[Petition] - Replace India with a better Sub-nation

If india and Romania follow the pattern of Norway and Denmark then these nations will end up just being glorified money grabs instead of actually being used to add to the brs with TT additions

Unfortunately, that just means we our air TT is going to end up like our Ground TT. Fighting for British stuff because we 've gotten a constant stream of Soviet stuff instead,

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nutshell: I don’t want copy paste of Russian, can I have copy paste of another? maybe USA or German

True, The likelyhood of native built stuff like the Hawk, TSR2, Vulcan, Gnat, etc that have yet to be added is now very unlikely. Still might have hope for C&P stuff from our own tree like Tornado Gr4 or Harrier GR9A, but im guessing stuff like the Typhoon is gunna be massively late

not replace, should be romove all British subtree
then suffer like German current state


We wont suffer. Tornado F3 late and Sea Harrier FA2 are gunna be hella fun. I dont even intend to touch the Gripen for a good long while and by the time I do. Im hoping we’ll have the Typhoon by then.

and besides after 9 months of Fighting F-16s and Mig-29s in the F3 at a major disadvantage, Having equal or better weapons than them is gunna make it an easy fight

Is Germany suffering? Huh?

Germany is one of the best nations in the game. Any 2 of Germany, USSR and Sweden on the other team on you already lost.

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What? There are zero Soviet copy-paste vehicles in Britain’s tech tree.
You have a unique T-90S seen no where prior.
And a unique Mig-21Bis seen no where prior.

Thus your 2nd paragraph makes no sense since neither are copy-paste, thus it wasn’t easier to add them.
The Mig-21Bison has a place in Britain, and it’s a unique premium that I know I’ll appreciate.

Australia have less than India, and so does modern Canada.

India doesn’t have enough vehicles to even form 2 ranks let alone be its own tech tree.
Britain is the best place to host its few unique vehicles.

Claims to hate copy-paste, hopes unique vehicles don’t sell… contradictions are not a great look.


“They’re identical.”


“Clearly copy-paste.”

Its a shit premium. Even if it a soviet aircraft fitted on our TT (which it doesnt) Its the weakest Rank 8 aircraft on our TT by a country mile. The only thing that its stronger than in A2A combat is the Tornado Gr1 which destroy it A2G. Its a crap premium. So bad they’ve already dropped its BR down. 2x R-73 and 2x R-27R make it the weakest aircraft at rank 8. Period.

I hope it’s a finacial flop. I really do. Then maybe we can get an actually good Premium. Like The Cheatah, Saudi Tornado, Harrier Gr5, BAE Hawk.

Look identical to me, Both T-90 hulls, just with some bit stuck on.

and how is it unique, Its a C&P mig-21 with a C&P Su-39 radar. It probably took them 5 minutes to make.


When Gaijin decide add modern vehicles, there is no such thing as a unique vehicle.
but they still …whatever

lol It’s better than the F-20, and its BR hasn’t changed at all cause it’s not even in War Thunder currently.
The Mig-21Bison is a unique aircraft, no copy-paste.

Cheetah wouldn’t be anywhere close to 11.7, and the others you listed would be strike aircraft.

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The Mig-21 had to be dropped to 11.7 because its so bad it couldnt fight the F-20, F-16 or Mig-29. Its going to get destroyed in air to air combat. It has no strengths at all.

Yes, they look very different from one another, there is absolutely no chance of confusing 1 mig-21 with the other


Nah dude, theey’re different… you just don’t see the vision

trust me bro

I know… Britain hasnt gotten a good premium strike aircraft in years. We’ve only gotten A2A stuff. Maybe something A-10, Su-25, Su-39, A-6E, WTD61 equivalent would be good instead of something thats worse than the F4J(UK) in A2A combat.

They do look different.
Wing root addition, missile additions, lack of hull countermeasures, different cockpit, new pitot tube, new vertical stabilizer, new radio equipment…

It’s painfully obvious.
And the Mig-21Bison is multirole, and will supply good CAS as well, at least as well as F-16A.

The only practical addition for game play purposes is some extra ERA in place of the Shtora. its exactly the same in every other regard. (The mine plow means nothing and adds nothing and is only there for show)

I do at least consider the 21 Bison more unique as it is actually different from the normal 21bis in that it has a new set of weapons and avionics. wont save it from being a bad premium by any means but its at least more interesting then T-90A with 3BM60 removed and a different ERA layout.

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Please explain to me how any of these matter for gameplay besides the new missiles and adjusted countermeasures

So they glued some bits onto the existing mig-21 model

they changed the missiles

They removed some bits off the hull

Meanwhile the FA2 and F3 are sitll stuck with placeholder C&P stuff, good to see where their priority lie

Looks identical

What radio? Do you mean Radar? Which is C&P directly from the SU-39, so much so it even has the Su-39s A2G radar mode?

What? It has 2x Tv guided bombs. Thats it. No Tpod, barely any CMs. The Jaguar Gr1A or Buc S2B are better at CAS. Not too mention aircraft like the Tornado Gr1, Harrier Gr7 or Gripen C. its the weakest CAS aircraft we’ve ever gotten. The only thing its stronger than is the Tornado F3 that only has a single 27mm gun.

for how long though. Thats the question. Im guessing this is just a reskin for the next soviet premium Im guessing coming next major update.