Pantsir should disappear and SPAA should be reworked

Replacing the longest range SPAA with the second longest range SPAA isn’t exactly that much of a downgrade when everything else still has like 4km less range at best.

I’d much perfer Gaijin learn how to balance things, such as giving NATO nations a better SPAA than VT-1 or Roland-3, or making CAP cheaper to spawn without letting them do CAS somehow, or literally anything other than making CAS easier across the board. It should be harder across the board IMO, especially for top-tier where the CAS is 1 whole BR above the highest tier SPAAs.


Insert rant post here ☝️

The odds of actually hitting a target at 20km are pretty slim, the missile loses any manoeuvrability past 10km. And because it’s a SACLOS radar AA, you can also fly below it’s radar fairly easily.

Well if you use that AUTO leading mode on shot that far it sucks…
That guy just flew casually, and if you would use standard saclos mode you would hit him.

What do you mean by everything else?
most top tier missiles is usually 10-12km
think only italy and Israel being kinda lacking there

nvm, misunderstood

France, Sweden, China and Germany all being 12km so thats 4 nations or 5 if you replace the pantsir
USA and GB is 10km but they are capable of destroying tanks with ease
I’d say Japan, Italy and Israel are really the only ones lacking

LET us know when you get a top tier heli, and use it in a battle, since you seem to think you can just take off and go forward.

fair, I’ll try that next time. In any case it’s not a 20km automatic kill bubble like people are claiming it is

They’d complain about TOR-M1 being OP and beg for Pantsir to replace it.

How else will a plane deploy ordinance against any tank? “jUsT dOnT gO tO tHe bAtTlE aNd yOu wOnT bE hiT”

By doing a maneuver to drop the ordnance…
Simple tactics…

Doesn’t even matter, Pantsir will still hit you before you can drop. You never know when the missiles are coming, so you have to fly defensively the entire time. You may dodge one or two missiles, but you will get hit

You do know when the missiles are coming… You don’t know when there’s a lock, and that’s it.
And yeah, that’s all helicopters at top BR, you will get hit.
Pantsir’s nothing special against helicopters, NATO has had such SPAA just as long.


Idc about Helis, they’re don’t have defense against any SACLOS SPAA anyway so yeah Pantsir isn’t special

MAW as well as RWR search pings.
Granted, smart players can disable their radar and just look at your heli spawn, something I’ve done with 2S6 before.

Only plane with MAW is F-111

I guess but theres almost always a Pantsir on enemy teams, you don’t get any hint that a missile is coming

Helicopters have had MAW much longer.
Though I forget all the models.

For now

More are getting them

Why do you keep bringing up helis? I was refering too F-16 most of the time

Still likely won’t save you from a Pantsir

MAWS alone won’t save you