Pantsir ruins the game

Still not accepting my challenge cause you know I’m correct.

makes zero sense since it would not show anything if you want a real test take hundreds of players and let them do it then we can talk again more people means more data

Amount of Pantsirs can be the entire team, and all their missiles will still miss.

honestly thats delusional and no i m not attacking you but that makes zero sense just take a good Pantsir Player and a Good CAS player the answer will be the SPAA wins as he will mostly hit his target however take a bad Pantsir player and the CAS Player will win

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Missile will miss.
If you doubt me do a custom.
I’ll even launch at you with my Pantsir and you can see the issue for yourself.
Neither of our Pantsirs will hit the other doing standard non-maneuvering defensive strategy.

as i said i play it myself and against it if the Pantsir player knows what he is doing he will get you or force you to fly low and even then he might get you with his guns before you get him

Pantsirs can’t force people to fly low, only aircraft can.
Pantsirs force players to fly high to reduce the effectiveness of the missile.
It is better to be launched on at high altitude than to be near the deck as Pantsirs really can’t hit high flying fast barely defensive targets with consistency.

Not the players, the Pantsir itself can’t hit it.

and you can counter high flying planes by leading a good bit before you launch and not trust the auto lead but it takes some skill to use it at higher ranges

anyway i want every nation ingame to have SPAA on the same level wich would mean better systems for everybody just not russia as those have the Pantsir already mainly Israel and Italy need some long range SAM Otomatic at 11.3 is overtiered and useless vs TOP CAS and Israel has nothing apart of the Machbet with Stingers

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I already debated this guy and he couldn’t get past his bias and logical fallacies, he just moved onto debating others. Hes close minded dont bother too much

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Soviets would need something as well.
CAS is too OP and Pantsir can’t handle it anymore than others.
VT-1 is the only missile that allows for leading currently BTW.
Death wobble exists for it as well so it’s difficult.

How about stop insulting every open minded unbiased person?

Soviets should get the sa-8 gecko

Ignoring the fact that cas at top tier does not only consist of F-16’s, people bring in a-10’s and helicopters. You have always ignored helicopters haven’t you, because when pantsir is better at something, that situation can never happen on the battlefield…
OR any other situation


Oh, stop it.

SA-8. Only 6 missiles, since you don’t see having fewer missiles as a bad thing, it is reasonable for you to accept this vehicle as is.

12km range as other spaa, You think that is a big and good range, like other spaa’s, So you should accept it as is.

You did not see the guns as any upside on the pantsir, so those are not needed anyway, by you.

Or, maybe you want these: 9M33M3 was introduced in 1980 with the maximum range extended to 15 km (9.3 mi) and maximum altitude to 12 km (40,000 ft) as explained above. Most OSA-AKM systems also feature an IFF Antenna.

Kill probability is quoted as being 0.35–0.85 for the Osa and 0.55–0.85 for the Osa-AK and Osa-AKM (presumably depending upon target aspect, speed, maneuverability and radar cross section).
So, a highly maneuverable target at shit aspect and low radar cross section could give you 0.55 kill probability. Since the system lets you fire 2 missiles at one target, that is one guaranteed jet kill.

Do you like that? You think killing jets is the only thing spaa do? And that increased missile amount is irrelevant to effectiveness because its only potential? Good. You want this vehicle instead of the pantsir.

The sustainer motor has a 15-second burn, bringing the missile to a top speed of about Mach 2.

Unlike pantsir, the sustainer motor here clearly keeps providing you thrust, so your missile can keep maneuvering and won’t do any of that shiggy shaggy non sense. Who cares if it warns the enemies, you always want the hostiles to assume that they are fired at anyway.

Search range of up to 35km, locking radar range up to 25km. You don’t care about a good radar but hey, atleast this thing has one for free.

What do you say, do you want the sa-8 gecko/9k33 osa instead of the pantsir? Based on your arguments, this vehicle is better than the pantsir.


The weakest top CAS in War Thunder is Mig-29SMT and F-16AJ.
Mig-27K is weaker than both of those as well.

Helicopters die to ADATS as equally as Pantsir, so if anyone brings them up it’s moot.
A-10s are especially useless against all countries’ SPAA equally.

We don’t need more 12km range SPAA, we need 20km effective range SPAA such as Spyder with its 15km range system, drastically more powerful than all other SPAA in War Thunder and would finally make CAS not as OP at the least.

You completely ignored what i said other than suggested adding a specific system that would outperform every other system which from the point of balance, won’t be happening.

So, do you like the idea of sa-8 gecko or not? It would be able to kill the jets and not have all the ‘‘useless’’ things of pantsir as extra weight. I might write a suggestion for you so the sa-8 can replace the pantsir.

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Worse radar, no proxy, no LRF, rounds have MUCH worse range

Cool, Tunguska exists though.

Since the topic got necroed.

Did ITO-90M players prove you wrong?

Haven’t found any since our testing, but I also been not playing ground as much recently.
Hard to find SPAA when you only play 10 - 20 matches.

why does the pantsir have IRCCM?

Do you mean that the optical tracking is not fooled by flares?