Petition to Add a TT variant of the “new” Netz


It’s raining premiums in this update.




For me, Idea 3 better choice for israel tech tree

Rename F-16A Netz from researchable & premium tree, but add F-16A Netz (1981) on group before F-16A Netz

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Im all into this ideas, being the Netz 107 or an F-16B I happily would throw those 80 bucks to the holy snail. Yet, with the current state of affairs I feel scammed about the “new” Netz



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100% support this, main way I’d like to see this going through is if the current one gets a downtier + removal of Python 3, and then a new tech tree one with the additional 120 countermeasures, Python 3’s and JDAM’s as a sidegrade to the new premium I would be most happy with this solution, honestly I’m just disappointed there is nothing besides this premium for Israel overall, but this change would at least help that.


100% agree. Better option would be this “new” netz in the tree, then add an F16B as a premium for israel. PERFECT chance to do some sort of Iron Eagle tribute with an F16B premium!!! how else would i bring my dad back from being captured???

unique model not found elsewhere, whilst still being the F16 premium people desire (and, ofc being a unique model, you get more people to buy it even if they have completed the israel tree (me inc))

rn, it feels like you having a gimped Netz in the tree and selling the solution. i will not be buying it as is.


Essentially an israel green brown desert camo but american markings. The Kfic got an american camo for its preorder and this would fit SUPER well, concidering the F/A-18 is a tribute to top gun and AV-8B NA was a tribute to “true lies”

still time to change it gaijin!


I dont play israel, and likely never will, but gaijin hear this petition and give them what they want! Its perfectly balanced and should be an integral part of their tech tree!!


This should absolutely be done, and even though i already have the f16d i would honestly consider buying no.107 for the rest of the tree. right now, the way the premium is implemented is just annoying me


I have the entire tree done and I would even buy a F-16A Netz No.107 just because of its history (probably when it’s half off though haha, given that 80$ is a lot of money for something the Kfir Canard can do outstandingly).


No for two reasons:

  1. Copy paste. I despise just reskinned premiums, at least the Netz currently has a couple different systems.
  2. This is really the big one- the 12.3 F-16 was the worst balancing change in ages. Normalizing it by adding more 12.3 F-16s with even higher flight performance is just going to make it all the more difficult to get this horrid change undone

Fair enough! Thank you for your input!

Its the same fp isnt it?

Fp? Did you mean to say Fm as in Flight Model? Don’t know what “Fp” is.

at this point we should take over gaijins job when it comes to dealing withy what israel needs , since they cant do their job properly.

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havent even seen the spice bombs in the files on dev yet


So far we have the SPICE-250 (Which there’s no way that’s coming, way too strong for the game rn), and the SPICE-2000 (the first of the SPICE bombs produced, and the most tame addition).

Flight performance

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