Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

and I totally get that but right now there isnt a reason to take the brimstones over PGMs or EPW, you are much safer just tossing those out at the maximum range then trying to make brimstones work against pantsirs, that will eventually be able to see them and shoot them down anyway.

im just sick of the UK getting constantly shafted when they dont hold other nations like russia to the same standard, MMW tracker was too broken because it give the pilot a large amount of safety, anymore then what firing a KH38MT from 16km away 4 km out side of the maximum range of any spaa they will fight?

This is why I brought up removing the KH38MT from the Su34 and only allowing the KH38ML, because the MT is just as broken, since most ground players wont know its coming and wont be able to deploy smoke to block it anyway.

hell look at naval this update, naval players like myself assumed finally the UK would be getting a better ship to keep up with russia and germany and instead we got a BC that is worse then Hood and worse then Renown and Barham if you have them, I’m just tired of seeing us getting something that should be good to then have it to be just worse then what the majors got.


I think if we could get the underwing pylon racks that would be helpful for the system in general, but that’s currently up in the air

well it works, but it deviates significantly from the target point

Ironic how britain has a worse naval tree than a nation that can barely be considered to have a navey.

which their reasoning for it as far as I am aware is, it was only tested and never used in service, but thats the same for the PGMs afaik

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yep but here we are, after this patch russia will still have double our 7.0 in the tech tree

Also doesnt help the testing was done only for the mmv seeker and not the duel mode brimstone. Shouldnt matter though as it shows a capability to mount brimstones, not like the connections would have been any different.

With how many prototypes they have, im surprised we haven’t seen our Iceberg aircraft carrier.

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That reminds me I miss aircraft carriers in air RB :c

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so can we make its iog more precise?afterall it should be more advanced than agm-114k but in
the game they perform the same

Couple reports forwarded today;

Brimstone - Missing proximity fuse
Brimstone - Mass incorrect
Brimstone - Max range too short


It honestly strange that the devs haven’t even considered in adding a placeholder f&f mode because they have done it before on multiple occasions but why not now did they forget they could do that.

I am honestly hoping that the devs see all the complaints about brimstone not receiving a f&f mode not even a temporary placeholder f&f mode from spike are maverick just temporarily until the game gets to a point were it could eventually receive its irl f&f mode. Its all we are asking for like we knew it wouldn’t receive its actual irl f&f mode but we were hoping for at least a placeholder one just until the game gets to a point were it could receive it.

Could a mod are someone please ask the devs if we could test out a placeholder f&f mode from spike are maverick in the dev server just to see how it would go ??


I miss boats in general, cant get anywhere close to one in sim to torpedo them due to their aaa. Took me 20minutes of flying just to realise i was facing late ww2 ships in my sword fish with hurt playing in the background.

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Am not asking for its actual irl f&f mode which would be game breaking. Am just asking for a placeholder f&f mode from the likes of spike are maverick which wouldn’t be game breaking !!

sorry i mean the model of maverick would be much powerful than f&f

Ooh, prox fuse is deffo going to turn them into an effective a2a weapon 🤣

Is IOG disabling after laser is used once correct though?

That is what I’m wondering most. Even if the accuracy isn’t perfect when relying on IOG, if you are forced defend or are shot down when it’s in the terminal phase, that the IOG would re-enable and have a chance of still impacting the target. I was finding that even with the laser switched off with the target only 2-3km away, it would suddenly just drop like a rock out of the Sky, instead of traveling in vaguely the right direction.

Just seems like strange behavior to me

Gib Tornado GR.4 )))))
but until then, time to have fun with the Tornado F.3



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Yes its “mid course guidance” its not IOG to a specific target point. The IOG gets the missile to a target area not an impact point.

Including the nose dive into the ground it laser lock is lost during terminal phase?