[Petition] - Replace India with a better Sub-nation

Right? And?

Sea Harrier FA2 has equal A2G weapons to the Mig-21 currently. and that can sling off 4x AMRAAM at the same time

lets see.

Different cockpit
Different RWR
Different Engine
Different Radar
Different Missiles
Different counter measures

No, no you are wrong. FA2 and FRS1 have very little in common, only really using the same airframe. Just like the Mig-21

My god. No too OP. How is anyone gunna be able to match that?

Time for Brimstones for every nation, only way they are going to get equal A2G

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This is just listing off Mig-21Bison stuff. ;)



Same 1x1inch flare system.

You can’t out-countermeasure me, I spent way too many months researching flare systems for all aircraft I could.

FA2 has 2x BOL. FRS1 doesnt…

So you agree with me then. If the FA2 is a C&P of the FRS1 despite having all those things be different. Then the Mig-21 BISON must also be a C&P of all other Mig-21s just with those thigns changed as well.

Heck the Mig-21 Bison uses the same engine and C&P Su-39 radar. its less unique than the FA2 is compared to the FRS1

No, cause I don’t see FA2 as copy-paste; it’s an entirely new 3D model BTW.
Just as the Mig-21Bison uses an entirely new 3D model.

Do you mean the South African Grippen? It’s part of ZA airforce so is it there or do you hate the idea of nations getting things they used? sorry it’s realistic. It’s why this is asking to replace the Indian sub-nations with someone else as the nation itself doesn’t fit the UK tree and would rather other nations for a “second sub-tree” than India who is only there so they can band-aid Soviet stuff into the UK tree.

Still a soviet designed aircraft, just with some bits and pieces changed. Even uses the same engine as other late Mig-21s. Then its got the Su-39 radar slapped into it. The only thing about it that looks even remotely “unique” is the RWR.

Congratulations. Still a Mig-21

and of course. The Mig-21 has a perfectly functional cockpit HUD, meanwhile the FA2 still has the Harrier Gr3 HUD. Gotta love where their priorities are at. I wonder if that will actually be fixed by the time of live or note. Though the Sea Harrier FRS1 has been waiting for the Harrier Gr3 HUD to be replaced for 18 months now. So probably not

Well, if we’re going to be reductionist.
The Mig-21 is a step from Mig-19, and Mig-19 is an afterburning step from Mig-9, which itself is a step from Me-262.
The Mig-21 exists because of the captured 262s Soviets studied.
Granted, that’s also the reason behind the engines used in G91Y and F-5.
Whoo! Vastly improved afterburning designs over the rather bad Junkers Jumo engines.
It’s also probably why Mig-19’s throttle response is utter trash.

Either way, the Mig-21Bison is a unique aircraft.
And getting mad over your alleged [emphasis on alleged at this point] favorite tech tree getting a unique premium for no reason is silly.
Mig-21Bison can’t hurt you, it’s an option.
And I’ll buy it off sale in July out of spite at this point.

I’ve dealt with people wanting Namer 30 uptiered, Leopard 2PL uptiered, Yak-141 uptiered, F-4F uptiered, and now a post wanting a unique Mig-21 removed from one of my favorite tech trees…

I just hate double standards. While enjoying the benefits of stealing other people’s vehicles, some people are gaining legitimacy for their own behaviour. Once they can’t steal something that suits their hearts, they begin to vent useless emotions there🤣👉
What is it? South Africa is reasonable in the UK, but India is unreasonable in the UK. It’s all nonsense.
Oh, while thinking about stealing Canada, Australia and other countries, refuse India. What’s the matter? Are they all former colonies still divided into high and low?


Its a russian aircraft. Thats why im pissed.

Still no Hawk, Gnat, Vulcan, TSR2.

No Premium Harrier II, Tornado, jaguar, Buc

but no its fine. we’ve got a russian aircraft. Thats not even good. The Harrier Gr7 will beat it in A2A combat most of the time.

It can actually. It will ping RWR as M29. It will look like a Mig-21. I will be Fox 2ing this the milisecond i spot it in an aircraft without a radar. Like the tornado Gr1 or Harrier Gr7. This thing is going to cost me loads in SL

Wont be on sale for at least 3 years. But sure, waste your money

and you’ve been proven wrong every single time. Heck, you were even 100% certain that the F-15C MSIP II was under no circumstances coming this update…


Hmm? That reads like you’re going to teamkill them.

edit - unless you mean SIM. The way it was worded sounded like you were going to go out of your way to tk them.

In a Tornado Gr1, with a belly full of bombs. I dont have time to hang around in sim and wait to see if the thing pinging my RWR as a Russian jet is a friendly mig-21 or a hostile mig-21. If I wait and its hostile. Im dead. So would rather pre-fire and risk a TK.

yes in Sim

Neither of us know which radar the Mig-21Bison uses.
The engine is produced by HAL in India.

9Ms and 7Ms would be 12.3, not 11.7.
R-73s are superior to 9Ls, and R-27Rs while on-par with Skyflash, R-27Ts are unique.

Glad you copy my lead and admit when posts are later incorrect like I do.
Well, I don’t care if NATO haters block me.
Just means I can refute Russian propaganda without their protest.

I see NATO hating groups are false-flagging posts again.

Did you miss “IXWA strike” where they added them? ZA as a sub-tree? It wasn’t wanted but it has been 4 years now it not changing.

Because it is. Or did you forget why and how India kicked the British out? because it wasn’t peaceful diplomacy like the domionions.

Because there is a difference between nations you are still close to and nations that hate your guts.

And they wouldn’t be stealing anything because Canadians like me thinks the UK or independent as our best options to keep our stuff together as it is.


Think the cat is truly out of the bag on Indian vehicles at this point.

Probably shouldn’t have happened like it has in the first place, but I doubt it will change at this point either.

Currently on Dev server it uses the Su-39 Kopyo radar

its called the exact same thing as the 11.0 German Mig-21 premium


So why isnt the Tornado F3 12.0? Skyflash STs are better than Aim-7Ms and the Tornado F3 with AMRAAM is 12.7. Are you saying 4x Aim-9M on the Tornado F3 is enough to make it go from 11.3 to 12.3. I thought you had played htis game before?

Probably not. But at least maybe we can get the bad Soviet C&Ps blocked and instead get the British export stuff first. Some of it is kinda cool, like the Jaguar with the Agave radar

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War Thunder can and has used incorrect radars before, such as with Sea Harrier FRS1.

And the Tornado F3 uses Skyflash and 9Ls, not 7Fs and 9Ls [which would probably make it 11.7].
And up to 1.0 BR differences occur with aircraft purely upgrading from 9L to 9M.

That one’s definitely interesting. I also agree the UK export stuff should stay.