Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Really good watch:

Also some frames showing the GMR I think as well, which is interesting.


How will be the aim120a and aim120b in game, burn time, thrust and impulsive dinamic? It will burn more than aim7M?

I think, they are roughly the same overall specs to the Aim-7M but of course with the active seeker head

But you’ll find the specifics over In

AIM-120A/B has a burn time of approximately ~1-2s boost and 5-6s sustainer. The thrust is approximately 5900 lbf boost and 3000 lbf sustainer (going off memory).

The AIM-120A/B has a maximum range of approximately ~74km at 10,000+ meters when launched from 0.9 mach against a 0.9 mach target. The guidance time is 80s.


So could the Tornado carry anything other than 1000lb dumb bombs or is the 12 we get the limit?

I dont think it ever took 500/540s, but we are Missing Paveway IIs? (500lb ones) and 12x BL755 Cluster bombs

Snakeye mk.82s were cleared for use. But no British small bombs, unless you count cluster munitions.


Which I do not as they’re not in the game (yet)

Just wanted to point out a typo

Right, so thats sounds the aim7M have a better engine, you can hit targets in rear aspect firing from 7 km from the target and hit.
The aim7m have more shift when burn than aim120

Maybe what will give a lot of range to this missile is the time guidance but suffering too much drag
Maybe Will be usually using fox3 with semiactive when aim120c-5 came

AIM-120 has less drag and weight than AIM-7F… Range is generally similar overall.

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I made a test firing on the mig15 in test drive fire from 7.5 km in rear aspect and hit, i made a calculus using the gzabi list with some good aproximation in final, i would like to send to you and see if is correct and do some corrections if you want of course, is based on Uniform movement with variation of space hour function with velocit variation
I can’t wait to do with aim-120

Tornado is special in that regard since it both got the stock bomb as well as the exact same as ‘upgrade’.
Honestly wish this was applied to all aircraft, with adding a (Base) or similar to the name of the stock weapons

(2x Mk 83 on the GER and IT ones, H.E. M.C. Mk.13 / wrongly named G.P. Mk.1 on the Brit one)

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I generally use custom missions and whatnot for testing, I’ve made a custom AMRAAM model as well

Rare 11.3 top game, thought id take the Gr1 out. 3 big pgms into the carrier… no kill. 2x into destroyer, no kill. 1 each into 3 convoy cargo ships, no kill. Guess they don’t work then?

Also, VR targetting pod shakes like anything (bug report already open for this).

Then out of curiosity i started looking what else exists at 10.7, 11.0, 11.3 etc. Go and have a look at the MIG23 premium or the Mirage F1C, or Kfirs etc. All aspect IRs, supersonic, decent huds, decent radars… remind me what we get again? Oh yeah, shit on.

(Having said that, I do tend to do just fine in our flying bug messes)


PGMs arent really meant for anti naval. Your best bet for sinking the carrier is to dump 12k of bombs along the deck. 1-2x 1k bombs into a destroyer and Cargo ships are wierdly tanky, but if you nail the bridge with even a 540 you’ll one shot it as that is where 100% of the crew is located.

You meaned they arent meant for naval right?

Yeah, missed the “n’t”

Is there any update on the progress of the slats change because we’re still missing nearly 2G of pull if I recall correctly. Or is it another red top all aspect situation where we’ll be waiting for a fix that never arrives?

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No news, probanly it is someewhere in the pile of shame