like the granny with the real big gun in cartoons shooting all over the place cause she can’t control it. This is, however, just realistic Newtonian physics. The answer probably isn’t to make it more unrealistic by removing the physics.
(Also at slow rate it never jams and the ammo lasts quite a long time.)
You missed the “good old days” which actually lasted quite a while when it had a bugged damage model. You couldn’t kill the last of the crew so you just had to hope it ran out of ammo.