I’m pretty sure the missile fits, they made a shorter-finned version, the issue is the integration, its entirely software ‘limitations’ which are artificial and placed by LM. In the original agreement the UK was supposed to receive the source code and be able to domestically, modify, upgrade and employ the F-35, well LM went back on that and the US refused to share the source code.
Now it can only be upgraded in America by LM and I suspect there’s some sort of agreement with the US defence contractors to support the AIM-260 which is coincidentally slated to enter full scale production the year before current Meteor integration. Given that Meteor is designed with NATO compatibility it is entirely an artificial limitation, and if they’re back-logged then they could always hand over the bloody source code so BAE can do it themselves.
Same applies to ASRAAM which laughably has to be carried on ‘wingtip low-observability’ pylons. Its still an external pylon lol.
This whole debacle is why the UK and Japan went alone and didn’t wait for NGAD or whatever commercial 6th gen the US makes, the US is not a nice business partner, they’re just the best.
I didn’t even realise Australia had done that. I’m sure we do have some access to the source code privately but we can’t be seen to have it by doing something as blatant as integrating Meteor ourselves and then applying it to the German, Italian and other F-35 fleets.
Well, i think it will break, just like stock/ researched 9L on harrier Gr.7. If they are stock its fine but they should differ somewhat so it is easier to to diffirentiate it from the mk 13
Layout of 3 13 and 4 GP
they even have the same model unlike LDGPs
Oh. That makes sense. Still it has been nearly a year, did no one found it? --__–
But now it will be another Sh*t show with weapon sellector, as they count as 2 different bombs, while being the same
I know, but they are counted as 2 different bombs by the game, just like
So if i make a layout
it will still be this
but instead of saying this
it will be just this
untill i find the right 13s compination in layout creator. All because they are treated as 2 different things. Bad coding imo but who am i to judge?
This is how game sees them
(in 9L as an example)
The same but different entities in the library, so different string to take them out
And here are mk13 (it took me some time to find them as name does not match)
you can see the explosive type and load here
Proof that this is the bomb
Proof from the Gr7 loadout that these are the bombs
and retarder version for more proof
Yeah I believe thats a limitation on how default loadouts are handled right now. You could avoid the non twin stores and just carry 8x mk13s on the the shoulder pylons.
It’s a limitation presently, and it’s still better than no default loadouts. But I understand its somewhat janky when mixing defaults with unlocked loadouts.
(I was wrong about what GP stands for, it’s “General purpose” :P )
Yeah, though they can just be ignored once you’ve got the regular bombs unlocked. At which point you just use Mk83s or Mk13s and then no selection wierdness