3,7 cm Flak 36 L/57 auf Bergepanther D

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I would like to suggest this Bergepanther D mit 3,7 cm Flak 36 L/57 or 3,7 cm Flak 43 L/57 as a sort of IFV, overall its a Bergepanther D, on which either of the guns were placed upon. (At least 2 build).
Especially when given Pzgr. L’Spur and/or H-Pzgr. L’Spur this could effectively attack aircraft and ground targets, tho be also rather vurnable as the only “turret” armor is the standart gunshield, however it still has the great mobility and armor of the Base Panther D hull. In game sort of IFV and “We got Flakpanzer 341 at home.”

The German army didnt have Bergepanzer (Recovery Tanks) as is, instead they relied more on Halftracks, going from Sd.Kfz.6 to 9, however these werent as powerfull as tanks, as such multiple were needed (especially for the later heavyer tanks) as well as sometimes the recovery was undertaken in the fighting field, where the Halftracks didnt offer any protection, as such over the years, there were some (rather low) amount of different Bergepanzer build, mostly Pz.III Hulls, but some Pz.I, IV, V and VI. However also many damaged T-34s such as this one were used in the roll, with the turret taken off, it had a relatively powerfull engine and armor protection as such was ideal for the job. Later on while there were many Panther Turrets used as emplacements, there were also a couple of hulls free, especially from damaged and repeared old Model D Panthers, these were given new equipment and reused as Bergepanther as they could effectively pull other Panthers.

While usually unarmed, the Bergepanther D Prototype was equipped with a 2 cm KwK 38 L/65 mounted on a pivot at the front hull, as well as at least 2 were equipped with a 3,7 cm Flak 36 L/57 and a 3,7 cm Flak 43 L/57.

Pictures:(Click to show)


The Gun:
3,7 cm Flak 36 L/57
-8° to +85° Elevation, 360° Traverse
Ammo amount: ~800 rounds

Ammo:(Click to show)


Pzgr. 18 L`Spur (Aphe) 0,685 kg 770/820m/s 13g Pent (22,1g) 49-54mm/10m

Note: Against Ground and Air Targets.
Bottum Fuze after 7mm active.

Pzgr. L’Spur (Naval) (Apcbc) 0,7 kg 815m/s solid 67mm/10m

M-Pzgr. 18 L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Aphe) 0,710 kg 783M/s 90g HTA (108g) 42mm/10m

Note: Mainly against Air Targets, as well as ground targets and ships. (Propably didnt go into service.)
Bottum Fuze active after 5mm
Screenshot 2024-05-03 160342

H-Pzgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Apcr) 0,405 kg 1150/1170m/s 231g core(16,1mm) 110-113mm/10m

Note: Only against Tanks, where other Ap rounds cant penetrate. The Carrier has an Incendary effect when melting upon impact.
Another version is 0,410kg heavy.
Screenshot 2024-05-03 161328


Sprgr. 18 L`Spur. (umg.) (He-T) 0,62 kg 820/845m/s 29g Pent (49,3g) 7mm/10m


Br.Sprgr. L'Spur (Hei-T) 0,644kg 820m/s 30g H.5 and Aluminium

Note: Against Air and Ground targets.

Brsprgr. vk L'Spur. (HeI-T) 0,644kg 820m/s 40g H.5 and Aluminium

Note: Against Air and Ground targets, shortened Tracer for increased He and Incendary effect.

Brsprgr. o.L'Spur (HEI) 0,62kg 820/845m/s 90g H.5 und Zink

Note: Against Air and ground targets.
(Filler of 35,5g H.5 and 54,5g Zink, calculated by Killakiwi)


M-Gr. 18 L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Fi-T) 0,55kg 914m/s 90g HTA (108g) 7mm/10m


The Vehicle: Panther D
Engine: Hl 210 P30 650 Ps
Weight: ~40 ton
Speed: 55 km/h
Crew: 5

Armour Front (Slope angle) Sides (Slope angle) Rear (Slope angle) Roof
Hull 80 mm (55°) Front glacis
60 mm (56°) Lower glacis 40 mm (40°) Top
40 + 5 mm Lower 40 mm (29-31°) 16 mm
Turret 8mm Gunshield

Munition der 3,7 cm Flak
Private Gallery
Die Panther Familie D, A, G (Horst Scheibert)
Die Panzer Instandsetzung der Wehrmacht (Lukas Frideli)


+1 Brillant


Different photo, same angle, but rear only


What an interesting creation! +1

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Wish to see this beauty be integrated to War Thunder so badly.


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Mom can I have coellian? We have coellian at home.

Would love this ersatz Coellian! +1


now THIS is the real flakpanther

This has gyat to be one of the most useless additions I’ve seen suggested yet.


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+1 Me likey

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Is there any footage of the weapon? I couldn’t find any.

I mean this would realistically be a 5.7 SPAA since it has a panther hull but it couldnt really get anyhigher since the Falkpanzer IV all have higher firepower (and the Ostwind has same firepower) but they hae PzIV hull.

This a 3,7 cm Flak 36 L/57, it has with 160 rpm a lower fire rate and less armor around the gun than the Ostwind with 3,7 cm Flak 43 L/57 and 250 rpm.

Tho this could also get the H-Pzgr. HVAP. It could still be relatively easily be killed with HE and MG fire. Maybe ~4.3 or 4.7 the gunshield is only ~10mm iirc.


so this could then be the third AA in the Wirbelwind folder? I mean the main selling point would be the panther hull but other than that…

Well, while i like the vehicle, my main intention wasnt it as a primary AA vehicle, but instead more focus on the hull, beeing a Bergepanther (recovery Panther), which maybe could get some other advantages.
And overall a bit in the direction of IFV, with H-Pzgr ~108mm pen would be usable against most tanks in some form, tho also with barely any armor.

I could also have suggested the 2 cm Flak armed one (which has a pintle on the front hull) but that would just be bad.


Interesting vehicle, not sure how good it would be in game but I want it nonetheless.


With a Full or 3/4 HVAP belt, it could act as a sorta IFV. (Remeber, its still the Flak 36 with 160 rpm, so not that fast.)
Edit: i love that i forgot about my previous comment and wrote this again.


nothing could pen the hull but 1 shot to the top of the tank with he there gose 3/5 crew so it would be really god o push with at 3.0

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I suspect modification.
2cm Flak->lowest of the 3 brs.
3.7 cm->medium br.
75mm panzer IV turret(If gaijin wants to make it rotationable up to em. ->higher br.

I’m stretching the idea a bit but honestly would be interesting, VERY UNLIKELY.

113mm point blank pen for it is a bit too op gor 4.3. provably 5.3? Since it is a bit similar to leo 40/70.

Other than that it is +1, seems fun

Well, idk, tho it had overall less armor, less speed than the leo 40, lower fire rate as well as HVAP is bad against angles.