Petition to Add a TT variant of the “new” Netz

(This post includes polls, the most important poll is at the end, Please skip to that if you wish. Important information however is detailed on this post that I highly encourage you to read)

Howdy Y’all

With the Dev Server dropping today, it was shown and announced on the display stream that the Israeli TT was only receiving a single vehicle this update. On top of that, it’s a (mostly) copy paste of an existing aircraft in the tree, dubbed the F-16A Block 10 Netz “Squadron 115”, modeled as Serial No.124 in IAF service. On top of this, it costs 80USD, meaning the only vehicle for Israel this update is locked behind a paywall.

So, I’ve come to make a proposition, or a petition if you will, to have the devs include a TT variant of this Netz for the Israeli air tree that has the same capabilities of the premium one, along with some other proposed changes to help further develop the Israeli air Tech Tree and expand its capabilities and size.

@Smin1080p_WT @Stona_WT , I apologize for any inconvenience this ping may bring, but I feel that bringing this to your immediate attention is the best way to obtain a solution to this issue, the issue in question being:
The only vehicle the entirely of the Israeli TT is receiving this update is a 80$ premium aircraft. Please forward this thread to the developers if you can/must, or anything that could help us to receive a equivalent TT variation of this aircraft. It would mean the world to me.

In Lamen’s terms, I’m asking for the JA37Di situation to be applied here.

Proposed Idea #1: Remove the Python 3 from the current Tech Tree F-16A Block 10 Netz (it never used it) and place it at 12.3 BR akin to the US F-16A Block 10.

Details and Reasoning

This variant of the Netz represents it in an earlier configuration, in which upon further research, it never used the Python 3 which it has ingame. Only later variants tested this missile, and these variants can be seen in the configuration as represented by the newly added premium Netz based on the ~1987 configuration. Simply put, the Netz could (and should) have the Python 3 removed from it and drop down to 12.3 BR. Additionally, this Netz will need to be renamed for the purpose of being more easily identifiable and understandable.

Should the Regular F-16A Block 10 Netz (1981 Config) have its Python 3 removed for historical and balancing purposes?
  • Yes (Remove Python 3 and drop down to 12.3 BR)
  • No (Nothing changes, it stays as a worse Netz variant at 12.7)
  • Not opposed to either option
0 voters

Proposed Idea #2: Convert the “New” F-16A Netz (1987) into the infamous F-16A-10 Netz №107!

Details and Reasoning

Netz №107 is an F-16A Block 10 credited with scoring 6.5 Air to Air kills over the corse of its service, this is THE most kills any F-16 has ever been attributed to ever, and such a feat warrants it a spot in the game in my opinion. Heck it even has its own wiki page lol.

Netz №107 originally featured the smaller Block 10 Elevators and 2 Countermeasure dispensers under the tail like many other Netz aircraft, but later on it was modified and received the Block 15 Elevators and 120 additional Countermeasures mounted on the fuselage (identical to the new F-16A Block 10 on the dev server, meaning this aircraft could be added through a simple reskin)

As such, I believe this late version of the aircraft (Such as Netz №107 “1987”) would make for the best addition as a premium for this tree.
(Please keep in mind, this Netz and all other 1987 variations of the Netz would receive the Python 3 ingame, unlike the current TT Netz based on its 1981 configuration which shouldn’t have such a AAM.)

Should the Infamous Netz №107 be added as the new Netz (1987) Premium?
  • Yes (It will replace the Netz “Squadron 115” and be added as the new premium instead)
  • No (We only need one new Netz, and the TT doesn’t need another)
  • Maybe as a skin? But otherwise No
0 voters

Proposed Idea #3: Place the newly modeled Netz Premium in the TT foldered behind the current Netz, to be replaced by Netz №107

Essentially, this is what the TT could look like with
my suggestions, and if they were all implemented:

Now the big question,

Should we have a JA37Di solution?

Do You Want a New TT F-16A Block 10 Netz in the 1987 configuration (the new “Squadron 115” premium) added as a researchable option for the Tech Tree?
  • Yes.
  • No.
0 voters

Thank you all for your time, it means the world to me. And to any developers listening, thank you so very much for your consideration! I hope you all have a wonderfully blessed day! Would love to hear all of your opinions!
A special thanks to all who helped me to better understand the history of the Netz in IAF service.)


I would also like to note, the new F-16A Netz is supposed to additionally have a superior RWR. I don’t have the time to gather the sources for a bug report, and I put off a lot of things to address this, as it’s the more pressing issue. If anyone would like to bug report the absence of the then newly installed AN/ALQ-178(V) Rapport RWR/DECM system, (it currently uses the same AN/ALR-56M as on the standard Netz ingame) it would be very much appreciated!!!


+1 for all, it is needed


alternitive, remove the new netz as a premium and tranfer it into the tech tree foldred under regular netz, then give israel this as a premium ~

(modified f16B with israeli avionics)


I and a friend thought about this too! Unfortunately it would require the developers to make an entirely new FM rather than doing some simple retexturing and removal/addition of weaponry. I believe gaijin don’t have enough time to make a whole new vehicle such as this before the update drops.

Would still love to see the 4X-ACE anyway :D!

Here’s an Old-Forum thread made by Technical Moderator David Bowie (I would ping him but he has messages off so maybe he doesn’t want to be disturbed) for the IAI F-16B 4X-ACE:


I think either way they should be growing/buffing the TT and not locking it behind a pay wall. +1 for everything to help Israel TT


how about as a squadron plane?, would be very cool . since its the only israeli f16 ever to have indegenous radars

No one’s saying no to it, and it’s most definitely going to come to the tree at some point! A squadron vehicle would be nice too, but I think it’d make for a great TT option! It would offer a fun and unique playstyle with its new radar.


agreed %100


its experimental , thats the problem ,its similar to how the f20 tigershark . fits more of a suadron and would be an exellent first israeli squadron.(i wouldnt want it to be an event)

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Fair enough, but it wasn’t exactly experimental, and neither was the 3rd variant of the Tigershark. Both were fully combat capable aircraft and can come to the game for that reason. Unlike the F-20A being a new aircraft overall, the F-16B was a modernization based on an existing airframe. Both were never purchased however.
For this reason I could see it being a premium or squadron vehicle however yes, but in my heart i would still love to have it as a TT vehicle :)


@BasherBenDawg8 , you have my sword, and my bow, and my axe, and my ever-growing list of wierd Israeli aircraft.
In other words, you have my full support for this move and for any other one you may execute in order to achieve a better and greater Israeli TT in WT.
Khazak Ve’Ematz!


abt your reply on mine, i already voted on this one

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You had only voted in the first one when I said that lol. But now you voted in the 3rd and more important one which was the goal of my reply ;)

+1, should have been like this from the start. I also like the idea of №107 as the premium instead of the current one.


No i want the netz to stay the same and be in 12.3

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And that’s a perfectly reasonable opinion to have, Thank you for your input!


I 100% support this


One prototype was mounted with it for ground tests but regardless, missiles are a balancing aspect so the developers can remove them for any reason


Supporting all