Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

But no one has asked for mmv. Sorry if i sound a little upset, but i am. I havent seen a single person ask for mmv, or if they did they dont know how it works. All we want is a fnf capability simialer to the spikes, or even the mavericks. As it is in game rn its far too slow to do any meaningful strikes against spaa of the calibre of the pantsir and vt1’s.

We need change, be it an increase in acuracy of LOG or fnf capability, but no one wants mmv so why does everyone keep brining it up. Along with its self guidance, WE DO NOT WANT IT.

Its “I” as in Inertia not L.

Again what F&F capability it doesn’t have any without the MMW seeker. And adding in a IIR seeker to it makes it a total nonsense weapon.

but we didn’t get the most important fnf,because of gaijin afraid of the Brimstones’s self serch and attack function,but let it working just like Paveway IV would be fine and ok,or the Brimstones are just jokers

What i meant is, if you simply fire the missile without ever activating the laser it will land about a 100m short of the target. If you guide it in to around 4-5km away from the target it will do the same as soon as you lose lock. What i was proposing is it guides accurately to the lasers last known location, maybe limiting it to when its within 5-6km. This would allow for you to pop up, fire the brimstone, dive down, pop up again to give it the correct location of the target then pop back down again. This way we have a way of deeling with pantsirs without staying above the deck for the entire duration of the guidance, wich which looks to be around an entire minute which is just far too long.

If it had the extra launchers on the wing pylon I could see it being useful to saturate a target and guarantee a kill but even then it’s not guaranteed compared to other means

why not add it in a dumbed down state that just works like IR FnF missiles, otherwise there really isnt much of a point in bringing them unless you know the enemy has zero AA

what we want is just very correct iog once fired like Paveway IV ,current it works just like agm114k which
is widely consider as useless

The IOG on Brimstone is mid course guidance, it only gets the missile to the target area not a specific point. Because its expecting the MMW seeker or the SAL seeker to pick up the target point.

Its boiling down to asking for a fantasy weapon now.

Nonsense, its a game. I value fun gameplay over accuracy. If a weapon comes in thats far too powerful, you either have to make it fair or not add it at all. With the brimstones, what theyve done is make something that would have been broken into something thats useless. I would rather have iir guidance that wait the 2 years it would take to add spaa capable of combating mmv seekers. If their not going to fix it why add it to the game, the paveways would have been good enough and will be what i will be brining.


Just don’t use them then, move on.

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so fnf please , don’t tell me with something called balance,the su-34 now has completely break it

The problem is, i am not the only one who has a problem with it. Everyone else does as well, i know youve been looking forward to them as much as we have. But if everyone else see’s the problem, then it must be true. They are going to have minimal impact to the game while america is getting access to 20 glide bombs along with mavericks and russia is getting yet more kh38s (which blow anything the brimstones can do out of the water due to heir speed) and the new groms.

Why are you so willing to die on this hill instead of reaching a compromise?


is it to much to ask to get a weapon that is finally on par to the KH38MT? because right now it isnt on par with it, hell its worse then laser guided mavs and there is a reason no one brings them, it truly is a shame gaijin is so concerned about balance when it comes to the british but not for russia


a a fantasy weapon? funny. depriving it of its its rightful abilities for an extremely unreasonable reason ,i think this is much more fantasy

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Total bollocks.

This false equivalence is a terrible argument, no weapon has to be totally analogues to another one.

Because the option was “Mode 1” or nothing so I put the effort in and got us “Mode 1” only to watch as numerous players decided that if a weapon isn’t 1:1 with whatever weapon they feel is the strongest its totally pointless has no use and is somehow an afront to the entire nation.

Then I get the shittest takes like “why bother adding it at all”.

I advocate the for UK stuff ALL THE TIME , EVERY PATCH. Only to see it all thrown away.


There should be mods like you for every nation!


hey i just test it ,in fact it can’t work by firing without the laser,i fire it and quickly shutdown laser the missile just flying aroud randomly or deadly flying straight

Cheers :)

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You need to change the setting to disable laser before launch;

The reason we compare is because their going to be used at the same br in ground. So while we struggle to even get into our cas the russians will already have a pantsir up along with at least one su 34, whos main objective is to kill any of our spaa. Meaning, as soon as an su 24 gets up in the sky we have basically no way of getting up in our own cas to attempt cap, along with having no spaa to counter it.

We compare because thats the situation its going to be in in the next patch if we dont at least have workable brimstones to go against pantsirs. Its the flight time thats the problem, if we could fix that then it would be fine but the problem is that would be unrealistic? So, its either an unrealistic speed change, an unrealistic guidance change (IOG), or an unrealistic seeker change (iir).

We need one of these things to make brimstones worth even considering outside of sim for use against planes… I dont want brimstones to be relegated to an anti air role.

I am truly sorry, but this needs to be discussed before it comes to the game DOA, just like basically everything else british. Either too late or under performing. Or in this case simply too powerful for the game rn.

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