Pantsir-S1M, 8x8 Short Range Air Defense Missile System and SPAAG

bruh the Pantsir in game has a guaranteed range of 18km and the maps are 18km radius…lmao


Right now, however I’m sure in the future air spawns and maps will get a bit larger.

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Of course not, can’t have Russia losing anything

Untill every Nation get equivalent SPAAs such as Italy,USA…etc, then it would be a good idea, if not then naah pantsir ingame is already strong against CAS and the most powerful SPAA in the game atm, so no.

Sorry since this post isn’t exactly the most related to this one but saying you haven’t seen it already

The real deal, Pantsir-SM-TBM in the flesh

I made a sub section for it on my Pantsir-SM post

Italy and Israel as well. Neither of them have effective SPAA systems either. Its also not true that (as Kingtiez says) Japan doesn’t have equivalents, the Type 81 is capable of firing a long range radar missile. While the radar guidance unit is equipped on a different truck, each launch unit is capable of firing and guiding in the missile with the use of laser and IRST tracking completely independently. while the lack of a search radar is a draw back, most planes after burn up out of search angles within seconds of spawning anyway. And its not like Japan gets radars on their missile SPAAs anyway

I assume would be 12.3 BR and located after Pantsir-S1M at rank 8

(BREATH) no. -1

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LMAO, yeah also lets give ussr a nuclear bomb on their planes as regular payload, also t14 armata at 11.7 while your at it…
But seriously i cant wait for this to unironically get passed and added before any other nation gets a better top tier spaa


welp mods cleaned it, as expected, it was only a weird abrams rant nothing more

matters aside, propably way to early for this SPAA, other nations need to catch up a lot
russia could get the tor m1, its a slight downgrade to the pantsir and more of a flavour choice for russians to use if they would want to
and highly requested as well

Goodness, what happened here, I have so many notifications.

continuation of last friday where a guy wrote a whole paragraph complaining about abrams armor out all things with 3 snippet videos to prove his point about the abrams being op and me basicaly ripping his statement appart

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Understood, I’m not sure what the Abrams has to do with a air defence system, or did the conversation spiral into it?

nup, forum made sure to tell us it was his first message since 4 months
he had like 2 sentences talking about the pantsir and then directly went to his abrams rant for whatever reason

I’m not exactly against this being added, but Russia already has by far the single best SPAA in the game, while other nations struggle to deal with russian long range missiles like the Kh-38MT. I think this is something that could be added in the future, but i also think other nations should be caught up with better SPAA first.


LMFAO half people said no lol

I might believe this Surface-to-Air Missile battle rating would be 12.3 or 12.7

So we don’t worried 🙂

Rather have the super based tracked platform variant (Pantsir-SM-SV)

Pantsir-SM-SV trials 1


Another Pantsir-SM variant… I already have a Pantsir-SM post with the two