Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Also has anyone been having trouble with the radar as of late? Even in clear sky it seems impossible to keep a PD lock on anyone who isn’t fully frontal aspect meanwhile a Mig 23 guides an R24R perfectly to me in rear aspect through chaff.

I was having trouble with my Skyflash not going where it should from time to time. But the Fox Hunter didn’t feel any different.

Also is there any word on the AIM-9Li. I know the de-chirped 9L has been denied (bruh why) but considering the UK used the Li in preference to the 9M its denial could leave the Tornado without an IRCCM missile option till ASRAAM.

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As the Tornado F3 did use Aim-9M (briefly) im guessing they’ll just slap Aim-9M onto future F3s. Though Li is definetly required for a lot of other european aircraft, so then it could be C&P over to the F3 I suppose, though I think 9M might be the better IR missile for the F3 as its smokeless motor would be handy.

This would imply that they’d give the UK something nice on time.

I remember the Javelin… I remember it well…



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something unspeakable for British

I am all for things like that being added but when that is labelled as your flagship supersonic…

Yeah no… sod off.

I would have taken a scimitar with its 4 aim-9’s.

Hell I’m pretty sure the lighting is actually lower than the initial BR the Javelin was added at 9.7 I think? The lighting now being at that or 9.3? I haven’t checked in a hot minute.

Edit: upon further inspection the lightning is indeed at 9.3

Not sure but the Javelin is yet to go transonic let alone supersonic. The thing rips before it does.

I suppose at least we got something but the Lightning or Supermarine Type 545 would’ve been significantly better options.

Is there an update for locked radar targets on the HUD in cockpit view?

Is there anything in the manuals for supersonic acceleration? The thing hits a brick wall at M1.1 and it’s practically impossible to push the thing past 1400km/h on the deck. Not exactly a low altitude speed demon.

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Unfortunately not much to go off really there.

I have the F.2 ODM but she had weaker engines.

Are there any 5000ft charts?

Only for subsonic acceleration IIRC

And IIRC the Mk104s made the biggest difference at high speed, so the graphs are really hard to compare.

Rather frustrating because It takes the Tornado an absurd amount of time to go from 1.1M to 1.2 at SL (talking minutes). Its probably the slowest accelerating jet to reach its low altitude top speed thanks to the 1.1M brick wall which makes no sense since drag would be coming down as it escapes the wave drag zone around 1M.

I’m gald its not just me becuase I’ve been calling it a skill issue on my end, where the skyflash just goes off on an adventure to mordor instead of hiting an easy shot.