People should stop complaining about CAS

Given that people keep ignoring this suggestion (fear? no spelling errors to pounce on?) I think it might have some potential. I’ll just keep sending it downrange whenever these threads pop up:

Allow CAP (fighters/aircraft without ground attack) to arcade air-battle spawn. RB SP cost and spawn limit remains. Land at the airfield to return to your tank.
Only allow CAP arcade spawn when there’s enemy aircraft. Instead of activating/deactivating the ability (which would tip players off to the presence of enemy CAS) give a lengthy cooldown (minutes) when activated and no enemy aircraft are present.

But it also seems like people might just want to argue about it.

thats a turkey shoot i had an hour ago no CAS but i didnt have to do anything really yeah i did well but was it fun and an experience? f*** no

next game was a$$ got flanked and spawn camped (within 4:55 of game starting)

How is that not fun ? Thats the game. What would be more fun? Getting killed with no kills and out after two?

doing well like that on a map like this

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show me any other game that can offer maps and game mechanics like warthunder can

they have it monopolized

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Good and why not? Just had my game fun in a Sturmer Emil f*d by some guy in a fighter pure dog st.

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They dont because of World of Tanks but with TO GRB they certainly would. So why not go for it?

idk me and my friends thought wt would open its potential with the modern stuff then but it became wot with more features and COD gameplay

thats why we would just play big custom battles maps with the tanks we grinded for but still cant progress for anyother tanks on that mode

so close gaijin so dam close

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I think now days Gaijin are missing something big by not having TO GRB and taking on WoT head on . Is it a copy right issue? Has to be cant think of any other reason. Like you say, everybody comments on the ease and natural feel of the mechanics and the way kills are obtained.

I just feel that CAS is neither right nor wrong and we are fools to try and Pidgeon hole it as such but we are also fools to deny what a great game TO GRB can be.

To me this is just a shooter ,I came to the game thinking it was more and sadly in that respect I am disappointed. It cares not for immersion or era specifics or even any form of strategy.

The game is fine with CAS but its f****** brilliant without it that’s all I can say.

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i want CAS removed personally (if we stay with current maps and modes)

i came for the tanks loved tanks all my life period but i know its a unwinnable battle against business goals

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Good to note that any reduction of aircraft makes open topped vehicles stronger.

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I think so but I also enjoy CAS. I just think a TO mode would breathe new life into SP and glass cannons and revive them in the game generally. It would certainly be a different kind of GRB and that in itself I think would be good.

I don’t subscribe to the CAS no CAS taking of sides ,I’m on the fence and see it both ways but I think we can have it both ways that’s my point.

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I mean this is true but they eventually have to climb to use GBUs or AGMs, your radar and a little bit of map awareness is all it takes to counter people who hit the deck. I’d argue that is much dangerous when they climb into orbit since missiles become flying bricks past 5 km.

Not like you get a warning that there’s a bomb unless you’re in one of the maybe 10 vehicles in the game that get laser warning. At most you’ll hear the bomb 1-2 seconds before it hits and be able to J out and deny them the kill.

Problem with CAP is the viability of some with default belts. Hence the need to look at specific loadout costs even for CAP. But then some just don’t have options to not have AP belts as nations vary so wildly, and they do mess around with pen a fair amount over the years.

It is the right direction I feel, however. If people think CAS is easy then shooting CAS in a fighter is a lot easier (generally) and gives you the rewards SPAA should be enjoying alreadg.

Definitely need a thorough breakdown of CAS guns vs. vehicles (incl. armored, light armor, and open top) at equivalent BR for an educated opinion.

With ammo capacity, which is a big contributor to spawn-camp-rage cultivation.

Oh yeah, forgot about ammo counts varying wildly too.