okay whoever works at gaijin needs to hear this, add a new netz premium variant thats not the same as the tech tree, either make it better or atleast give it HMS, the same plane as a premium with the only upgrade being flares and chaff is just stupid.
(or add the lavi or the kfir c10 late as a premium)
I mean that’s not the only upgrade. It also gets JDAMs, Block 15 Elevators, and a new RWR (missing but I’ll look into bug reporting it eventually). Sole variants also got Block 15 Horizontal Stabilizers are well, which is a variant going to suggest on the forums soon which will hopefully get us a TT variant of the 1987 Netz configuration one way or another.
No flares wouldn’t be ideal for a premium…
What would a C.10 late offer over the standard C.10? The Block 60 exists and there’s no reason to add two variants of the standard C.10 because of that.
the lavi is a prototype but it should have flares, ofc im not going to leak docs just to prove it but yeah
also at least HMD give it because python 3’s are very easy to flare
So you’re saying the only proof the Lavi ever had any sort of countermeasures it hidden within classified documents you possess? I’ve talked with multiple people who have extreme interests in Israeli military aviation history, and not one of them have ever come across any information stating such.
Furthermore, if the only information stating such is classified, gaijin can’t add it. So yes, it would come to the game without flares.
then i rather have it without any flares.
also wasn’t the Mirage 4000 a prototype aswell and it has flares?
im a bit confused but ok
It actually used and or tested/planned to use them. That a big difference when no proof exists of the Lavi ever even having such a feature planned before its program was shut down.
it had 3 prototypes, i dont think there is any way it wasnt supposed to have flares OR chaff.
in the planning yes but didnt get the chance to make one with it.
but it did plan to
No proof exists of any such planning, this isn’t what happened with other aircraft such as the Yak-141. Documented proof must exist.
yeah well, still want it in the game its supposed to be a good dogfighter if im not wrong.
Do you actually have docs that prove it has any flares?
either if yes or no i wouldnt be allowed to show i think
Is that a yes or are you just making things up
ok my heart dead for a sec there
i just want an actual good jet to be added as a premium. or i just have a skill issue, probably both tbh
No i sent this pic for you so u wont worry
oh oka :D
Glad you learnt your lesson though :)
Before you did something actually illegal
i just bored
even if i had them i wont leak why would i do that x-x