Petition to Add a TT variant of the “new” Netz

Ahhhh gotcha.
Technically speaking they should have marginally different flight performance, mainly due to the new Block 15 Elevators (However some variants of the next also received the Block 15 Horizontal Stabilizer meaning even further differences in flight performance). I doubt new exterior additions such as the new CM dispensers would affect drag all too much, but they’re worth noting!

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how is the spice 250 op? just a gbu 15 put in the body of a gbu39, not op compared to gbu53/b

28 GBU-39s with an IR seeker on a F-15I is way to much for the game right now…

It has TV/IR, GPS/INS, and if you really want to double down, man-in-the-loop.
(taken straight from Wikipedia, so I could be wrong)

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The premium is P2W, so I agree with adding a tech tree equivalent or modifying the existing F-16 block 10 to carry the same upgrades.

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man in the loop is optional with spice 250 , even stated with rafael

whats wrong im just bumping the thread to the top of the active threads

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I believe bumping twice isn’t allowed lol. I’ve seen people verbally warned for it, and it’s still this way last I checked.

Oh didn’t know

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All good, the more you know! (Might wanna deleted the second bump message just to be safe though, I believe the maximum penalty for a first offense can be up to a single day posting/replying ban on the forums)


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Quick little post regarding this thread:
1: I anticipate a Dev Blog announcement for this upcoming Netz is coming soon (we literally got 3 blogs in one day, I have a feeling it won’t be long), hopefully it will include more than just a single premium one in a similar fashion to what happened with the Ja37Di as a lot of you seem to want. If this doesn’t occur, please make your voices heard in said post if you desire such a vehicle!
2: The use of the word “Infamous” to describe Netz No.107 is grammatically incorrect. I should have simply used the word “Famous”. Since it’s used in a poll, no one is able to edit it out. Rip.
(Didn’t mean to tag you initially F-16D Barak sorry)

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where message go

Deleted, tried to remove the tag before you came online. Sorry lol.

Since its an israeli vehicle i doubt
not a big enough playerbase for a strong enough uproar for gaijin to care

I don’t play Israel or those BRs but you have my support.




as how we are going their move will be to not show that Netz as a devblog