A gun/sam combo will be always better than missile only SPAAs. TorM1 and Flarak etc. can be easily countered by just circling close and low over the battlefield. Without guns your missiles have a super hard time to hit targets going perpendicular. Ppl know that and do this all the time when they notice RUS is not agains them.
For Ger, the only counter is to nuke your FlarakRad and to spawn the Gepard… Thats why Pantsir is op…we not even speak about the good radar detection arcs…not triggering RWR…range…and the iffy damage model of this Pantsir truck, which easily survives hits with HEAT shells.
Pantsir are 2012 SPAA system while other stuck on SPAA from 1980-1990 more than a decade older ofc if the plane are the problem all pantsir had to do it shootdown bomb and rocket coming toward them which seem Russian mains don’t know this imagine you need 2012 SPAA system to complete with other lol but god forbid AGM-88 HARM a technology from 90? lol even infant can tell you it dumb as sht all that sht Pantsir suffering it because Russian mains skills issue
Can be countered by switching off radar and just use your thermal imager to spot/lock/kill. I wouldn’t expect anti radiation missiles doing good in WT. Ppl will quickly adapt. Often they do it already to not trigger RWR and just hit unsuspecting jets.
The reason why agm-88 harms would be powerful is because they are extremely fast. You might not even notice that thing coming at you in your radar screen before its too late. And when fired from high, they often come from above of your radar search elevation. I can imagine i would be left frustrated as fuck if i had to face aircraft with those lol.
You will find it very dangerous to have your radar on when aircraft with harms are flying. You will lose your situational awaraness if you have to turn it off. I hope they add this weapon but i wonder how they will balance.
Probably not. Spawns always happen at the same spot. Just turn your imager to it, you will see the dot. If they fly above 5000m you see the contrails. So hiding high alt like in the past of WT won’t work either. At low alt you spot the dot easily in third person.
Just one thing wont work anymore: Doing anti ground gameplay in a SPAA and still controling the sky…without radar, anti-air would need full attention.
pretty much how to counter ARM this also apply in real life military combat too.
and if that plane carry ARM mean that they can’t kill anything except SPAA because ARM cannot kill tanks maybe able to defense itself from jet with AIM-9 or something depend on teamwork effectively (which nothing to worry about this game have no such thing anyway)
An F-4G Phantom II aircraft shows its undercarriage holding four different missiles: one each AGM-45, AGM-65, AGM-78, AND AGM-88. (a test loadout probably, but gets the point across)
Looks interesting, but others will be shafted. Like this specialised Tornado ECR with alot sensors and recievers for Sead duties, but everything for just this role. Not even guns. Would be utter useless in WT.
Could you respond to what I was saying? Overall even using your logic that the Pantsir is second to the TOR-M1 that doesn’t mean that the Pantsir and TOR-M1 should not be removed if Gaijin is not going to add better SPAA for NATO.
I think honestly the bigger issue with SPAA is that CAS is a thing in ground, as tbh all SPAA (outside of the Pantsir imo) are ineffective. I mean militaries and air forces around the world were scared of AA/SPAA before the 2010’s, so something’s up
i dont get anything you say the Pantsir is OP compared to other SPAAs and i dont have a single problem shooting down planes no matter what so either you dont know how to use it and others dont know but if you just use some braincells you will notice how the missile behaves and you adjust to it… and with you saying the TOR is better everybody i ask who played both says the Pantsir has a better Radar a better Missile it has Guns and it has more missiles
In order for SPAA to be OP, CAS would have to be under-powered; and CAS is over-powered.
All you need to do is search up tank only mode demands/suggestions on the forum to see people complaining about top BR CAS.
I’m a user of top BR CAS and I especially admit CAS is OP.
Pantsirs are useless against me & every other semi-skilled CAS user.
The only players that think Pantsir is OP never played the Pantsir & clearly aren’t great at CAS.
sure thats why i always shoot down every plane that spawns before it can kill me 95% of the time even those that go fast or turn away and its the only SPAA thats able to defeat TOP BR CAS and for you saying those never played the Pantsir or CAS i use both and i m currently grinding the 90M the most CAS i use is for the US but i switched it out for a Heli so i can grind Helis abit
ah okay so its only you and nobody else knows how to use CAS dude just stop lying yes there are some low skilled CAS players but most are good players and even those have a very low chance against someone who just slightly knows how the Pantsir works
Really? You think all the CCs are me as well cause they never die to Pantsirs? Or only die when they intentionally make major mistakes like going slow?
Honesty isn’t lying, stop with opposite world nonsense.
And I challenged you, you can easily verify my statements by starting a custom match and inviting me.
stop coping dude you are not like a CC and those dont die on purpose like you say and what is with you and opposite world nonsense where the hell did i say that