+1 but I also wish they added the panther 88 separately. Wasn’t there a wooden model of it made? Not that gaijin would consider it because of that if Coelian is anything to go by.
Honestly they are shooting themselves in the food when they don’t allow paper vehicles because this game isn’t very realistic anyways why not just add cool vehicles…
WT is full of inconsistency and contradictions.
There’s like no clear guidelines at all, so most things are just assumed based on references with already implemented systems.
It honestly drives me crazy.
And reporting historical errors is a complete joke because Gaijin can simply ignore it, even when they acknowledged something and Devs and Mods are incredibly Biased.
From the company that brought you 360° spherical APHE fragment dispersion:
Shell shattered!
And instant classic.
But then also:
„We increased the damage cone of HEAT-FS“.
Not because it makes sense but because we can.
They also said they would make it more realistic buy making it a cone, yet I have yet to see this on Tigers, Shermans etc.
I found better words to what i meant.
It isnt a copy or so, but it was made as a reaction, to fight it.
It went to a vote and failed
I saw people say it was passed and implemented
technically gaijin did say they were going ahead and implementing it but idk if they actually did lol
Only one of the features where a leftover of the APHE shell keeps traveling forward after detonation
Oh ok. Thanks
The problem is they want “realism” but then randomly nerf or buff things for balance … why decrease realism and don’t just full on give us vehicles we want come on… almost nobody asked to remove the Tiger 2 105, flakpanther or panther 2 same with the R2Y2’s
Agreed, they weren’t bad for the game and Gaijin could added them back but say that "they were special cases from a long time " and “part of the game’s history” if anyone ever complained about them in a suggestion. We literarily have a top tier aircraft more fake than the FlakPanther and Panther 2 combined
They play “realizm” while it see it fit. We still have some things that not completed, but we have it operational in WT…
No, cause that turret was never finished nor built.
TOG 2 in our game in state “As it can be”. So i don’t think that will be too far from rules…
The Panther II never got the 88mm as the turret was never built, or produced since the project was canceled after the prototype hull was built. Since a scientist, engineer, or someone of the sort realized the use of Schützen armor. Which did the same thing. I swear, you folks every time do not understand that the components of the project need to be partially built for it to be acceptable.
The Panther II never had a turret component or a turret for that matter built.
They pick and choose the realism and its kind of hilarious like the spherical fragmentation from aphe thing or nerfing apcr/hvap into the ground.
add the real one and problem solved
yeah, we gotta see BDR G1B, SARL 42 and AMX 40 already along with japanese and german paper, les impenetrables