Pansier overpeforms

thats only if you get a chance to duck down to the wrong as you spawn at high altitude and as soon you spawn you already got 2 pansier working on you. I mean come on man. be real on you comments leave all bias aside.

Stop bringing the F-16C within 13km and low altitude…
Fly above 8000 and further away.

Pantsir is so strong it shoots you down before you spawn.

Or USA should have built better planes, isn’t that always the excuse for US copers?

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Literally cannot, spawn is 22+ km from the battlefield. And Pantsirs missile looses energy very fast due to no sustainer and when maneuvering it just wont hit due to energy bleed. You only die when you spawn if you just fly straight towards battlefield.


Tried diving?

If anything, spawn in the AF and fly low, they won’t know u spawned in the air lol Ive been tricked like that before with my Type 81 C SAM. I watch the skies, then suddenly from the rear i get slapped with Mg fire lol I was probably scouted since they knew my exact location tho…RIP

what gaijin doesn’t believe anti radiation missiles can do what they were made ot do lol, just like these idiot devs some how think the abrams never upgraded its hull in over 30+ years, just like they think M829A3 can’t penetrate K-5 or relikt. gaijin is in the realm of belief.

The pansir is underperforming if you ignore it’s early model teething issues it had irl

All of which you fail to prove

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CAS players dropping guided bombs from 8km high destroying the gaming experience 🤑

CAS players when AAA shoots them down forcing them to play with ground vehicles in ground battles 🤬


That limits the range of the AGM-65 tho tbf.
High and fast is usually the best way to go.

Low and fast is better imo. Cause you can quite easily also gun down pantsir, the radar is rly crap when u fly low behind hills and trees.

What about some maps when you fly into mountain if you dive down at spawn and cant see shit cuz of clouds at spawn xD.
Like Vietnam from example od Paradesh.
While I dont think pantsir is overperforming I think that is most anoying SPAA to fight against beacuse of radar +12 missiles ready to go and guns. I would say that other SPAAs are lacking behind and that a problem. All you have to do to kill Flakbus for example is shoot 3mavs and there is no way to defend for him other then deploy smole and hope for the best.

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Bro, just spawn in the AF, we have that option…

Or just spawn tank to deal with it ;)

ummm ok lol
EDIT: Which is what I already do lol

You cant shoot down bombs with the missile

Wait is he really bringing up the abrams again on a post thats not even remotely related to the abrams again, Shartt gets worse every day it seems.

With the guns yes